I have a LOT of time on my hands right now. Too much. My social media consists of a few friends from my past, a few "catfishes", and a bunch of Strength and Fitness minded new friends.
Reading post after post about how someone tears up their legs 'cause it's "Squatwhatevery" or went Beastmode on the bench has me laughing it up.
Seems like everyone today PR's in the gym but have not ever stepped up on the platform with the BEST average numbers I've read.
All the fitness junkies don't triathlon or marathon or even do century rides. Nope! Everyone is a Spartan or Survivor.
Every X fitter is now a Navy SEAL and hell, I even read how a walker is now an EXTREME HIKER!
Well glory to be!
I never thought I was The Hulk or Superman, I don't have a switch for Beastmode. I am a powerful human being that even though I think I've tested my maxes, I am certain I have only come close in a high percentage way.
At my age and the longevity of keeping my tachometer pinned near red line, WE DO have limits.
You can go hard...you can go long...but you can't go hard for very long.
To continue at any advanced pace you need balance. You go hard? You rest hard. You go long? you need to go short.
Everything has a yin and yang.
Great that the gals are into it too. News Flash! No matter what today's gender morphing that is happening, Women are NOT like Men! (although I think men are becoming more like women)
Ladies train hard. But intelligence is as important to you as well. Train through pregnancies, but you aren't obligated to PR a stink'n WOD every day.
Your monster quads? Not so much unless your VMO shades your knee caps so you never need any SPF on them.
A female Trapzilla? Nope!!! Nicole Mason has the best traps of any female I've seen and SHE doesn't walk around everyday flexing like she is Ronnie Coleman, like I see on S.M.
Booty shorts are a privilege NOT a right! Check that look in the mirror before exiting the locker room.
For the love of God...you don't need to record every rep of every set and post it on Social Media. I am associated with THE strongest men and women in the world and while YOU believe you are a Marvel comic hero with your mediocre weight, there are some of us actually smirking and saying things like, "awwww, ain't that cute?"
Be happy with your lifts and conditioning exercises, one day those will be the your "Previous Bests" and something you'll never achieve again.
Immortality? Nope! Hasn't been obtained yet, unless your name is Jeff Guller. But he'll even tell you to stop your delusional way.
Getting amp'd up is fine. Having a high value of self worth is fine. Announcing how bad ass you are everyday? Well, "me think the Princess protest too much".
Today's Training:
My Teams:
C/S Row: work up to a hard 10 reps and do four additional sets once found
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x35-28-18 lb Kettle Bell
Single Arm Row: 4x12
Concept II Row: 15 minutes busting butt.
Just wondering.