I took a line from "American Sniper" as a great answer to the question, "How do you feel today?" I often ask my participants that question and their responses vary. I then lend them the Chris Kyle's ..."DANGEROUS"
Love it! I have 75% of the folks I train respond immediately and without thinking..."DANGEROUS"!
When I was asked this morning how I was feeling???
My comeback, was immediate and without much thinking;
I am ONE training session
One nap
4 beers
and 1 orgasm from feeling AWESOME! Until then and such time, I am DEADLY AND DANGEROUS!
And so it goes!!!
Bench Press:
Work up to the weight used Dynamically or 50% of max. Then add a chain cluster per side every set until three reps can't be done.
I had 225 on the bar and three clusters for two reps.
Bradford Shoulder Press: 5x10
Just miss the head. Over and back=1 rep
Cable Fly: 3x30
Chest Supported Rear Delt Raise: 3x30
Banded Bouncing Kettle Bell Shrugs: 3x12x56 with a three bounce count
4 way Neck: 1x15x7.0
Conditioning: 17 minutes