Unless you can be relatable, there is very little you can do to spread information.
I often read things that are so far advanced that they don't make sense to the normal person who wants to "Just look good naked".
I have to say, about 90% of the people that I've trained don't give two hoots about mitigation of the dorsi flex/plantar flex and lateral musculature of the upper triphosis that is necessary to perform the a more vertical extension when the triple extension isn't the goal but flexion of the hips in a oxygen deprived environment under cold and moist conditions are, and how this relates to brown fast twitch glycolitic muscle fibers when taking creatin for 6, 8,10 and 12 weeks studies.
90% want to look good naked!
While this information might be important (to whom? I dunno) it is jargon that means NOTHING to the gym goer.
I'm all for the science. Some of us really need to know this stuff and HOW it can better our charges to THEIR goals, and IF this makes them look good naked, then just apply it and save the intellectual conversation for a Gym Nerd Holiday party.
In case you were wondering about the other 10%, they don't care either. Those are the high level athletes everyone WANTS to train (but end up being more of a pain) and they just want to lift more, jump higher, or run faster and play another season. They don't care about the science! Just get them the contract extensions and allow them to have a Hall of Fame season.
Not sure why, but today seemed almost impossible for me to bench. I never got my pecs warmed up enough to rip into even a light weight Dynamic Bench.
I've strained those Gladiators a few times and it seemed as if I let it go full ON, they wouldn't be too cooperative.
I was hydrated and rested, but something was off. So instead of the 8 sets of 5 reps at 50% I did a smooth and very deliberate 5 sets of 5 reps, then shut it down.
I tried to actively STRETCH and pump them with four sets of 25 cable crossovers but that too seemed to be borderline.
I was MIFFED to say the least until I went back to see what we did on Tuesday, which was way more than I thought when I did the TOTALS for the 3 rep Suspended Floor Press which was when all said and done 405, with a smidgen more with the little bullshit plates we used but didn't count.
So I'm less unhappy than I need to be!!!
C/S Row:
2 sets of 8 x 45
Tricep Cable Pushdown: 4x25x110 for the pump
Lateral Raise with a swing technique (aka cheating): 3x30 *yes thirty reps x 50 lbs dumb bells
Shrugs: 4x10x455
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