You don't want to look back in five years and think, " I could've, would've, should've...been magnificent but I was afraid."
In five years you want to tell the story of how fear tried to cheat you out of the best things in life and you didn't let it!
Today's Training:
AirDyne Sprints:
5x 15/45 Legs Only
5x 15/45 Arms and Legs
5x 15/45 Arms Only
3 Way Shoulders: 3x20
D.E. Bench: 8x3x60%
Pin Press: 3x3 Beat Last week's numbers
Incline DB Chest Press: 4x10
C/S Row: 4x10
Cable Tricep Push down: 4x15
Shrugs: 4x15
Bike Commute: 28 mins