“Hey Tate, your mom called and said she’s running late.”
I started to see how this season was going to be the same as all the last. Two hours of getting my butt kicked on the mat always ended with me staring up at the gym ceiling with that familiar sound of a hand smacking the mat.
This was the first day of conditioning, so I decided to run the stairs instead of sitting and waiting until my mom arrived, as I had done every practice before. To this day, I can’t say why I decided to run instead of sit.
Light turned to dawn as the coach headed toward the door on his way home for the night. He stopped and asked, “What are you doing Tate?”
I replied, “I’m sick of always losing.”
Without changing tone, he said, “If you keep working harder than everyone else, Tate, you will never lose again.”
When he said this, my legs, knees and feet hurt. After he walked out the door, nothing hurt. I picked up the pace, and dawn turned to night. I can’t tell you how many circles I ran, but I can say that I left my mom waiting much longer than she expected.
Every practice after that, I ran at least 50 rounds. I trained every day. I ran the halls during every study hall. I did 100 drop steps every morning and 100 more before bedtime.
I didn’t lose a match that entire season!
One statement to me at the right moment changed the entire trajectory of my life.
I will never be a loser! I have failed and will fail again and I’ve been defeated at times, but I’ll never lose!
We all have heard stories like this or have our own to share. Maybe you have been that person, or maybe you will be that person today. You may not think you are in a position to be that impactful. As I’ve gone back to thank those who’ve impacted me, not one of them had a clue. I’m sure they didn’t feel they were in a position to be impactful, but the thing is...
We all are.
You are!
One simple statement can change the world for someone.
Things like this are not measured by pride, PRs, points, wins, greed, bank accounts, cars, or envy. They are measured by empathy, will, prudence, courage, faith, hope and charity.
This is part of what makes us all human.