A lot went on this week and I have to say that it is nice to have a week like this where everything seems to go right. I plan to simply ride out this week and hope that next week isn't a shitty week to make up for it. I'm like that - something good happens and I wonder what's around the corner. I need to work on that; I understand my issues.
First, blood work came back awesome. It's weird, I stop taking gear and I have no blood issues. Problem is, I am not ever going to function on 200 test levels so, as discussed previously, I am going to find a happy medium push the 1100s as my Endo is in support of this. Yay me. I am prescribed test cypionate and dosing this first week was 125mg and 125mg but will not remain there or my levels will be too high in a very short time. I will dose 100mg and 100mg next week (spread out about 84 hours apart) and then down to 75mg and 75mg the following week and stay there until I get bloodwork done to tell me where I am.
In the meantime - while I wait for muscle to swell up again - I am still dropping weight. Even this week where I started TRT dosing, I am still down in weight. Yay me again (You can cheer along with me if you like. It feels kind of awkward being the only one cheering). I am now down to 217.5 and that is down 2.5 from last week and a total of 22.5 so far in the last ... 5 weeks I think it is? I am too lazy to check but that sounds about right.
My back has been great with absolutely no sign of any injury at this point (knock on wood). So weird that I don't even care to discuss it much. Even training legs there is nothing - no ache, no dull pain, nothing. I still am training abs prior to starting legs and it seems to be working very well.
One last thing: I got a call-back from Raquel Pennington's team yesterday and they want me to come on board to control her nutrition and making weight for her fights. In the past, making weight has taken too much of a toll on her performance and they feel she will be an even better fighter if she fights at 100%. I am very excited about this opportunity and look forward to meeting with Raquel and her team next Wednesday to put a plan in place and iron out details.
Between seeing Tim McGraw and Billy Currington in concert Thursday night with my wife and us riding our motorcycles tomorrow, I don't know if the week could get any better.