Told you a bit back that I had to go to the kidney doc. My creatinine had been running high for a good while. My GP who had to recently get one of his taken out because of a tumor on it wasted no time referring me out. I am sure he flipped the freak out button when he saw it high and that being on his mind from experience. So this week was my follow up the kidney doc. He is a cool cat from Ireland. Somehow we end up with mostly the cool docs. My cancer doc is the only one who is quite with not much conversation(bedside manner). He is tall, very thin, pasty and from Indiana so being born in that state, we give him a pass.
Last visit to the kidney doc, we get the blood, urine and ultrasound done. He says if you hear from me before the follow up, it is not good news in a joking manner. Good news is they did not call me. The ultrasound nurse who is used to bad looking innards said my kidneys looked great. At least I know my kidneys are good looking from the outside. That or she was flirting with me some. That tends to happen alot now when I go to doctors offices. Well that is what the wife says...
The follow up visit is late in the day and I am probablly the last one for the day. His name is Niall McLaughlin. He is quite pleasant so even when you are getting the bad news , it does not sound as awful. Since I didn't hear from them I just presumed the chemo had done it damage and it had or maybe I skated again. Apparently with cisplatin, one round you okay, twice maybe some issues and the third round is the punch in the face the kidneys may or may not handle. Well no handle-ly compadres.
But to preface the bad news, he went though it all and explained it throughly. It really sounded like I was gonna make it out unscathed. All my numbers where good, no protein leakage, nothing seemingly bad. He rolled over to the table with his laptop to show me the numbers as he explained them. I was listening intently going okay, this is not so bad. He says the the words,"chronic kidney disease" and I don't think it really sunk in till he said I have in the vicinity of 44% function left about 2 minutes later. Whatttttttt.
Normally , when I get bad news like this, the ache in the pit of your gut begins, the adrenolyn cranks off. The heart beat becomes a hammer beating against a piece of metal. But the volume was way down, almost like, hey we are suppose to react here I kept hearing in my head but the needle does not flinch much so I finally ask him to repeat the chronic kidney disease part and mostly importantly the 44% part. He Does, It still sounds not so bad the way he says it. He does say you get to live which is the good part referencing the cancer being dealt with. He goes on the tell me you lose about 1% kidney function a year naturally so I get that as I reference the 1% loss a year quite frequently talking about testosterone with guys . But I am still stuck ont 44% part. I don't like flunking out on anything. 'Dem kidney sure are pretty boy, but like my strength levels now, weak as a kitten(in my eyes, pretty normal strength for a regular joe)
He goes on to explain that I could go another 30 plus years with no problems as long as I take care of myself or we could face other issues. With this we just don't know except to monitor it and keep a eye on it. Obviously my first question is can I still drink beer? He says more then me? I explain I now like 2to 3 a night. This is a new thing so it will probablly fade out anyway but he says 2 is cool 3 might be alittle much. Three it is! I did tell him I take off a couple days a week. I guess you can call it a beer deload.
We have so much going on, I still don't think I have processed it. That or it really is not phasing me. The Buddha says, "Where there is a birth , there is a death and I am no exception." Maybe this rings in my ears or maybe it is beyond my control except in just taking care of myself as much as possible. I certainly don't feel sorry for myself nor do I except anyone else too. if the current reality changes then it is something to deal with then. But for now, I am happy to be alive and enjoying the gift of life daily. Breathe deep and take it it. Nothing is as it seems....
Lots of activations and some BT work on the gut and pec/bicycle/tricycle areas
Reverse Hypers 4x12
Body masters squat using the sand dune. This is way tougher then I thought. Worked up to 5x3 reps
Two laps prowler. Two laps walk, Breathing work
One lap lunge 8:39mins. Told the wife I did the lap in under 10 mins last time and she did not believe me and I didn't time it so timed this one. It is early in the day and I am paying for that...
Prowler 1 lap nonstop, had to take a break to talk with a dude , then did another one nonstop. This was a unexpected first for me. Alittle Fay Boy Slim and working the breathing seemed to align the stars today.
Brisk walk 2 laps with David Weck's pulsars working on getting the hang of them. He was a presenter at Don's first body tempering certification. I had been following him for a bit and his ideas for running have intrigued to the point of getting them. So now, like anything new I encounter that I feel has a positive benefit, I have to flush it out. Not interested in much running for myself but definately other training applications.
MAG close grip pulldowns 12x10
Sand dune pushups 12x10, Then did some plyo push ups off knees 5x10
Two laps prowler followed by 2 laps brisk walk. Two more laps after meal
Breathing work 4 rounds
Two laps prowler with two laps brisk walk
Breathing work 4 rounds
Reverse hypers 4x12
Work 1 lap prowler, 1 lap lunge, 1 walk, 1 lap prowler , 1 lap walk
Breathing work
Activations and BT work on the pecs/bis/tris
Planks and Bird Dogs
Lat saw pulldowns 20xreps
Neutral grip/lat bar 10x8
Rhino bar press 10x10, 6x8,3x3, 1x8, drop set 1x15
1 lap prowler with 45lbs, 2 laps brisk walkx2
4 rounds of wim hoff breathing
1 lap prowler , 2 laps brisk walkx2 rounds
4 rounds Wim Hoff breathing and 2 energy breathing rounds