The gym was hopping today. I've always enjoyed the Holiday "Slow Down" as I always seem to get rocking!
I am sure that most gyms look forward to the January Rush after the massive slow down this time of year.
Over time I have realized that the January 1st rush is a time consumer. Yep, the first few weeks are the most important to any of the new people coming in. I invest a lot of teaching time and I surely don't want them to stop after I had,
That's why I do NOT take anyone new in January.
If that person is serious, I put them on the wait list. When I open it up in March (the second week) I know they are ready and willing to learn and will make the long term commitment to the program as I do with them.
It's all about the posture!
Once in, you are in for LIFE!
I've had people get back with me after long hiatus' for what ever reasons. I have people who still write me for advice from 4 decades ago.
But I will NOT invest one stink'n minute on a person who has no interest other than their "guilt" for starting on January 1st.
Give me your honest discipline!!!
Cable Fly
Incline DB Bench
Dynamic Effort Bench
Skull Crusher
Single Arm Cross Chest Tricep Ext w/ DB
Single Arm Mini Band Tricep Ext
Ab Wheel
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