I barked at my groups the other day and it rings true for many. "Summer is here and you're not in the shape you thought you'd be.
You have 168 hours in a week and I see you for FIVE of them.
163 hours. 8-12 (or more in most cases) of work per week, subtract another 60 hours.
That's 103 left.
Sleep for 6-7 hours (you should be getting more) that's 49 more to subtract which is now, 54 hours.
FIFTY-FOUR motherfuck'n hours for you to FUCK everything up. 54 non-disciplined hours in which you're feeding and drinking frenzies have caused you to be way behind in the progress. 54 hours of you justifying "It's ok because it's my birthday". "It's ok because I don't do it all of the time." (yea, bullshit you don't.). "It's ok, I'll make up for it on (pick a date, day, time)"
No, you won't, you haven't so why are you going to start believing your lie now?
You have no one to blame but yourself.
That doesn't mean you can't start NOW to be in shape by the holidays. (add sarcasm)
YOU can still make changes in yourself IF you begin NOW!
Stop taking advice from the "gurus". (They're still fat and de-conditioned)
Find someone with the "Fruit on the Tree", get into their hip pocket, and DISCIPLINE yourself!
Rule #67 is in full effect! No complaining! NOW is the time to make the change.
"If you want to make changes in your life, you have to change your life".
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Warm-up: Slow Paced Strides: 10x30 yds with increasing speeds per rep
Skips: 10x20 yds
Side Shuffle: 5 to each side x 10 yds
Sprint: 10x50 yds @75%