If you have read anything I've written, you probably know how proud I am to have a son that is a "Jock". He LOVES sports. Good thing for him, his mom and dad do as well.
IF you know me, you know that my son PLAYS sports as well. Although he is now involved in:
Hockey (2 separate teams, one made of "Special" players)
Box Lacrosse (as of last weekend)
Flag Football
What my wife and I did was to develop an ATHLETE first and foremost. The sports he has chosen to play are a by product and come second at this point in his young life.
I have written about my experiences as a "Coach" and what impact I might have had on players of mine over the years.
But this story is about Hunter's experiences with different coaches and how those men are influencing my son.
Being the Coach of my son can be both a good or a bad thing, since I know what both good coaching and bad coaching is.
As with my son, when he asks, "how did I do?" I will answer him, "do you want the coaches answer or your Dad's?"
If he says.."Coach" I will tell him what he did correctly, and what things need to be improved upon. When he turns into "Dad", my standard answer is..."you were awesome! Ready for the Hall of Fame!!! Let's get some ice cream."
Like that, I approach his coaches the same way. Most of them have heard of me, and I owe that to a reputation and my world wide exposure given to me from EliteFTS.
I will tell them..."This is coach to coach" or I will tell them "I'm about to become THAT parent"
All of this to tell you of what happened the other day.
My son plays Lacrosse and NOW Box Lacrosse for "Coach Elliot" When I was an athlete it always "Coach (Last Name)" but now we go by first.
I digress...The other night at the lacrosse field, I took the reins once again as the boy's conditioning coach. When Coach Elliot introduced me at the end of his practice, I thanked him..."Thanks Coach Bender" Bender is his last name. Bender is also a derogatory term used by Hockey Players. "That guy is a Bender" meaning his ankles bend inward and he's an awful skater. Well...Hunter starts LAUGHING his tiny testicles off, pointing his finger at Coach and calling him a Bender.
Coach then turns to Hunter and tells him..."Hey Selkow! I know you know what that means. Let me tell you, I've skated THREE times and each time I was the fastest guy out there on the ice". Hunter still catching his breath, opens up a belly laugh and tells his Coach..."That's because you haven't skated against me! You'd surely be SECOND fastest!!!" (I would take that bet by the way)
THAT is when Coach attacked my kid. Slamming him to the turf, and punching him, and tickling him and rough housing with him and turning into THE Coach he will always remember!
Today's Coach can't grab a face cage to get a kids attention. Today's coach, can't say the Politically incorrect phrases that we older athletes were brought up on. Today's coach will be misconstrued when another parent witnessing the "horse play" will lodge an official complaint.
I told Coach Elliot, WHEN that happens...(and it will) Don't stop stomp'n my boy and making him tougher and show him the affection that is rough house fun, because I want to walk up to that parent and tell Him/Her that it would be in their best interest to mind their own FUCKING business.
Coach Bender is changing the Lacrosse culture in my town. Coach Bender is also affirming everything I teach my son at home.
There are a few other coaches that I will mention at a later date, because I think everyone can learn something. Coaches AND Athlete.
Sports are FUN! Having fun while playing and practicing makes the game that much more enjoyable.
To be able to call upon another person in a time of need or want or even to give back...is something that I enjoy.
I love it when players of mine from 30 years ago call or write and ask me something or TELL me what is going on in their lives.
I see it developing with Hunter and Coach Elliot.
Don't take the fun away. Play rough...we're GUYS! Don't be a sissy!
Elliot Bender deserves the title: COACH
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50% + 2 chain clusters per side
Incline Isometric bench: 5x8 pinning the loaded bar against spotting pins set 3/4 the way up on the rack and holding the iso for a quick 2 count.
Half way down Push ups using three boards to set the limit: 5x20
Bradford Press: 5x10
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30