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Shawn Frankl takes a seat in this 155th podcast episode of Dave Tate's Table Talk.

Shawn Frankl is the first to squat over 5X his body weight, squatting 1055 pounds at 198. His mentor and coach, Rick Hussey, at Big Iron Gym led him to powerlifting victory to become a world powerlifting record holder in the 198- and 220-pound weight classes. Shawn's personal bests at 198 are a 1055 squat, 825 bench, and 750 deadlift with a 2630 total. At 220, Shawn squatted 1060, benched 875, and deadlifted 780 with a 2715 total. Shawn is the owner of Big Iron Gym located in Sioux City, Iowa. 

Shawn's IG

Big Iron Gym

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About the Host

Dave Tate is the founder and co-owner of elitefts.com. He is the author of twenty books and has logged more than 40,000 hours of training and consulting. Dave is married to elitefts co-owner Traci Arnold-Tate, and they reside in London, Ohio, with their two sons. Personal Credo: Live, Learn, Pass on™.

Dave's IG


Marek Health 

Marek Health is the telehealth platform that connects customers to partnered providers focusing on hormone optimization and preventative medicine—offering self-service labs at great prices and guided optimization. 

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