What you say doesn't matter as much as what you do.
Everyday is full of surprises. Today was no different.
I have always maintained "under sell and over deliver" on the services I render. Give more than what other expect and they will not only be surprised, but get to know you for it.
My Christian roots has taught me many lessons like this. It has always been the same, If I bless someone it ALWAYS has come back to me. Not only come back, but come back 10 fold.
I don't expect that kind of stuff when I am training someone, or do something they consider above and beyond.
I do what I do, because it makes ME feel good. The act! That's it...nothing more expected.
Today I was overwhelmed
I have a wonderful collection of people that are in my program. I have hand selected everyone during their tryout.
Yes, I give a three day "try out" to see if the newbie "qualifies" to train with me. Don't get me wrong. This is not me being conceded and selecting people based on what they can do for me. I base it on "Kindergarten Protocol"...Do I want to hang out with this person? Is the more important question.
If the answer is "yes" and they have the drive to be better...They're in.
If they end up being a douche bag and a royal pain in the ass...I send them packing down the road.
Today the collection presented me with a wonderful gift that I was not expecting AT ALL!!!
It's summer and the question comes up, "where are you thinking of vacationing, Coach?"
Most of the time, any beach or tropical atmosphere is my go to.
However, since my son is heading to Prep School in Canada this fall, I have tightened the strings around our expenses and prepared ourselves for making sure we had the bank for the education/hockey.
The people I train must have put their heads (and bankbooks) together and handed me a heartfelt card with all the reasons my family and I should take a vacation....AND a BOATLOAD of dinero for us to do it with.
I was speechless! I'm better at giving gifts than I am receiving them.
I graciously (as I could) accepted the gift, and then barked orders for them to get back to work! haha
Seriously love the people in my program. They are good, hard working people that I never take for granted!
I'm proud to be their Coach, friend, FAMILY member!
Thank you again, TEAM!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 30 mins
2 sets of 50 reps of the following...
Squat to parallel box
Split Squat to knee touch on a pad on the floor
Squat (again) to parallel box
Rear Stepping Lunge to knee touch on a pad on the floor
Squat w/ momentum up to calf raise to parallel box
Side Stepping Lunge
Jump Squat to parallel box and clear the ground by an inch or two
Jump Lunge
Do all 50 reps and on each leg for the first set...THEN Start at the beginning for the SECOND round (or set)
All done with body weight only.
Average time to complete the super leg portion was 65 minutes
A few finished it in 50 minutes
Bike Commute home: 36 mins. (legs are dead)