Rare is the person who actually does what they say they are going to do.
I've made it a habit to be a person who actually does what I tell you I'm going to do even if it is at a cost of money or time to myself.
I will tell a person that they can count on "Death, Taxes, and my Word". I call it "Integrity".
But RARE is the person who does this.
For the most part, 80% will do only what comes to a benefit to themselves. They may TELL you that they will do something, but the actual follow-through is non-existent, ESPECIALLY, if it costs that person time or money, OR...is of no benefit/recognition to them.
For this reason, I watch exactly what a person does rather than the lip service they give.
Thank goodness for the 20% that actually have that integrity that keeps me believing in the good parts of humanity.
I typically surround myself with this group that I actually call "friends".
I keep the others, but they fall under the heading, "Acquaintances"
I observe them but rarely believe them.
If you are the latter type, perhaps the new year can change you. If you are a person of integrity and your actions match your verbiage, then I salute you.
Do what you say, and make it so people KNOW without a doubt that your actions will match the promises!
Quit BULLSHITTING others AND yourself!
Today's Training:
Recovery Walk: 3 miles
I throw an easy walk one time per week, to get the blood flowing, It has minimal impact on the joints, improves the range of motion, and I generally get to enjoy nature as I do this outdoors with no one around at 3:00 AM with my dog.
GHR: 4x10
Good Morning: 4x10
GHR: 4x10 (again)
RDL: 4x12
Stretch/Foam Roll