WATCH: UGSS Featuring John Meadows — Training Highlights
Here is some training footage from this morning's Open Underground Strength Session. The mic will soon be handed over to John.
Introducing New elitefts Coach Ben Pollack
Learn as much as you can from Ben as he moves up in weight and in the powerlifting rankings. Read his first two logs today!
Testing Strength with the 225-pound Bench Press Test
Watch as Bryan Mann gives his thoughts on the NFL 225 lb Bench Press Test.
Kabuki Strength Announces New Strength Chat Podcast
Watch six newly released episodes today with guests including Jeff Halevy, Dr. Stuart McGill, Dr. Kelly Starrett and more.
The Drop(s) Heard Around the World - 2 Close Calls for Amit Sapir
Back to back accidents at APA Worlds.
Thanksgiving Powerlifting Classic
This benefit meet will raise money to help children who have a wounded or fallen parent that served in the military or as a first responder.
Why Kids Should Be Training
A new study gives insight to why children should be doing more than just running around or sitting on the couch playing on their iphone.
Why Animal Protein May Be Superior to Plant Protein
Think that animal protein is better than plant protein? Interested in being able to back this up? Read on
The Wingate Test: Dorian Yates Version of Cardio
If one were to make a Dorian Yates type of analogy between weightlifting and cardio, what would the cardio look like? Enter the Wingate Test.
The 'Not So Sweet' Truth About the Sugar Industry
The long overdue truth about the effects of sugar consumption are beginning to surface.
Underground Strength Session with Jim Wendler — Seminar Highlights
Jim Wendler is actually my brother’s strength and conditioning coach for London's football team.
Underground Strength Session with Jim Wendler — Training Highlights
Mini recap before Jim Wendler takes center on the platform.
Does Phil Heath Have What It Takes?
Could the Maryland Muscle Machine put an end to The Gift's winning streak?
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Chris Tutela
Read his newest article, Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat.
Crock Pot vs Pressure Cooker Experiment
Both cook tough cuts of meat, soups, grains and vegetables. Which one should you use?
Cinnamon — Multiple Uses with Multiple Benefits
Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Cinnamon Roll Pop Tarts, Red Hots...these count, right?
17th Annual Columbus Walk for Wishes
It's a beautiful sight to see hundreds of people walking to make wishes come true! #walkforwishes
Welcome the Newest elitefts Columnist Maliek Derstine
Read his first article An Introduction to the Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete now!
"The Jenn" Jenn Rotsinger Inaugural Women's Empowerment W...
If this weekend is any sort of indication of the direction and growth of women’s powerlifting, I’m sitting on my hands excited and have a few handfuls of confetti in my pockets.
Living Past 100
The big questions: Are some of us are blessed with special anti-aging mechanisms? Do some people simply have less genes which contribute to disease?
The CVASP Podcast: Episode 15 with Dr. Bryan Mann
Bryan cuts to the chase and shares the latest topics that are making his skin crawl.
Boost Mood and Cognition: Differences Between Peppermint and Chamomile H...
Humans have been ingesting plants for thousands of years for their medicinal properties and pleasant sensations. A study conducted in England aimed to test anecdotal reports passed down through the centuries about peppermint and chamomile.
Drink Your Red Wine
Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may protect muscles from a poor diet.
Connectivity Between Neurons Link to Vitality
The reason these scientists believe this study is valuable, is because they suspect that understanding the way in which these neurons are connected can aid in battling various diseases and disorders.
Troy Thompson Named New Pace Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Prior to Pace, Thompson worked at Old Dominion University as an assistant sports performance coach, and at Wofford College as an assistant strength and conditioning coach, working with a variety of varsity sport programs.
Introducing Common Food Allergens to Infants Earlier May Protect Against...
What is most interesting about this study is that the results may seem counterintuitive.
PodBean Episode 91 with Bryan Mann
"If there was one way to do it, everyone would be doing the same program, but everyone is looking at it from their perspective."
Potential Positive Effects of Chocolate on Cognitive Function
The cocoa bean looks similar in appearance to the coffee bean. Like coffee and tea, can chocolate boost cognitive performance?
Special Announcement: The Birth of the StrongMom
Strongman now faces new issues exclusive to the female population — women returning to the sport following the birth of a child.
Ibuprofen Reduces Pain AND Healing Process
Nsaids can be effective at reducing pain of chronic tendon injuries. However, can they be detrimental to healing in the long run?
Free Cleveland Strength Seminar with Dr. Fred Hatfield and Josh Bryant
Sign up for this free seminar and earn continuing education credits from ISSA by attending!
7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trusting The Next Health Study
Harvard School of Public Health provides you with tips to understand health news, clear the confusion, and put things into context.
LISTEN: Steve Goggins Appears on Geard Up Podcast, Discusses Powerliftin...
What will the recent SPF Fallout mean for the future of powerlifting?
Reno Hardcore: YouTube Episode No. 1 with Chad Aichs and Jesse Anderson
"I put my time in..but I still LOVE powerlifting. It's something I'm going to do for the rest of my life."
Stop the Shrinkage!
Boston University School of Medicine finds relationship between fitness levels and brain volume. This may have implications for anti-aging and preservation of mental capacity during the aging process.
Nutrient Timing vs Content: Mitochondrial Circadian Rhythm
Have we possibly discovered a potential biochemical basis for nutrient timing? Circadian Rhythm may dictate the optimal time in the day for sugar or fat utilization.
New Findings Concerning Soy Protein, Fertility and Your Endocrine System
While I am not going to be replacing my post workout steak with soy anytime soon...
2016 Arnold Classic 212: John Meadows Prejudging Routine and Final Results
In a stacked 212 division at the 2016 Arnold Classic, John placed ninth amongst nine competitors. Watch John's individual posing routine performed at the 2016 Arnold Classic 212 and listen to IFBB pro Ken Jackson (friend and client of John's) share his thoughts on John's conditioning and stage placement minutes after prejudging. Official Final Results Scorecard
elitefts Welcomes Newest Team Member — Tarra Oravec
"Today probably comes in top 5 for one of the best days of my life."
WATCH: Inside Look at elitefts with Mutant on a Mission
"He's got like $10K worth of lat pull handles there. I've never seen more handles in my life."
Using Height As A Powerful Predictor of Mortality
Is height correlated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes? Is it correlated differently with cancer? How do high levels of animal protein play a role in these correlations? Quite a motley crew of researchers explore!
RUM9 Meet Report: Finding My Identity on the Platform
RUM9 is the first meet I stepped onto the platform as an individual with a secure sense of identity as both a PT and athlete. Feelsy meet recap incoming.
Increase Your Odds of Surviving a Heart Attack
New research shows a higher level of overall fitness may improve the chances of survival after a heart attack.
Nontraditional Training Methods of the NFL
There's more to a professional football player's preparation than scrimmages, weight rooms and film sessions. These are some of the more unusual training methods of NFL athletes.