I am forever searching for new ideas and refining my programming concepts. It has been a career-long search to try and bring all the elements of performance and injury prevention into a manageable and doable program. I want to share with you where my search has taken me with this latest idea, which takes liberally from the work of the greatest mind in strength training, Louie Simmons.
The three-day-a-week full body program is the most productive in team sports preparation. Using this program, the athletes will get three exposures to a range of movements with adequate recovery to ensure they can give a full effort every time they enter the weight room.
I also like to separate the performance side of training from the injury prevention aspects, partly because players have often seen the injury prevention aspect as "tacked onto the end of the real stuff."
By having double-day training, athletes can benefit from reduced training time. Both sessions are under the hour and conducive for positive hormonal changes. The AM program focuses on intensity, testosterone stimulation, and strength/power, while the PM program focuses on volume, growth hormone stimulation, hypertrophy, and injury prevention.
Now, let's look into the two programs for each of the three training days per week. I use either a single movement, a superset, or a tri-set of movements on the velocity end of the force-velocity curve as a neural stimulus for the maximal force work to follow.
Initially, I will have players go through a movement preparation session. I prefer athletic hurdles, with the players working through a series of walkovers and unders.
If you have access to an indoor track, here's a great tri-set sequence to perform: Split Power Snatch (or Banded Step Ups), Split Drop Jumps, and 10-meter Acceleration Sprints. Keep the reps low (three to five) and perform three sets in total.
The next component of the AM performance program is using a maximal effort lower body movement. I like to have the players work through a different option and plane of movement each time they train.
For example:
- Session 1: Safety Bar Box Squat
- Session 2: Prowler® Push
- Session 3: Deadlift
Intensity is key. As a snapshot for sets and reps, it may be:
- 3x3 @ 90+%
- Reps in the 1–6 range
- Sets in the 3–8 range
The final movement in the AM program is a maximal effort upper body push, and the training paradigms are the same as the previous lower body movements. I also like to work through various movements and not stick to the same plane. Therefore, I use a different press variations each session.
For example:
- Session 1: Bench Press
- Session 2: Overhead Press
- Session 3: Incline Bench Press
Sets and reps will be the same as for the lower body. In the past, I have paired an upper body push with an upper body pull movement, but now I think that the pull movement is best trained with different reps in the hypertrophy zone of training. This is why the upper body pull movement selection is in the PM training. Feel free to include a pull movement in the AM if this suits your training philosophy.
My other internal debate about the AM exercise selection was related to using a specific hamstring exercise. I decided again to move this to the PM program since I did not want to compromise running performance and potentially increase the risk of injury.
AM Performance Program
- 1 x Starting Strength/Speed Strength movement as a primer (potential for tri-set)
- 1 x Strength Speed/Max Force Lower Body movement (Squat, Deadlift, Olympic variations, or Prowler®)
- 1 x Strength Speed/Max Force Upper Body Push
Starting Strength / Speed Strength options >1.0 m/sec | Strength Speed/Maximal Force Lower Body (0.3 – 0.8 m/sec) | Strength Speed/Maximal Force Upper Body Push (0.3 – 0.8 m/sce) |
10m Accelerations | Squat variations | Bench Press variations |
Lower Body Plyometric/Jump options from list | Deadlift variations | Incline Bench Press variations |
Hang or Block Power Snatch, Clean or Pull/Shrugs | Heavy Prowler® Push | Overhead Press variations |
MB Throw variations from list | Power Clean/Snatch/Pull variations | Dips |
KB Swings | Good Morning variations | Floor Press variations |
Here is an example of what an AM session looks like:
Movement Prep
- High Hurdles: Forward and backward + Lateral Under and Overs
- 3-Way Lunge: Forward, backward, and lateral with a slosh bag
- Primer: 3 times through the following
- Med Ball Scoop Toss 3x5
- Split Hang Power Snatch 3x4 (2 each leg)
- 10-meter sprint
Maximal Force (Lower Body)
Safety Bar Box Squat 3 x 3 @ 90+%
Maximal Force (Upper Body)
Swiss Bar Military Press 3 x 5 @ 80+%
The PM session will be conducted approximately six hours after the AM session. I like to program this session as a series of Peripheral Heart Action (PHA) circuits to minimize rest periods and get a larger volume of work done in the allocated time. Emphasis is placed on areas of importance for each player individually, but there will also be some mandated movements to ensure overall protection from the game they play. Bryan Mann has said, "the best ability is availability." Louie Simmons has said, "Prehab means less rehab." These two quotes form the key to this PM programming.
PM CARE Program
Neck | Thoracic/Scapular/ Traps | Rotator Cuff | Lats/Rhomboids | Unilateral UB Push | Unilateral UB Pull | Grip |
Banded Look Away | Face Pulls | Incline Y, T, I’s | Pulldowns/Chins | One Arm DB Bench Press | One Arm DB Row | Captain’s Of Crush Grippers |
Iron Neck Series | Turkish Row | Cuban Press | Seal Row/Bench Pull | KB Z Press | Seated DB One Arm Snatch | Towel/Rope Chins |
Joe Kenn Series | Scap. Protraction/ Retraction | Cable Int/Ext Rotation | Seated Row | Javelin Press | Landmine Kroc Rows | Bucket of Rice |
Plate Flex/Ext | Scap Push Ups | DB L Raise | Yates Row | One Arm DB Shoulder Press | One Arm Seated Row | Rogue Chin Attachments |
Wrestler’s Bridge Plank series | Incline T Raise | TRX Leaning Shoulder Press | Pendlay Row | Half Kneeling Landmine Press | One Arm Pulldown | Thick Bar Chins |
Groin/Hips | Knee | Hamstring | Unilateral Squat/Hinge | Calisthenic/ Gymnastic | Core/Loaded Carry | Ankle/Foot |
Lateral Sled Walk | Reverse Nordic | Pull Throughs | Sprinter’s Squat/Natera 2up, 1down Landmine | Dips/Chinese Back Planks | Rollouts Farmer’s Walk | Single Leg Standing Calf raise |
Copenhagen Planks | Poliquin Step Up | Nordics/GHG | Telemark Squats/Single Leg Landmine or KB RDL | Handstand Push Ups/Ring Chins | Hanging Leg Raises Sandbag Carry | Seated Calf Raise |
Lateral Lunge/Cossack Squat | Single Leg Squat to Box | Reverse Hyper® | TRX Skater Squat/High Jump Step Up | Push Up/Fat Man Chins | DB Swiss Ball Sit Ups Waiter’s Walk | Skipping/Hops |
Yoga Series Salute the Sun | Terminal Leg Extensions (VMO) | Hamstring Sliders Askling Protocol | Skier’s Squat/Single Leg Back Extension with Iso Hold | Ring Dips/Ring Chins | Pallov Press Suitcase Carry | Band Inversion/Eversion |
Banded Clams/Monster Walk/Crab Walk | Low Box Step Ups | Harrop Hamstring | Kang RFESS/Single Leg Glute Bridge | Hindu Push Up/ Banded Sternum Chins | KB Windmills Combo Waiter/Suitcase | Toe Yoga/Intrinsic Foot series |
An example of the sessions for this session are:
- PHA 1 – Salute the Sun, KB Z Press, Skier's Squat/Single Leg Back Extension with Iso Hold, Bench Pull
- PHA 2 - Joe Kenn Neck Series, Harrop Hamstring, Hindu Push Up/Banded Sternum Chins, TRX Leaning Shoulder Press
- PHA 3 – Poliquin Step Ups, Landmine Kroc Rows, Hanging Leg Raises, Single Leg Standing Calf raise, Rope Chins
- PHA 4 – Nordics, One Arm DB Bench Press, Copenhagen Plank, Cable Face Pulls + External Rotation
- PHA 5 - Sprinter's Squat/Natera 2up, 1down Landmine, Dips/Chinese Back Planks, Wrestler's Bridge Plank series
Each PHA circuit will be for 3-5 minutes each, with a 1.5-2.5 minute recovery between new circuits. Reps will be in the 8-15 range, emphasizing "feeling the muscle." There is a controlled tempo on both the concentric and eccentric phases. All reps are controlled; a set is never taken to concentric failure but to technical failure.
Following the CARE component, players will do either a body part specific hypertrophy session or a General Physical Preparation (GPP) session consisting of 15-20 minutes of sleds/Prowler®, medicine ball throws, and loaded carries. Examples are included in the table below.
GPP, Plyometrics/Jumps, Sleds & Prowlers®, Med Ball & Loaded Carries
Lower Body Plyometrics/Jumps | GPP, Sleds & Prowlers® | Medicine Ball Throws | Loaded Carries |
Box Jumps/Hops | Forward Sled walk | Rotational (Diagonal) Throw | Farmer’s Walk |
Depth Jumps | Backward Sled walk | Overhead Throw | Suitcase Carry |
Knees to Feet Jump variations | Lateral Sled Walk | Forward Throw | Zercher Carry |
Lateral Bench Blasts (crossover) | Prowler® Push | Scoop Throw | Cross Body Carry |
Standing Long Jump | Prowler® Pull | Shot Put Throw | Stone Carry |
Hurdle Jumps/Hops | Upper Body Sled series | Chest Pass | Waiter’s Walk |
Borzov Hops | Upper Body Ladder Drills | MB Drops | Sandbag Carry |
Ice Skater | KB Swings variations | ½ Kneeling Side Toss | Tyre Flip |
Lateral Jumps | Wheel Barrow Walks | Rotational (Horizontal) Throw | Combination Carry |
Hypertrophy Body Part Finishers as required
Quadzilla/Wowstrings | Pectoral Punishment | Big Back Maniac | Boulder Shoulders | Arm Race |
1a. KB Goblet Squats 1b. KB Reverse Lunges | Triple Drop Incline DB Bench Press (45/30/15) | 1. Bentover Row 2. Yates Row 3. Shrugs | 1a. Javelin Press 1b. Cuban Press 1c. DB Lateral Raises | 1a. Matrix EZ Barbell Curl 1b. Triceps Death Board Presses |
1a. Front Squat 1b. Back Squat | Eccentric Overload Incline or Flat Bench Press 3 – 5 reps @ 110% with 5 second eccentric, strip weight and perform concentric as fast as possible from a dead stop, 3 – 5 sets, after last set perform drop sets at 80% and 60% for maximum reps | 1a. Muscle Snatch from Hang 1b. Overhead Shrug | Plate Series 1a. Plate Front Raise 1b. Plate Figure of 8’s 1c. Plate Side-to-Side Shoulder Press | 1a. Seated DB Hammer Curls with 5 sec Iso hold at mid-range 1b. Swiss Bar JM Presses |
1a. Leg Extension 1b. Leg Press 1c. Back Squat | Mechanical Advantage Push Ups: Feet Elevated, Normal, Hands Elevated | Mechanical Advantage Chins: Wide Pronated, Neutral Grip, Close Supinated | 1a. Seated Muscle Snatch 1b. Snatch Grip Press Behind Neck | 1a. Seated DB Hammer Curls with 5 sec Iso hold at mid-range 1b. Swiss Bar JM Presses |
1a. Natera Landmine RDL 1b. Banded Good Morning | Push Up Drop Set with Plates or Chains | Chin up Drop Set using bands | 3-Way Shoulder Raise Lateral, Front, Bent-over | 1a. DB Twist Curls 1b. Low Incline Tate Presses |
1a. Single Leg Back Extension 1b. Bosch Iso Hold for time | 1a. DB Low Incline Flys 1b. DB Low Incline Press | 1a. Turkish Row 1b. One Arm Row 1c. DB Renegade Row | 1a. Cable Face Pull + Ext. 1b. Plate Bus Driver 1c. Plate Head Circles | 1a. EZ Bar Curls 1b. Rope Push Downs |
1a. Harop Curl 1b. Bosch Iso Single Leg | 50 ring Dips in as few sets as possible or super slow 1 rep 30”E:30”C | Fat Man’s Horizontal Chins 100 reps in as few sets as possible | 25+ Handstand Push Ups in as few sets as possible | 1a. Zottman Curls 1b. Seated DB Overhead Extension |
Sets & Reps are determined on a needs based and recovery basis.
To conclude this article, here's a sample week plan based on my ideas above:
Day/Time | Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
AM | Prep: Hurdles series Primer: MB scoop toss, Hang Split Power Snatch, 10m sprint Max Force LB: Safety Bar Box Squat Max Force UB Push: Swiss Bar Military Press | Prep: Jump series Primer: 2-handed KB Swing, Banded Step Ups, Low Hurdle Hops Max Force LB: Prowler Push Max Force UB Push: Incline Bench Press | Prep: Med Ball series Primer: Repeat Long Jumps, DB Hang Split Cleans, 10m sprint Max Force LB: Power Cleans Max Force UB Push: 2-Board Bench Press with Chains |
PM | CARE program Chest & Back Hypertrophy Sled Walking | CARE program GPP: Med Ball Series, Loaded Carry Medley Sled Walking | CARE program Shoulders & Arms Hypertrophy Sled Walking |
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Ashley Jones has worked in three professional sports across 30 years and four continents. He was awarded the NSCA's Professional Coach of the Year in 2016. Ashley holds his CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) since 1988 and is an honorary lecturer in the School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SA.
Thank you for sharing and Happy New Years
What qualities of the training can help manipulate hormone levels of test vs HGH? Test = more strength work while GH = more hypertrophic work?