A few days ago T-nation posted a meme with a quote of mine that said...


If you're capable of sending a text message between sets,you probably aren't working working hard enough.




The comments associated with  this are amazing to me.  There are some people who are REALLY upset about this.


If you want to text then fucking text but from my experience if I am really busting my ass, even with rest between sets, there is no way in hell I am going to text between sets.

If it's arm day - fuck yes, I will text all day just ask Casey Williams, Steve Pulcinella or Mike Szudarek.  They have all been on the receiving end of my "I hate arm day - and arm days are stupid" text blizzards several times.
If it is a real training session (see what I just did there) I am not texting anyone.  I should note I hate texting to begin with. Anything I can't mark as unread after reading it I can't stand because I hate knowing if I don't reply right away I will totally forget about it.


Maybe you can work hard and text. Maybe you can work hard and build a tower out of benches, plyo-boxes, and board press boards to hold your selfie stick tripod but I can't .


Between sets I want to either lean on something or sit down and not think about anything except the next set.  I used to think about this as being serious or training hardcore or whatever you want to define it as but the reality of it is this.

I have to think all day for work.

I have to fill many roles in my life.

I have shit I have to get done that I want to do.

I have shit I have to get done that I don't want to do.

I have to juggle several projects at a time.

I am a business owner and have to deal with the stress that comes with that.

I am a father and husband.

For those couple hours in the gym...



If I do not disconnect my ability to be the best I can at my other roles slips. My work and family is too important to me to let slip.  This isn't saying I still won't make mistakes and say things I shouldn't. I will still get mad at my kids and argue with my wife. I will make mistakes at work and I will do things I will regret BUT these happen way less if I am able to disconnect and free my mind while I train. I have tried the other way and not only does my training suck but so does my work and family life.

I understand the importance of not totally disconnecting. I have been on the receiving end of a phone call ,from a loved one, that had I not answered and called 911 that person would have died.  Because of this my phone is always with me.


It is always charged and I never lose it.

When I am in the gym it stays on the table face down and I use it to run music to the stereo. If it rings or texts I hear in through the speakers. These are ignored unless it is a specific ring tone that belongs to my family. If that goes off I will answer it... after my set.  They know not to call unless it is really important so this rarely happens.
So, yes I see the point of needing to stay connected because life or death situations can happen - but texting just to text could be hurting you ability to think critically, have random ideas pop up in your head and free yourself to decompress and recharge. I have had a lot of shit happen in business, good and really bad. I can't think of one that could not have waited until my training was over.

Unless, it's arm day. Then text as many stupid pictures as you can to people.

The take away is - while you think it is important to stay available and connected because you have a business, or whatever the reason. You may in fact be making it worse.
I suggest using a ring tone for those who matter the most and applying it to them and ignore all the rest while you train.

Give it a try for a few weeks and I think you will be surprised.
