Custom Erect-A-Rack CALL FOR PRICE 888-854-8806

This is the most expandable power rack system we’ve ever been a part of developing. Make it your OWN!


CALL FOR PRICE 888-854-8806

Professional Rated Logo

Usually ships in 4-6 weeks. Partially assembled. AK, HI, and international orders, please call for a shipping quote.

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Custom Erect-A-Rack

Created with over 30 years of Strength & Conditioning Experience

This story begins at the 2011 Learn to Train Seminar. Mike Robertson (Robertson Training Systems) wanted a customized power rack station that would be adaptable to all of his clients, versatile enough to work in the space he had, but also expandable as his client base and business grows. 

With all our design and manufacturing partners in town, we sat down and went to work. The concept was the easy part. What made this difficult was the adaptability. Remember this IS elitefts™, so this had to be built so that if a 900-pound squatter squatted in it - it will fulfill ALL his needs, and still be safe and solid. This was a big concern for Mike, being a competitive lifter and having others in the gym, he did not want this to wobble like some of the others on the market. It's easy to build units for 300-pound squatters, but it's another issue when they squat 900 and bench 500. 

It took a couple months of testing, changing, more testing and more changes, but we finally got there. We knew we didn't want a turn-key system because coaches have different wants, needs and desires. We have to stay adaptable to customization and have done so with the Erect-A-Rack. 


This is the most expandable power rack system we’ve ever been a part of developing. Regardless of where you want it to go, what room dimensions, or how many athletes – this can be scaled to fit your needs. If all you need is a rack for your basement, this works. If you decide to move this to your garage a year from now, you can add on weight storage, dip attachments and bar holders. If your training crew begins to take off and you need to add another rack section, it can be easily added. 

If you grow out of your garage and need to add three more rack sections, more pullup bars, medicine ball and kettlebell holders, rope attachments, and a 12-inch Parallel Dip Attachment – absolutely no problem. 

The coolest thing about this is as you watch your group of 20 athletes work on your Erect-A-Rack, you can reminisce about the old days back in your basement because this piece will still be built into the station and will be “what started it all.” 

Rack Systems 

2 Rack Base Systems 
4 Base Power Rack Systems 
3 Add On Sections
14 Single Part Sections 

Attachments & Accessories 

44" Pull-up Bar (1 1/4" Diameter) 
44" Pull-up Bar (2" Diameter) 
12" Weight Peg (Pair) 
6" Weight Peg (Pair) 
Band Peg (Pair) 
Chain Storage Hook (Pair) 
3" Rack Ball - Pair
4" Rack Ball - Pair
V-Dip Attachment
12' Parallel Dip Attachment
Step Attachment
Med Ball Target
Med Ball Target with Custom Logo
Med Ball Holder
Kettlebell Tray
Bar Holder
Rope Attachment
Rope Attachment Complete - 1 1/2" Composite 25' With Weight Attachment
Multi-Grip Pull Up Bar
Double D Pull Up
Core Blaster Attachment
Chalk Bowl Attachment
Half Rack Safety Spotter
44" Tube and Pin Safety Spotter (Pair) 
30" Tube and Pin Safety Spotter (Pair) 
J-Cup (Pair) 
Neck Attachment


Here’s the deal and how we look at any equipment we brand with the name elitefts™. The Power Rack has to be able to be used by the top strength athletes in the world. The hole spacing, J-cups, safety spotters, etc have to not only be able to withstand the pounding these athletes will put it through – it has to WORK correctly for them. They need to be able to arch the bar out of the rack when they squat, they need to be able to pull it out when they bench, the safety spots have to be able to catch the bar without destroying it in the process. It also has to be rock solid because a rack that moves too much is a risk. We were told several times this is overkill, BUT think of it this way: if it is built strong and safe enough for the world’s strongest athletes, it will take care of everyone else. 


Due to this being a custom built item we ask that you call for price and options (888-854-8806). We will be fair and tell you pricing starts at $999.00 and from there the sky's the limit.

Shipping times will vary based on the size of the project but most units will usually ship within 3-4 weeks. 

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