It's the same. Every day starts out similarly. My eyes open at 0300 and I will immediately pop out of bed. A delay would be a catastrophe. I'm quite sure I could sleep through my morning nap.
But I have places to go, and people to improve.
I often think to that Nike commercial that plays the AC/DC song, "Rock and Roll ain't Noise Pollution", If you haven't seen it...YouTube it. The music plays as the lights come on in gyms, pools, and stadiums across the nation in the early hours of the day. Yea, my day starts like that and I'm happy to be a part of it.
I find those that train at that time tend to be a bit more disciplined. They have a need to train AND places to be. Yup, the workers.
My crew is no different.
Fun folk that late risers HATE.
Competitive people that have warped senses of humor.
We innocently started doing Good Mornings today. With just a Mastodon Bar that was suspended we worked our way up to a five rep max.
Not one of these guys (five of us) wanted to be the first guy out. So each strained against a bigger weight than previously held on their back completing the five reps.
When the weight was heavy enough and we started to reach the point of bifurcation for a couple, the flood gates of testosterone and desire opened further.
Since I was the lead off today, I was setting the pace. Every time I did a weight for five reps, each of my training partners would dig down and find a way to shove it in my face that they were going to take this old man DOWN.
I love it!
When the last person completed the weight, I would call for another weight and we continue.
Now I am sure this type of Max Effort Day goes on across the country. However, as is the case with me, I HOPE that my charges kick my ass. It means they are improving and my coaching skills get better.
Yes, I am still an athlete, but I am their coach FIRST!
When Tony came up red faced, and watery eyed and said "wow, that was tough" I said..."Slap another PLATE on, I'm going up and I'm going to DO the entire five reps", he looked at me and gave me the wry smile one gives knowingly that says..."yea, right! THAT ain't going to happen".
Well happen IT DID!
Tony began his set up, and I knew he was going to beat me or die trying.
My competitive side said..."Here goes the disc at the fifth lumbar. " But the coach side said..."Stop, you're not going to get it without cheating and hurting yourself". So I stopped him.
Good thing! We had GHR's to do. 2 sets of 8 as a warm up, then a giant set of 40 reps.
The Combat Chassis needed work and we have been stimulating the abs quite aggressively this week. Pulldown Abs, and Suspended Knees to Elbow for 4 sets of 12 reps were in order.
Finally, 120 reps of the 45 degree back extension sufficiently smoked the erectors quite nicely.
I was DONE! Done done.
I am now in need of massive amounts of water, food, and a nap.
Thanks for playing boys. Good time.