As a competitive strongman and powerlifter, switching back and forth between sumo and conventional has been a big advantage over the years. When I first began lifting, I only knew conventional from reading bodybuilding magazines. Luckily in college, I got into powerlifting and was shown how to deadlift sumo. I was immediately stronger in sumo as it was a much more comfortable starting position for me. The problem was since I was better at it, I never wanted to pull conventional anymore.
RECENT: 8-Week Beginner Post Quarantine Strongman Program
Over the next few years, my deadlift continued to go up, pulling 700 in competition. However, I then made the switch over to strongman, where sumo was not allowed. I had to re-learn how to pull conventional, and it was not easy, to say the least. I could pull 700 sumo but could barely pull 600 conventional. However, my sumo deadlift helped immensely in strongman despite what most say. The starting position of picking up an atlas stone, sandbag, duck walk, and the now popular Ukrainian deadlift are all in sumo positions.
After a few years competing in strongman, I wanted to switch back to powerlifting. I had just competed in the Arnold and only had eight weeks to prep for the meet I wanted to do. I hadn’t pulled sumo in quite some time, so I had to test the waters to see if I lost anything. Strengthening my conventional had brought up my sumo without even training it. I was able to hit a huge PR at my meet with 800 pounds. Another big advantage of pulling in both stances is injuries happen, and you may not feel pain in another stance allowing you to keep deadlifting. This happened to me at my last meet. I recently had groin hernia surgery, not allowing me to do anything in a narrow stance for months. Still wanting to compete, I was able to pull conventional and still do very well.
I know we can get stuck doing what we are stronger at and avoid working on the weak points, which is exactly what I did for years. If you need form help, there is a number of articles here at elitefts for you to checkout to make sure you are on point. If you want to bring up your deadlift and you have been avoiding one stance, give this deadlift program a try.
10-Week Deadlift Program
Week 1
- Weaker stance deadlift 3 x 5 80% (sets x reps)
- Stronger stance deadlift 5 x 2 80%
- Stronger stance RDL 3 x 8
- GHR 4 x 10 -banded or holding weight if you can
- 45 degree back raise 3 x 20 banded
- Hanging leg raise 3 x 15
Week 2
- Weaker stance deadlift 4 x 4 82.5%
- Stronger stance deadlift 7 x 2 80%
- Weaker stance RDL 3 x 8
- GHR 4 x 10
- 45 degree back raise 3 x 20 banded
- Hanging leg raise 3 x 15
Week 3
- Weaker stance deadlift 6 x 3 85%
- Stronger stance deadlift 9 x 2 80%
- Stronger stance RDL 3 x 8 all assistance lifts increase weight by a small jump
- GHR 4 x 10
- 45 degree back raise 3 x 20 banded
- Hanging leg raise 3 x 15
Week 4
- Weaker stance deadlift 3 x 2 87.5%
- Stronger stance deadlift 10 x 2 80%
- Weaker stance RDL 3 x 8 all assistance lifts increase weight by a small jump
- GHR 4 x 10
- 45 degree back raise 3 x 20 banded
- Hanging leg raise 3 x 15
Week 5
- Stronger stance deadlift work up to heavy 3 RPE 9 (one rep left in the tank)
- Weaker stance deadlift 4 x 6 75%
- SSB goodmornings 3 x 10
- GHR 4 x 10
- Single leg deadlift 3 x 8 each hold 2 dumbbells
- Ab wheel rollouts 3 x 12
Week 6
- Weaker stance deadlift work up to heavy 3 RPE 9 (one rep left in the tank)
- Stronger stance deadlift 4 x 6 75%
- SSB goodmornings 3 x 10
- GHR 4 x 10
- Single leg deadlift 3 x 8 each hold 2 dumbbells
- Ab wheel rollouts 3 x 12
Week 7
- Stronger Stance deadlift 3 x 1 90%
- Weaker stance deadlift 5 x 5 80%
- SSB goodmornings 3 x 10
- GHR 4 x 10
- Single leg deadlift 3 x 8 each hold 2 dumbbells
- Ab wheel rollouts 3 x 12
Week 8
- Conventional and Sumo Deadlift 8 x 2 -here you will be pulling one rep conventional, then immediately one rep sumo. Use 90% of your weaker stance
- SSB goodmornings 3 x 10
- GHR 4 x 10
- Single leg deadlift 3 x 8 each hold 2 dumbbells
- Ab wheel rollouts 3 x 12
In other words I would feel unsuccessful if I used my PRs from 3 years ago!?
How to pick percentages ???
Much for an old man