When I first heard that, I thought, "Hmmm, how is that possible? Of course you can". But then it was explained to me that the river is a moving body of water headed for the sea. Once you stand in it, the water around you moves away and you are now standing in newer water for that particular brief second then off to the ocean IT goes.
How is this relevant? Simple, you can't stay still. You can't stay the same. You are either moving forward or you are going backward.
To "maintain" your strength and conditioning level is wrong. You are either getting better or you are getting worse, but you cannot stay the same since everything around you is in constant motion.
We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.
To go about your life thinking "I'll just do enough to maintain" actually means "I'm a lazy piece of pond scum that is moving in the wrong direction"
Work to improve, DAILY. Not a world record effort, but just give 5% more and see what happens.
Trust me! I'm a Doctor. (or at least I think I am one that plays on daytime TV.)
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek
Cycle: Commute
GHR: 5x10
Deadlift: Work up to a 2 rep Max
GHR: (again) 5x10
Deadlift: 4x10x; 1x25. (this will take the Rodeo out of the cowboy)
Cycle: Commute
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