While working with combat athletes, I have found that there is no absolute way of training them and no way to be prepared for each training session except to have a large toolbox. Fighters are always on the brink of injury and put their body through hell each day. Tactical personnel have the most demanding jobs and are always having to push through new challenges day in and day out. I use conjugate methods to prepare both of them to get as strong as possible while reducing the fatigue so that they are able to perform daily duties at their absolute best.
1. Bands and Chains
These are great for pushing through weak points during dynamic and max efforts.
2. Belt Squat Machine
This machine loads the hips while working on strength and provides resistance while working on general and specific work.
3. Farmer's Walk Handles
Heavy carries are vital.
4. Sled
The sled is great for conditioning work.
5. Economy Glute Ham Developer
A great way to build the posterior chain.
6. Sandbags
Versatility. This is the best way to do Olympic lifts with fighters and tactical athletes.
7. Medicine Balls
Their use improves power from all angles.
8. Reverse Hyper
The best posterior chain builder and fixer.
These are the eight items I find most useful after just having barbells, a rack, and good technique. Training these athletes out of a garage gym means limited space, so every piece of equipment on the list will optimize space and training.
Phillip Warner is a fulltime student at ASU majoring in exercise and wellness. He was in the U.S. Army, with one deployment to Afghanistan, and spent time on a Wildland Fire Crew in Arizona. He currently has an associate degree in exercise science with certifications for NSCA TSAC-F and USPA Powerlifting Coach. After (and during) school, he will be working with combat sports athletes and tactical athletes.