Three sets in you thought you weren't going to make it.
Six sets you thought it was impossible.
Nine sets and you thought you were dead
Twelve sets in you knew you were dead
Eighteen sets in you thought you might need medical attention for the bleeding hands.
At the twentieth set, you became too tough to kill!
Always in the fight!
Today's Training:
Run: Nope...the dog got up earlier than I did, so we did a five mile walk.
Tier I
Dead Lift: 20x1x325
45 degree back extension: 3x10
4 way neck: 1x25
Bike Commute: 22 mins.
Tier II
Dead Lift: 20x1x 135 or 185 or 225 depending...
45 degree back extension: 3x10
yes..they are similar! On purpose
Lunch Crunch Bunch:
20x20 yards @90% after warming up with a 1/2 mile jog