You don't need to be perfect to inspire people. Let them be inspired by how you adjust, adapt and overcome your imperfections.
Today's Training:
Dynamic Effort OHP: 12x3 @s Men + 10 lbs over last week and women +5 lbs
DB Lateral Raise: 40 reps
DB Front Raise: 40 reps
Shrugs: 40 reps
Fat Grip Barbell Curl: 40 reps
Fat Grip Tricep Cable Pushdown: 40 reps
Concentration Curl: 40 reps
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 40 reps
* Pick a weight that you are challenged but can complete the 40 reps in no more than 4 sets
AirDyne: 15 minutes
Bike Commute: 22 minutes