Dom Mazzetti Shares Definitive Bro Science Back Exercise Guide
You don't have to be better than everyone else; you just have to convince them you are.
PrecisionNutrition: How to Fix a Broken Diet Infographic
You may be considering only one or two of these strategies when approaching or analyzing your diet. Try all three.
2 Marines, Six Seconds
Five years ago, two Marines from two different walks of life who had literally just met were told to stand guard in front of their outpost's entry control point.
Over-Analysis and Training Effort
There's an overestimation that a wildly "smart" program will deliver some unprecedented form of results.
The Powerlifting Experience II: By the Numbers
Seven reasons to sign up for the Powerlifting Experience including a 2:1 athlete to coach ratio and 3 new coaches added
Incorporate HIIT into Your Weekly Routine: Cardio that Increases Strength
Dr. Len Kravitz shows how HIIT workouts add intensity to your basic cardio training. These workouts provide numerous health benefits and will improve your overall fitness.
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Then along comes the Internet. Access to bodybuilding drugs goes sky high. Click of a button and people are ordering up.
The Psycholology of Rehab
“The psychological side of rehabilitation is still scientifically observable,” explains Weingroff. “Spiked levels of dopamine and certain neurotransmissions can be monitored. Maintaining hormonal and neurotransmitter levels associated with positive mind-sets and positive rehabilitation is what we strive for.”
Legacies Alive: Swim for Their Sacrifice
On this memorial day, while most are sharing memes on social media, Legacies Alive will be undergoing their second Legacy challenge. Their first, Mike's Hiking for Heroes, warranted co-founder Mike Viti to walk 7100kg for the 7100 men and women who lost their lives on the Global War on Terror. I wrote about the event […]
Health and Longevity: 4 Indicators to a Powerful and Bigger You
Too many bodybuilders are dying prematurely. Dante Trudel is sick of it.
Physical Therapy is Boring
You’ve just been injured, and you’re on the way home from an hour of physical therapy. The last thing you want to do on your own is confusing exercises that take too long to show results.
10 Tips for Assistant Coaches
“Think like a head coach, but act like an assistant coach” – Tommy Amaker Head Coach of Harvard University.
Travel Baseball
Who really is invested in elite youth sports teams? Is it the kids or their parents? - Tim Keown
StrengthPortal Interviews Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes
Starting out as a personal trainer? Considering moving these efforts online? This interview will help guide your efforts.
Ed Jaskulski Awarded Regional T&F Coach of the Year
Ed Jaskulski (pictured in center) earned several coaches awards thanks in large part to the efforts of Golden Eagles pictured clockwise from top left: Cameron Shaughnessy, Dorian Hayden, Darius Favors, Antoine Keels, Marcy Merritt, Whitman Oehler-Marx, Zachary Brown and Samuel Taft. Photo Brockport Athletics Jaskulski Awarded DIII Regional Coach of Year Ed Jaskulski was named […]
WATCH: World Record-Breaking Knee Wrap Technique with Chris Duffin
Unrack that wieght, drop down, inflate, bend the bar over your back, twist the floor apart, and sit back
WATCH: Goggins Discusses Recovery for Older Lifters
Your body is going to change as you age. Goggins says your training should, too.
Tough Love Coaching: Is this the End?
Can coaches get away with what they used to? Do they need to change?
WATCH: Manufacturing the ShouldeRök
Chris Duffin shows the extensive process of creating his most recent piece of weightlifting equipment.
Athletes and Fear Avoidance
Applying Fear Avoidance to Athletes: The Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ) By Adam Kelly Greetings Readers! I am excited to share some new and important research with all of you. The Journal of Athletic Training (JAT) released a new study for early publication on March 20th, 2015 titled Development and Validation of the Athlete Fear […]
Ask DeFranco's Gym: Is It Advantageous to Borrow Bodybuilding Metho...
DeFranco urges you to toss the old-school mentality.
WATCH: Blaine Sumner's 1069-pound Single-Ply Squat for New American...
At the USAPL Men's Nationals, Sumner took two records and recorded the second-highest single-ply total ever.
HS Football Player Recieves almost $1million from Lawsuit for Head Injury
The NFL has been setting trends and they almost always trickle down to the college and high school levels. Lawsuits are apparently no different. As thousand of former players are in a joint lawsuit against the NFL, there are isolated cases at the lower levels as well. Whether you feel these lawsuits are justified or […]
Brian Cain's 5 Ps of Peak Performance and Mental Toughness
Five things every coach or athlete can use to increase performance and enhance mental toughness
German Volume Training: Bridging the Gap between Weightlifting and Sprin...
German Volume Training can be a great change of pace to target stubborn muscle fibers through large doses of volume.
George Will's Views on Free Range Parenting
You know what it’s called when kids make mistakes without adult supervision and have to wrestle with the resulting consequences?
WATCH: Mark Dugdale Reposts Teaser Trailer from 2006 Documentary DRIVEN
Before joining team elitefts, Mark Dugdale had already premiered more than one full-length documentary about life as a bodybuilder.
Jonathan Mike Earns PhD in Exercise Science
Jonathan details his experiences within the PhD process and shares what's next, professionally and competitively.
10 Tips on Writing from the Late William Zinsser
Never have so many Americans written so profusely and with so few inhibitions. Which means that it wasn’t a cognitive problem after all. It was a cultural problem, rooted in that old bugaboo of American education: fear.
LISTEN: 30-Minutes with Dan John
Dan simplifies the complexities of coaching elite and novice lifters.
Lee Priest Fires Back at Bob Cicherillo's Criticism
They aren't getting along so well right now. Let's talk about it.
WATCH: SuperTraining, Mark Bell Visit CT Fletcher
The man of a million insults and vulgar catchphrases trains and talk with the SuperTraining crew.
James Clear: Default for Daily Decisions
Designing your life to help you make the right decisions... by default.
Improve Sleep to Optimize Performance
In episode 158 on Barbell Shrugged, Dr. Kirk Parsley explains how sleep is the number one thing that will make you better at everything.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Training for Hockey Clinic
Join elite strength coaches from hockey teams across the U.S. and Canada at the exclusive training event of the year, the 2nd annual NSCA Training for Hockey Clinic.
Qualifying for XPC Finals: RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Report
After a challenging training cycle and career change,
John O'Sullivan's Five Reasons Kids Quit Sports
We don’t simply lose the kids who cannot make varsity; we lose many of the best athletes on our teams.
Coaching Parents on The Reality of Their Child's Skill
Who needs more coaching when it comes to youth sports? You guessed it.
Perfecting your Squat with Jim Wendler
As I have stated in my other post, I have been training with Jim for over a decade. Everything I know or have been taught has came from Wendler himself which causes people to get frustrated with me because I'm ultimately one sided, and that side would be everything I learned from Jim. That doesn't […]
Book Review: Managing the Training of Weightlifters
A summary of Managing the Training of Weightlifters by N.P. Laputin by CrossFit Impulse
Movements Rediscovered Through Triphasic Training
James discusses Cal Dietz's book Triphasic Training.
Leadership Lesson From Belichick
New England Patriots Head coach talks about what his rookies can expect and the biggest challenge they will face
Social Skills Comes Down to Emotional Intelligence
Why people are so witty on Facebook and so drab in real life?
WATCH: Who Would Jim Wendler Train with for a Powerlifting Meet?
Louie Simmons? Ed Coan? Steve Goggins? Brian Shaw?
The Powerlifting Experience is Back!
Don't miss out on this unbelievable opportunity. Save the date: June 27th
Denver University Strength & Conditioning Summit
DU to Host Strength and Conditioning Summit on May 23 All-Day Event Will Take Place at the Pat Bowlen Training Center The University of Denver is hosting a Strength and Conditioning Summit on Saturday, May 23rd. The all-day event will take place at the Pat Bowlen Training Center on the DU campus. Click HERE to […]
WATCH: Legendary Russians Dmitry Klokov and Mikhail Koklyaev
85 minutes of life and training talk with the biggest Russian names of this generation.