The following is based on what I did for 12 weeks to improve my strength for the squat, bench, and deadlift as a raw powerlifter. I based it on a conjugate framework, utilizing max effort, dynamic effort, and repetition effort exercises. I rotated my max effort work with exercises I’ve found to benefit my raw lifts. I rotated supplementary exercises in four-week blocks and kept most of the other smaller assistance work simple with a few variations here and there. Keep in mind, that this doesn’t account for the time right before a meet, so everything will need to be adjusted accordingly within a few weeks of competition. Also, note that the supplementary and assistance exercises are designed in a way to help me with my weaknesses—they will vary from person to person. This program isn’t a Westside template that you might find somewhere online. Instead, this is a conjugate program manipulated to suit my needs and goals, so it will differ from a standard template.
Areas of Weakness
These are areas I needed to focus on. Remember everything needs to get stronger as you look at any program.
- Glutes/hips (deadlift lockout/mid-squat)
- Shoulders/triceps (bench lockout)
Notes Regarding Max Effort (ME) Work
The ME lifts I chose are what I’ve seen benefit my raw numbers so far. Yours may be different.
As you'll see in the program, I rarely worked up to ME singles two weeks in a row. I either switched back and forth from triples or added some sort of accommodating resistance or specialty bar. I found that this kept me from stalling or beating myself up too bad. I used a similar concept with my supplementary work on overhead presses and deadlifts, only working up to a max single or triple every few weeks. I’ve found the most success recently by only pulling ME deadlifts every few weeks.
Notes Regarding Dynamic Effort (DE) Work
In this 12-week cycle, I primarily used jumps and medicine ball throws for the beginning of my dynamic days. In the previous 12 weeks, I used standard barbell DE work. I’ve found the most success for myself through alternating barbell DE work (speed squats/deads and speed bench w/ accommodating resistance) with jumps and throws. This allows me to work on my explosiveness without aggravating some injuries that tend to bother me when I overdo it with barbell speed work. This is my personal setup and will vary from person to person.
Don’t overthink the jumps or throws, or overdo it with them. They are in this particular 12-week cycle simply to prime the nervous system and help improve explosiveness before training. If you aren’t explosive enough with the prescribed work for that day, you'll need to use a lighter ball/lower box, or adjust volume.
I made sure to still utilize CAT (compensatory acceleration training) in my program. I worked on this with my main lifts, but particularly when using accommodating resistance like chains, as well as on supplementary or lighter work.
Notes Regarding Repetition Work
I chose supplementary exercises based on my weaknesses or things that would help improve technique flaws. Again, these will vary from person to person. Even things like the height of the board presses (2 board) are chosen specifically because that is the level right below my sticking point for bench.
Don’t overthink accessory exercises. They were chosen to keep balance, prevent injury, and gain muscle mass. They can easily be modified from person to person.
Note: When an exercise is noted as a ‘moderately heavy set of _,’ it means between 7-9 on RPE scale, depending on how I felt that week.
Box Jump Progression
Week 1 – Test
Week 2 – 6 sets of 4 jumps @ 75%
Week 3 – 5 sets of 3 jumps @ 85%
Week 4 – 4 sets of 2 jumps @ 95%
*After week 4, re-assess and start at week 1 again
Med Ball Throw Progression
Week 1 – Chest Pass against the wall, 2-3 sets of 5 throws
Week 2 – Step and Chest Pass, 2-3 sets of 5 throws
Week 3 – Start at week 1 again, and adjust intensity/volume accordingly to how explosive you were (or weren’t)
ME – Max Effort
DE – Dynamic Effort
OHP – Overhead Press
RB – Reverse Bands
BW – Bodyweight
Wtd – Weighted
Joe Schillero has competed in both powerlifting and strongman with an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He has his master's degree in exercise physiology and is currently the General Manager at the Mandel JCC in Cleveland, Ohio. In this position, he oversees fitness, membership, and aquatics operations. He has also overseen student fitness and wellness programs at multiple Universities. He can be reached at joeschillero@gmail.com.
I know according to traditional WSBB training you're supposed to get most of the rep work through accessory stuff but wouldn't it be beneficial to do a few back down sets on your main lifts after ME? Also what would be the main change you'd make if the primary DL was sumo? Thank you again
Doing some back down sets can definitely be a good way to add some volume. I actually use that strategy with the group of college powerlifters from Akron Barbell Club that I work with right now. The program from this article is just one variation of how you can do it, and hopefully just helps people to get thinking about different ways conjugate training can be organized.
I wouldn't make too many huge changes pulling sumo simply one of my biggest weaknesses has been my hip strength (especially at the time I used this program), I would probably keep all my conventional pulls to off blocks, and just cycle in sumo from the floor (since I wouldn't need technique work pulling conventional from the floor, but would still need to build back and glute/ham strength with them). Most of the conventional pulls would be from 1-2 inch blocks, or below the knee. I hope that's helpful! If you have any other questions let me know,
1) What's the purpose of the medicine ball throws?
2) What weight do you recommend for the medicine ball?
1) The purpose of the medicine ball throws is just to perform a dynamic upper body movement and build explosiveness if you aren't doing standard dynamic effort barbell movements. This program was just one variation of what I've done, and using jumps and throws as opposed to speed bench and speed squats/pulls can be a nice change of pace further out from a meet to give your joints a break and work on athleticism.
2) When I did these I typically used a 15-25lb medicine ball - Don't worry about using a real heavy one, but you want it to weigh enough that you can generate maximal force when you throw it. So pick a weight you think you can throw fast with but still isn't easy, and then adjust from there as needed.
Thank You so much for preparing this..I am starting Monday and will do the full 12 weeks then compete a week later..I will let you know my results..I'm 100% confident i will pr across the board
Kind Regards
*Cut out the box jumps and med ball throws 4 weeks out.
*The final 4 weeks I would make sure not to miss any lifts and on the last week of training work up to openers instead of what the article outlines.
Just keep in mind this program isn't tapered at the end to prepare for a meet. So I would reduce your rep ranges and volume the last few weeks and perform the competition lifts (no accommodating resistance or variations). Best of luck!
Great workout program, I just started it because it is absolutely in line for what I compete in and we have very similar weak points. My question is on the ME deads, for more than 1 rep, are you stopping completely between each rep or touch and go?
I did - This was a few years ago and I believe at the time my squat went from 500 to around 525; my bench went from 365 to around 380, and my deadlift went from 570 to around 600 (raw)
My perspective and style of training is always evolving, and I'm sure if I did this again I would make changes; but this setup worked well for my training partners and I.
1) Can you think of any ways to fit in this type of training into 3-day per week training?
2) Joe, where did you learn to program for yourself? Any books, articles, or other resources you would suggest to learn how to program effectively for yourself? With all the conflicting information out there, programming for myself anymore gets ultra confusing, plus i'm fairly dumb like the dog from "Up".
Thanks, and God bless!