Rarely do I get sick suffer from a virus or die suddenly. Maybe it happens once a year if at all. Even during the pandemic, I suffered no issues.
If and when I DO feel a bit under the weather, I use the 20-minute rule of Harry checking his gauges.
I'll do 20 minutes of sub-maximal work, usually in the form of something aerobic. IF, I feel ok or better then I will continue with the plan I have for the day. However, if I feel worse or God forbid weak, I cut the session right then and there. End of story!!!
But get this!!! That 20-minute session usually comes at a time EARLIER than my weight room training. Usually on my commute (and yes, I've turned around and gone home if I didn't feel good) or before THAT on my run with my dog.
Taking an illness into a confined space is not only irresponsible because now you are messing with other people's health (You are a contagious Motherfucker), but it's also stupid because YOU ARE A CONTAGIOUS MOTHERFUCKER! (for the people in the back)
Since training is catabolic (breaking down) by nature, and you are already sub-par, working out while sick will only delay or worsen your current condition.
Your body needs REST! It needs hydration. It needs nutrients.
Feed it, wet it down (with salt in your water), and sleep. Sleep is THE BEST form of restoration. So do it!!!
Today's Training should have been:
Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Selectorize Bench: 2x5 reps super slow super set w/ 2x50 at the same weight. (Take a break between the slow and rep sets)
Cable Fly 2x5 super slow; 2x50
Tricep Pushdown: 2x5; 2x50
Ab Wheel: 4x12