Interesting experiment I did yesterday. Because I'm tired of all the Political correctness that is going on, and how much we have dumb down our commitment to being as Tough as John Wayne, I posted a "No Holds Bar" "Come at Me" , "Don't worry about my feelings cause you can't hurt them" "Politically Incorrect" post asking for what ever was on a person's mind.
SUCCESS! The thing took off and had it's own life with me poking the embers only a few times. It actually was a LOT of fun and I had many "Personal Messages" asking me if it were in fact OK to rip it up. My answer was YES! I wasn't going to try to change anyone's political view, or sexist comments wouldn't be eliminated, nor was I going to detour anything racist either. NOPE! This was get it off your chest and let me have it.
Time after time, a slur would come and then my PM would light up with the author checking if it was cool? Yes, yes indeed it was.
Maybe it's my generation that grew up in a time when it took more to get under someone's skin. Maybe it's because our parents allowed us to scrape our knees and mix it up with the kid down the road if he got into your wheel house. Maybe our parents were too busy to fight all of our battles for us, versus today's over protective parent.
Granted, we don't want to see our children hurt nor do we want them to be exposed to pain, because really...what kind of parent would that make US? But here's the irony to it, if we allow them to "toughen up" by feeling the battles, then do we allow them to be scarred much worse than a physical blemish later on?
Obviously the answer to that is YES!
I have never witnessed a weaker group of people than I have with the under 30 crowd. Sure, they are something else when it comes to being physical, but turning them into Jell-o is nothing more than an insult away.
My recommendation is, "Kids (and that is anyone LIVING) don't take yourself or the things around you so seriously. Learn to laugh a bit more, your sense of humor sucks. Allow the other guy some leeway for his thoughts and beliefs too. Not every conversation is a 'Persuasive Exercise in Dialog'. "
Maybe we can have two different views on a subject and instead of defending yours to the death, you might be able to take a bit from Column A, A little from Column B, mix in some Column C and have a much BETTER solution to your lives.
Bamboo Bar Bench: 10x5xTWO bouncing 36 lb kettle bells
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x145+ Double mini bands
Incline DB Chest Press: 10x5x45
Incline Bench Overhead Tricep Extensions w/ cables: 5x10x120
Dips: 100 in a row
Pull up totals=1529
Push Up totals=1861
Prowler: 2320 yards