The difference between a cookie cutter program and mine, is that I pay attention to each and every person in it. I take the time to listen to EVERYTHING. From when they are feeling like world conquerers to the times of frustration and depression and needing a life lift or boost.
I've said countless times to people that have been with me forever and a day, that they need to listen to their bodies at least 1/2 as much as I do.
When a person gets out of bed and is DAMAGED from the prior days of training and they WON'T take a day off for FEAR that they will come completely unglued and lose ALL of their gains and they TELL me, I cut workouts in half, lessen weight, do mobility work, whatever, JUST to make them feel good (or at least alright). Rarely do I kick them out of the gym with my infamous finger point toward the door and the two word sentence I'm notorious for..."Go Home!"
No matter what I say, and the fact that I've personally have had longevity in the Iron game, some will STILL argue with me about taking it easy. God forbid a person relaxes! God forbid they might be looked upon while in the gym as anything (in their own mind) less.
Rarely, do I judge. We all have had those days. As long as those days don't come with too many reps, then a person will be OK.
But for the love of all things healthy and fit, I DO know what I'm talking about when I tell a person NO, take it easy. Back off the throttle.
Arguing with me is futile.
When the tach is redlined and there is no break in site, the body will refuse to perform. Injury WILL occur. When THAT happens and you are FORCED to take time off, then it becomes an unbearable stress. Because NOW, it's no longer on YOUR terms.
I remember Vinny telling people he was coaching the bench, "HEY! I bench 900 lbs. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO IMPRESS ME!"
This is so true. I'm telling you this...HEY, you trying to tough it out, won't impress me. I've been to HELL and back. I kicked Satan's ASS and took his desert too.
YOU Won't impress me.
Today's training.
Decline C/S Row using the "American Bar" on the widest vertical handles: 4x8x185
Lat Pull Downs: 4x12x130
Rear Delt Destroyers: 1x60-40-20 x 35-28-18
DB Pull over: 4x12x25 for the stretch
Dips: 200 reps in as few sets as possible.
Three Angle seated Curls: 3x10x20 this is a total of 30 reps per set
Rope Over head extension superset with Rev Grip Zig Zag Bar Push downs: 3x15x100
Shrugs: 4x12x315
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