COACH columnist

I have quickly learned that my battered 50-year-old body can no longer handle the rigors of powerlifting. Well, at least for now. I seem to have to work around quite a number of ailing conditions, but that won’t stop me from training. If you are looking to continue lifting into your old age or you just need a break from the standard routine, check this out.

1. Trap Bar

This awesome item can keep you lifting even when your low back is in less than stellar shape. I ruptured two discs in my back over twenty years ago and the trap bar has been a savior for me ever since. Nope, it’s not a standard deadlift bar, but it works for me, Wendler, and Rhodes and that’s reason enough to use it.

2. Football Bar

Some people like a swiss bar, but I far prefer the football bar. I love how the handles are laid out. They allow for your face and head to come in between the bar for things like overhead presses and triceps extensions. This bar is also great if you are looking to get two bench sessions in a week. I used it for my dynamic work back when I was hitting 600-pound raw benches. It’s worthy for sure.

3. elitefts PR Knee Sleeves

At this point in my lifting career, I find these even more important than a belt. Warm and supported knees are happy knees. I don’t know anyone who has been around the iron game for a while who doesn’t have at least a little something going on with a knee. If you don’t, lucky you, keep it that way. Be smart, start early, and get those knee sleeves on.

4. Blue Heat

This one is a no brainer. There’s a saying in powerlifting, “If it’s good enough for a horse, it’s good enough for me.” This linament is great for sore muscles and joints. You can use it before a session, after, or better yet, both. Every lifter should have a bottle of this in his or her bag.

5. elitefts Foam Roller

There cannot be a list for the aged or beaten up without including the foam roller. Wouldn’t it be great to get deep tissue massages daily? Unfortunately, not many of us can afford that. However, for less than a 20 spot you can get the myofascial release your body craves whenever you want with a foam roller. The best bang for your buck out there.

There you have it, the perfect holiday shopping list for any lifter who’s put some serious years under the bar. Actually, everyone could use these things, so get shopping.

Happy Holidays to all!
