This is the exact program that I devised after my meet at Raw Unity 7. My goals were simple: I needed a bigger back in all aspects. I took the time to lay out a program where your back is trained every single session along with other systems to yield PRs at the end.
This is based on a conjugate style of programming and is excellent for raw lifters. To say it’s hard is an understatement. The volume is high, the work is heavy, and you will want to quit. You will need to eat your face off and make recovery a priority, but I can promise you, your back will never be thicker and your PRs will become something of the past.
What can this program do for you? In 20 weeks, I made the following progress:
- Squat (sleeves) — 455x1 to 430x5
- Bench — 303x1 to 270x9 and 320x1
- Sumo Deadlift — 455x1 to 500x1
- My programming goes with sets, then reps (i.e., 4x3 = 4 sets of 3 reps).
- Use recovery modalities as you need — extra foam rolling, naps, contrast showers, Epsom salt baths, hot/cold tubs, cheat days (wisely), etc.
- On Squat Day, you can use knee wraps, although I highly recommend you avoid this in the off-season. Stick with knee sleeves until you know you have a meet planned and are about 10-12 weeks out.
- After your Max Effort Work, you will see a percent with sets and reps. This percent is based on the heavy set you hit. For example, if you front squat 250x5, that equals a 281 front squat... take your percentage from this. If it comes to an odd number (i.e., 233), ALWAYS round down (i.e., 233 to 230).
- If you don’t use bands for speed work, add 10% to speed work numbers.
- If your elbows are feeling beat up, perform 2-3 sets of curls as needed.
- DO NOT MISS LIFTS! If you miss on Max Effort Day, you are DONE! Move on!
- DO NOT take multiple attempts on Max Effort Day! If your set felt heavy, stop there. Try to beat that weight in 2 weeks. Don’t get greedy!
- Speed work for upper body will ALWAYS be mini bands — NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Speed work for lower body will vary based upon deadlift and squat maxes.
elitefts Band Recommendations for Squat
elitefts Band Recommendations for Deadlift
If bands are not listed, that will be straight weight. If you have access to chains, decrease the percentage by 5% (for example: 50% at 9x3 straight weight = 45% at 9x3 with chains).
Using reverse bands would be a great option if you don't have a Catapult or Slingshot. I would recommend that most use mini bands for reverse bands, until you get into the 450+ range, then monster mini's would probably be more ideal (but this can also depend on the rack you're in as well). Enjoy!
If we have chains, do you have recommendations on how many chains like you included for bands? Or should we use them intuitively?
Also, for example, Week 1/Day 2, calls for a max triple on SSB Squats with chains, for the back off set at 80%x3x3, is that where we would subtract 5%?
Thanks for the questions, and hope all is well!
My recommendation is to use approximately 20-25% chain weight, based off your 1RM. So if you are a 400 pound squatter, you would use 80-100 pounds of chain total.
On your 80%, this would be based off the max triple you hit. So for a similar example, if you squat 400x3; you would use 320 for your 3x3 work.
Hopefully that helps! Any other questions, just let me know!
thanks, brandon. love your content
Thank you man! This is an older program from the older site/training logs, but a doozy. I will likely make a training log post in the near future about what I would change after 5 years of learning and experimenting more. Hope all is well!
Thanks for the question man! Your 80% will be based on the triple that you hit for that day. Essentially running off the training max you just hit. So if you squat 400x3; you would do 320 for 3x3. This will be submax, and feel much easier than what you just did, but enforce good technique, and learn to accelerate and grind through the reps. This is great for mental training on what to do BEFORE it happens (like pitching forward).
Hopefully that helps you. Any other questions, just let me know!
Thanks for following up, that cleared up my original issue. Just a quick follow-up:
In block 1 (weeks 1-4), and block 3 (week 11-15), you indicated rack/block pulls for block 1 and then below-the knee rack/block pulls for block 3 - what height should be used for the first blocks rack/block pulls where the height isn't specified?
Hey man, thanks for the question. The height for the first training block should be something that let's you get some kind of overload. For most, this usually ends up being about knee height or so. Hopefully by the third block, this weight is about the same at a lower height :)
Thanks for the good question, and hope all is well!
I do not have access to chains, but I do have access to bands. For the ME sets that require chains do I use the same bands I'd use for speed work?
You could use bands instead of the chains. You would use approximately the same band tension you would on your dynamic effort days. The main reason for the chains is to not beat the body up as bad. You could also just perform the max effort work without any accommodating resistance. Too many band work can start to beat you up, especially if you're using a straight bar. Hope that helps!
This would stand for close grip 1 board, or 2 board. So the "b" stands for board in this case. Hope that helps!
For speed work, are we taking the percentage prescribed off of our 1RM? Or off of the ME work we did in the beginning of the week? Thank you!
You'll want to use your closest estimate to your 1RM. If you don't know this exactly, try to undershoot versus overshoot.
For upper speed work do you double up the bands or just choke them around a dumbbell? I have a meet coming up in January that I'm starting to prep for, would this program be a good one to work with knowing I'm about 9 weeks out?
The bands are doubled up for speed work on the bench press.
You could use this program to help peak for it. I would personally probably change a couple things, but it's not a bad program to get you to a meet either. I would just try to plan your attempts approximately 5-6 weeks out, which this program obviously doesn't account for.
I realized I may have been shortchanging myself on the banded speed squats. I usually just choke the band around my squat rack, then to make sure there is tension in the bottom I do a do a 2nd loop around the bar. I weighed it out, and it’s around 70lbs of tension at the top. My max is 335 on squat. Should I loop my bands differently?
For bench, I do the double band method instead of choking.
Thanks for the message, and glad you're enjoying the program! If you're squatting 335, you want approximately 20-25% band tension at the top. So for you, about 70-80lbs of tension at the top. So the 70 you have will do, but you could also get a bit more if you wanted it.
Here is how I recommend setting up bands for the squat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVpxpBJKTsw
Just coming across this program and it suites my goals perfectly. I don’t have access to bands but I see they are a large part of this program. What would you suggest as a workaround? Thanks.