There was a pedestrian who was walking by a fellow's house, when he heard a dog howling on the front porch.
The passerby looked over the railing to see a Hound Dog bellowing out the howls. "aaaooooooo, aooooooooo"
The man asked the dog's owner, "why is your dog howling so?"
To which the man answered, "He's howling 'cause he's lay'n on a nail." The passerby confused, then asked, "why doesn't your dog move off the nail?"
To which he was answered, "suppose it doesn't hurt him bad enough".
As simple as that sounds it IS what motivates most. Either you move TOWARDS a goal or AWAY from some type of pain. It might be a negative experience in a person's life, illness, even the thought of death and one's mortality. But no one MOTIVATES another. It's an internal thing.
NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING will change, unless the Goal is bigger than any of the excuses a person has, or the pain of NOT having exceeds the tolerance of the status quo.
I hope everyone has a safe New Year's Eve and start 2016 with the passion and a fire that continues to burn through the year. But PLEASE don't say you will achieve any sort of advances in your lives unless you are willing to accept the parameters that are necessary to achieve them.
What is it? Is it Pleasure of achieving or the PAIN of NOT?
You decide, but don't lie to yourself
After a little volley of the goals for my groups, I collaborated a bit with a friend that I met on Social Media and Pat Crowley and I have decided to keep track of the following:
Prowler Push Total Yards=10,000
Push Ups= 10,000
Dips= 10,000
Pull Ups= 5000
Take a photo tonight, and start tracking the cumulative numbers as we progress. I'm predicting that we should be there about the latter part of this summer. THEN, take another photo once we hit those numbers.
Share them with me if you're comfortable with it. I'll be updating daily through here.
Suspended Good Mornings:
Work up to a heavy 5 reps in small increments.
GHR: 2x10;1x30
10" Box Squat: 8x8x135