I was listening to the Clay Travis' "Out Kick The Coverage" syndicated sports talk show this morning. They were discussing the gal who for two years Interned at ESPN and didn't get a full time job, so she sued them for Sexual Harassment. Seems some fella was looking at her for more than 30 seconds while she had her shoes off in the office.
Clay made the BEST observations and full of common sense.
Granted we fellas should be polite about our actions, but there is no way in hell I'm turning away from an attractive person after a 30 second look. Not happening!
Clay Travis said..."If you are listening to this show right now, or you are just waking up on the West Coast, you are doing so because YOUR Father looked at YOUR Mother for more than thirty seconds". He's absolutely 100% correct!
How many "office romances" that have turned into matrimony have occurred over the past century? Why? All because we men, look at someone we find attractive and say to ourselves, "hmmm, they look good in clothes. I wonder what they look like out of them?"
It isn't a cultural thing! It's biological! In order to continue the species, we MUST find someone we are attracted to and pursue them with (as I like to say) Reckless abandon and feverish perversion. (Give or take your fetishes)
When I met my now wife, I used this line on her..."You know, you and I have a LOT in common." She asked, "Like what?" I continued, "well for starters I happen to like good looking women and you happen to be a good looking woman" She responded with "...and how does that line work for ya?" I then answered, "I'm not certain, but I'll let you know tomorrow." After 17 anniversaries I still use that line.
It STILL works.
But...had I not been so bold as to pursue this woman to whom I was attracted, we would not have had a wonderful future Hockey Hall of Fame resident.
The roles were reversed this past Saturday as April and I were at CostCo. A women who was NOT my type at all came up to me and said, "excuse me, please don't take this the wrong way....(which I told her I did, as a joke) but you have THE most wonderful looking legs I've ever seen". I smiled at her, April smiled at her, and I responded with, "thank you" That was it! Not a big deal. She made me feel good, I appreciated it, and we moved on!
I think we have gotten TOO sensitive.
I'm glad I'm a Neanderthal and I am CERTAIN that every red blooded male who sports a pair feels the same way.
Ladies, continue being our favorite sex!
Oh...that brings up another ball of wax. What if you are gender neutral? What if a guy stares at another fella, or a women stares too long at another women...30 seconds...Is THAT sexual harassment?
Naaaa...go ahead and look!
Pop Your Heart Wed.
10 minutes steady
10x20 seconds full out/40 sec recovery
Concept II Row:
10 minutes steady state
10x20 seconds full out/ 40 second recovery stroke
Run I: 10 x 10 yards @50%
Run II: 3x200 yards @75% relaxed stride.