This is an eight-week off-season training plan I created for my wife Traci while she was in her figure off-season. This program was intended to work on her weak points for the upcoming season.
The point of sharing this program is for you to see my approach to programming for a physique competitor in her off-season. Here are a few features you'll see each week:
- A warm-up that gets the heart rate up, mind set, and exercises that target areas that need constant attention. In Traci's case, she needs constant attention on bringing up her glutes, hamstrings, and abs.
- A four-day split where legs are trained twice, one day is devoted to back and bis, and the fourth day is chest, triceps and shoulders.
- Week days are high in volume with moderate effort and the weekends are lower volume with high intensity.
- Stretching targeted muscles concludes most workouts.
- Throughout the workout, intensity levels are based on an effort scale. Initially, you'll have to refer to the scale of effort, but eventually you'll memorize it. This is a great tool to gauge your effort so you can progress throughout the eight-week wave as advised.
Keep in mind, Traci had open-heart surgery a few years back and the chest plate prohibits her from doing heavy squats. Therefore, minimal time is spent with a barbell on her back. You'll make this program your own and make the tweaks necessary to fit your needs and work around past injuries. If you can squat with a barbell on your back and find it's a mass builder for you, please add barbell squats into the mix where appropriate.
Note: This is a non-edited version. Excuse all typos.
Scale of Effort
Effort Scale
1 - easy, first set type weight
2 - 2nd warm up set type of weight
3 - last warm up set type of weight
4 - 4 reps shy of failure
5 - 2 reps shy of failure
6 - 1 rep shy of failure
7 - to failure, you miss the last rep
8 - past failure but can still train at same pace but can still breath about the same
9 - past failure but can still train at same pace but breathing hard
10 - past failure and after set is done nothing left in the tank, would need 5-10 minutes before doing anything else.
First Phase (week days)
Volume = High
Effort = Moderate
Second Phase (weekend)
Volume = Low
Effort = High
Week 1
5-10 minutes on treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Pit Shark Squats Moderate to Wide Stance
* 3-4 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 15 (effort 4) - adjust weight as needed
Close Stance Kettlebell Goblet Squats to 10-12 inch box
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 3 work sets 15 using the same weight (effort 4)
Walking Lunges
* 2 sets with no added weight. (effort 4)
Standing Hamstring Curl
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 double sets of 8. A double set means you do 8 reps with the right leg and then 8 with the left and then with no break go right back to the right leg and do 8 reps and then the left. (effort 5)
* 3 sets of ? (effort 5)
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 15-20 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 15-20 (effort 5)
Seated Calve Raise
* 6 work sets 15 (effort 5)
27 work sets (effort 4-5)
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Moderate to Wide Grip Pulldown
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4)
Low Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4)
Dumbbell Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4)
Close Grip (neutral grip) Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4)
Rear Delt Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 20 reps (effort 4)
Hammer Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
Palms Out Seated Dumbbell Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
26 work sets (effort 4-5)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Incline Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (effort 4-5)
Machine Flies
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 10-12 (effort 4-5)
Barbell Pushups
* 4 work sets (effort 4)
Lying Dumbbell Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-12 (effort 5)
Behind the Head Cable Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-12 (effort 5)
Seated Side Raise - Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 12-15 (effort 4)
Seated Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 15 (effort 4)
27 work sets (effort 4-5)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Lying Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
* with the same weight as last set do 6 reps and then two strip sets of 6 reps and finally 20 partial reps (out of bottom) at the end (effort 9)
Barbell Squats (no weight - just bar)
* 3 sets 20 reps. Use a moderate to wide stance but one that allows you to break parallel. At the top of each rep flex glutes for a 2 count.
Leg Press
* Find a weight that is moderately hard to do for 10-15 reps and do 2 sets (effort 4)
* Find a foot position that feels strong
* Use a rep speed (tempo) that is 1/2 of what you would normally use.
* Get a spotter
* With the same weight do 6 reps and have spotter add one 45 on one side of the machine. DO NOT rack the weight. Spotter will add the weight while you are holding at top. With this added eight do 6 more reps, Once again hold at top and have spotter add 45 pounds to the other side of the machine and do 6 more reps. Keep doing this until you feel there is no way you could do another set of 6 reps (effort 10)
Standing Calve Raises
* One warm up set of 10
* One set of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
10 work sets (effort 9-10)
UBE Machine - 5 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Flat Bench with 2 Chains per side
* Start with the 2 chains per side.
* Do 6 reps per set adding a dime per side with each set. Work up to a weight you can’t do 6 reps with (effort 6-7). This should be 4-5 0r 6 total sets.
Chest Supported Rows
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
* With the same weight do a strip set with three drops all going to failure. At the end of the last set let the weight stretch you at the bottom for a 15 - 20 count. (effort 9)
Seated Neutral Grip Overhead Press (the red machine)
* Find a weight you can do 10 reps with.
* Press and hold the weight to the top. Only lower your left arm (keep the right locked out), do 3 reps and then change arms with the left now being the one locked out. Rotate back and forth 4 times. (effort 8)
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 2
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Pit Shark Squats or Belt Squats Moderate to Wide Stance
* 3-4 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 12 (effort 6) - adjust weight as needed NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Close Stance Kettlebell Goblet Squats to 10-12 inch box
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 3 work sets 12 using the same weight (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Walking Lunges
* 2 sets with no added weight. (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Standing Hamstring Curl
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 double sets of 6. A double set means you do 6 reps with the right leg and then 6 with the left and then with no break go right back to the right leg and do 6 reps and then the left. (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
* 3 sets of ? (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 15-20 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 15-20 (effort 5)
Seated Calve Raise
* 6 work sets 15 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
27 work sets (effort 5-6)
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Moderate to Wide Grip Pulldown
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Low Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Dumbbell Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Close Grip (neutral grip) Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Rear Delt Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 20 reps (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Hammer Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Palms Out Seated Dumbbell Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
26 work sets (effort 6)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Incline Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Machine Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Barbell Push-ups
* 4 work sets (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Lying Dumbbell Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-12 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Behind the Head Cable Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-12 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Seated Side Raise - Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 12-15 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
Seated Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 15 (effort 6) NOTE: THE EFFORT CHANGED!
27 work sets (effort 4-5)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Seated Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* Work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
* With the same weight as last set do 8 reps and then two strip sets of 8 reps and finally 20 partial reps (out of bottom) at the end (effort 9)
Barbell Squats
* 3 sets 20 reps. Use a moderate to wide stance but one that allows you to break parallel. At the top of each rep flex glutes for a 2 count.
Leg Press
* Find a weight that is moderately hard to do for 10-15 reps and do 2 sets (effort 4)
* Work up doing sets of 8-10 reps until you get to a weight that feels hard for 10. Do two sets with this weight. Rest a few extra minutes and on the last set (the 3rd set) do as many reps as you can. Shot for 20 reps. This will be at an effort of 6-7
Seated Calve Raises
* One warm up set of 10
* One set of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
10 work sets (effort 9-10)
UBE Machine - 5 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Flat Bench with 2 Chains per side
* Start with the 2 chains per side.
* Do 6 reps per set adding a dime per side with each set. Work up to a weight you can’t do 6 reps with (effort 6-7). This should be 4-5 0r 6 total sets.
Chest Supported Rows
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
* With the same weight do a strip set with three drops all going to failure. At the end of the last set let the weight stretch you at the bottom for a 15 - 20 count. (effort 9)
Seated Neutral Grip Overhead Press (the red machine)
* Find a weight you can do 10 reps with.
* Press and hold the weight to the top. Only lower your left arm (keep the right locked out), do 5 reps and then change arms with the left now being the one locked out. Rotate back and forth 4 times. (effort 8) NOTE: REPS ARE HIGHER THAN LAST WEEK
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 3
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Pit Shark or Belt Squats Moderate to Wide Stance
* 3-4 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 12 (effort 6)
* 1 set using the same weight as you last set. With this set do as many reps as you can, then strip off weight from each side (around 20-30% total weight) and so as many reps as you can again. When you think you have done all you can - do 5 more reps. (effort 10)
Close Stance Leg Press
* 2 warm up sets to get used to the movement
* Pick a weight that is moderate and do 100 total reps. The goal is for this to all be done in one set. (effort 7)
Prowler Pushes
* 4 sets from gate to weight room door
Seated Hamstring Curl
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 12 reps ( effort 6)
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 15-20 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 15-20 (effort 5)
Toe Presses Calve Raise
* 6 work sets 15 (effort 6)
* Hold the top of each rep for a 2 count
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Moderate to Wide Grip Pulldown using Tsunami Lat Bar
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) - As you pull try to constantly be bending the bar inward.
Low Rows with Close MAG Grip
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Dumbbell Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
* NOTE - on your last set do as many reps as you can. It should be between 15-25 total
Close Grip (neutral grip) Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Rear Delt Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 30 reps (effort 6)
Hammer Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Palms Out Seated Dumbbell Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Incline Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 6-8 (effort 6)
- Use more weight than last week
Cable Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6)
- Set the machine up so you feel it more in your chest - not shoulders
Handle Push-ups
- These spin. When you press turn your pinkies in when you are at the top.
* 4 work sets (effort 7) - all sets to failure - meaning you fail at the bottom and can’t press up.
Lying Chain Extensions Cross Body Using Handles or Grenades
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 6)
Behind the Head Cable Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 6)
Band Pull Aparts
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 12-15 (effort 6)
Seated Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 7)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Lying Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
* with the same weight as last set do 8 reps and then two strip sets of 8 reps and finally 20 partial reps (out of bottom) at the end (effort 9)
Leg Press
* Find a weight that is moderately hard to do for 10-15 reps and do 2 sets (effort 4)
- First set 20 reps
- Second set 15 reps with 5 rest pause reps (stop at the bottom and press out)
- Third set 10 reps with 10 rest pause reps
- Fourth set 5 reps with 15 rest pause reps
Seated Calve Raises
* One warm up set of 10
* One set of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
- It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
UBE Machine - 5 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Machine Press
* Do 2 warm up sets
* Start with the pin on the first weight on the stack. Do 5 reps.
* Move up the rack one pin at a time doing 5 reps per set.
* No rest between jumps other than what it takes to change the pin.
* Work up until you can’t do 5 reps.
* Drop weight in half and finish with as many reps as you can.
Any Machine Row
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
* With the same weight do a strip set with three drops all going to failure. At the end of the last set let the weight stretch you at the bottom for a 15 - 20 count. (effort 9)
Seated Side Raise
* 10 sets 10 reps (effort 5)
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 4
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Hack Squats Close to Moderate Stance
* 3-4 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 12 (effort 6)
Wide Stance Leg Press
* 2 warm up sets to get used to the movement
* Work up using sets of 20. The last 3 sets should be work sets so jump 45 pounds per set (1 plate per side) = effort 7
Prowler Pushes
* 2 sets of 40 yards
Lying Leg Curl
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 15 reps ( effort 6)
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 30 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 30 (effort 5)
Toe Presses Calve Raise super set with Seated Calve Raise
* 4 work sets 15 (effort 6)
* Hold the top of each rep for a 2 count
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Close Grip Pull Down using DD Handle
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6) - As you pull try to constantly be bending the bar inward.
Low Rows with Wide Grip (wider than shoulders)
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 10-15 (effort 6)
One Arm Hammer Machine Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Wide Grip Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 2 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Band Pull Aparts
* 2 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 30 reps (effort 6)
Reverse Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 2 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Machine Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Flat Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 6-8 (effort 6)
- Use more weight than last week
Machine Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6)
- Set the machine up so you feel it more in your chest - not shoulders
Handle Pushups
- These spin. When you press turn your pinkies in when you are at the top.
* 4 work sets (effort 7) - all sets to failure - meaning you fail at the bottom and can’t press up.
Fat Rope Pushdowns
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 6)
Seated Behind the Head Dumbbell Extensions
* Use the blue ab bench on the back wall to do these
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 6)
Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raises
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 12-15 (effort 6)
Seated Machine Shoulder Side Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 15-20 (effort 7)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Standing Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* Work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
- Jump up using 5 pound plates. Once you get to the heaviest set you will do a strip set of 6 reps per plate until only 10 pounds per side. At this point you will do 20-30 bottom end partials.
Yoke Bar Squats to Low Box Superset with Lunges
* Use no weight - if you do add weight no more than 10 pounds per side.
* 10 sets of 15-20 reps
-> Lunges. - Standing and step back. 10 reps each leg.
Standing Calve Raises
* One warm up set of 10
* One set of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
UBE Machine - 5 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Bench Press
* Do 2 warm up sets
* Work up to a modernly heavy set of 10 reps.
* Repeat this weight for 2 more sets
* On last set cut weight by 50% and do as many as you can. When you get one rep shy of failure rack the weight, count to 10 and do as many more reps as you can. (( if you are training alone use the hammer decline machine)
Any Machine Row
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
* With the same weight do a strip set with three drops all going to failure. At the end of the last set let the weight stretch you at the bottom for a 15 - 20 count. (effort 9)
Seated Side Raise
* 10 sets 10 reps (effort 5)
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 5
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Giant Set (triset)
Leg Press
Leg Extensions
* No rest between movements.
* Work up to your heaviest set of 20 reps with each one.
* One the last set (your heaviest set) do three strip sets per exercise.
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 30 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 30 (effort 5)
Toe Presses Calve Raise super set with Seated Calve Raise
* 4 work sets 15 (effort 6)
* Hold the top of each rep for a 2 count
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Neutral Grip Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 1 set of a max negative rep. Get to the top and lower as slow as you can. Try to fall somewhere between 30-60 seconds for this negative rep.
Low Rows with Wide Grip (wider than shoulders)
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 10-15 (effort 6)
- On the last set do 2 strip sets of 8 after the first set of 10-15
Barbell Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
Reverse Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Flat Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 6-8 (effort 6)
- Use more weight than last week
Superset with…
Machine Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6)
- Set the machine up so you feel it more in your chest - not shoulders
Handle Push-ups
These spin. When you press turn your pinkies in when you are at the top.
* 4 work sets (effort 7) - all sets to failure - meaning you fail at the bottom and can’t press up.
Superset with …
Fat Rope Pushdowns
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 6)
Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raises
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 12-15 (effort 6)
Superset with….
Seated Machine Shoulder Side Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 15-20 (effort 7)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Standing Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* Work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
- Jump up using 5 pound plates. Once you get to the heaviest set you will do a strip set of 6 reps per plate until only 10 pounds per side. At this point you will do 20-30 bottom end partials.
Leg Press
* Work up to heaviest set of 20 reps
* Drop weight by 50% and do 100 reps (try to get all within one set but if you do not stay on the machine and just rest a few seconds and do more reps)
Walking Lunges
* 4 trips of 20 reps per leg
Hack Squats
* 2-3 warm up sets of 10 reps
* 5 sets of 8 reps with 30-45 seconds rest (only enough time for training partner to do their set).
*Every rep should be 1 and a half reps. Drop to the bottom and come 1/2 way up and do back down again. Then all the way up. This is one rep.
Standing Calve Raises
* One warm up set of 10
* Two sets of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
UBE Machine - 7 minutes (3.5 minutes forward and 3.5 minutes backward)
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Slight Incline Dumbbell Press
* Do 2 warm up sets
* Work up to a max set of 8 reps.
* Repeat this weight for 2 more sets and try to get 6-8 each set
Any Machine Row (other than what you used last week)
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
* With the same weight do a strip set with three drops all going to failure. At the end of the last set let the weight stretch you at the bottom for a 15 - 20 count. (effort 9)
Machine Rear Delt Raise
* 10 sets 10 reps (effort 5)
Pushdowns (any grip)
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12
Superset with…
Machine Curls (any grip)
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 6
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Leg Press super set with Hack Squats
* 2 warm up sets of 10-15
* Find a weight you can do for 20-25 reps
* 4 sets of 10 with each movement with no rest between. On the eccentric of each use a 6 count to lower and come up with your normal speed. (effort 7)
Walking Lunges
5 sets of 20 steps per leg
* 3 sets 30 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 3 sets each of 30 (effort 5)
Toe Presses Calve Raise superset with Seated Calve Raise
* 4 work sets 15 (effort 6)
* Hold the top of each rep for a 2-count
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Neutral Grip Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 2 sets of a max negative rep. Get to the top and lower as slow as you can. Try to fall somewhere between 30-60 seconds for this negative rep.
Low Rows with Close Grip - DD Handle
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 10-15 (effort 6)
- On the last set do 2 strip sets of 8 after the first set of 10-15
Machine Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 5 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
Hammer Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 5 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Flat Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 6-8 (effort 6)
- Use same weight as last week but on the last set get as many reps as you can.
Superset with…
Machine Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6)
- Set the machine up so you feel it more in your chest - not shoulders
Handle Push-ups
These spin. When you press turn your pinkies in when you are at the top.
* 4 work sets (effort 7) - all sets to failure - meaning you fail at the bottom and can’t press up.
Superset with …
Fat Rope Pushdowns
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 8-10 (effort 6)
Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raises with Thumbs Up
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 12-15 (effort 6)
Superset with….
Seated Machine Shoulder Side Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 15-20 (effort 7)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Lying Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* Work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
- Jump up using 5 pound plates. Once you get to the heaviest set you will do a strip set of 6 reps per plate until only 10 pounds per side. At this point you will do 20-30 bottom end partials.
Squats with Yoke Bar
* 15 sets of 10 reps
- Only 45 seconds between sets or only as long as it takes for one other person to do their set.
Wall Squats
Squat on wall, sit to just above parallel and hold
* 1st set - 15 seconds
* 2nd set - 30 seconds
* 3rd set - 45 seconds
* 4th set - 60 seconds
* 5th set - 90 seconds
Leg Extensions
* 2-3 warm up sets of 10 reps
* 2 sets of 30 reps
Toe Press Machine
* One warm-up set of 10
* Two sets of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
UBE Machine - 7 minutes (3.5 minutes forward and 3.5 minutes backward)
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Slight Decline Dumbbell Press
By slight I mean put a thick bumper until one end of a flat bench
* Do 2 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 15 reps (effort 6)
Any Machine Row (other that what you used last week)
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
* With the same weight do a strip set with three drops all going to failure. At the end of the last set let the weight stretch you at the bottom for a 15 - 20 count. (effort 9)
Machine Rear Delt Raise
* 3 sets of 30 reps (effort 5)
Pushdowns (any grip)
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12
Superset with…
Barbell Curls (any grip)
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 7
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Leg Press
* 2 warm up sets of 10-15
* Find a weight you can do for 20-25 reps
* 3 sets 20 reps (effort 7)
Walking Lunges
2 sets of 15 steps per leg
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 15 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 15 (effort 5)
Toe Presses Calve Raise superset with Seated Calve Raise
* 2 work sets 15 (effort 6)
* Hold the top of each rep for a 2 count
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Neutral Grip Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 2 sets of 10 reps (effort 5)
Low Rows with Close Grip - DD Handle
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 2 work sets of 10 (effort 5)
Machine Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 2 work sets of 8-10 (effort 5)
Hammer Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 2 work sets of 8-10 (effort 5)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Slight Incline Dumbbell Press
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 2 work sets of 15 (effort 5)
Machine Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 2 work sets of 10 (effort 5)
- Set the machine up so you feel it more in your chest - not shoulders
Fat Rope Pushdowns
* 2 warm up sets
* 2 work sets 8-10 (effort 5)
Seated Machine Shoulder Side Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 2 work sets 15-20 (effort 5)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Lying Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
- Jump up using 5 pound plates. Once you get to the heaviest set you will do a strip set of 6 reps per plate until only 10 pounds per side. At this point you will do 20-30 bottom end partials.
Wall Squats
Squat on wall, sit to just above parallel and hold
* 1st set - 15 seconds
* 2nd set - 30 seconds
* 3rd set - 45 seconds
* 4th set - 60 seconds
* 5th set - 90 seconds
Squats with Yoke Bar
* 10 sets of 10 reps
- only 45 seconds between sets or only as long as it takes for one other person to do their set.
Walking Lunges
* 2-3 warm up sets of 10 reps
* 2 sets of 30 reps
Toe Press Machine
* One warm up set of 10
* Two sets of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
UBE Machine - 7 minutes (3.5 minutes forward and 3.5 minutes backward)
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Barbell Bench Press - using 1 board
* Do 2 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 15 reps (effort 6)
Any Machine Row (other that what you used last week)
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps (uses dimes)
* Work up using a dime per set until you can’t do 8 reps.
Machine Rear Delt Raise
* 3 sets of 20 reps (effort 5)
Pushdowns (any grip)
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12
Superset with…
Barbell Curls (any grip)
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 sets 10-12
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.
Week 8
5-10 minute treadmill
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Toe Presses Calve Raise
* 6 work sets 15 (effort 6)
* Hold the top of each rep for a 2 count
Pit Shark or Belt Squats Moderate to Wide Stance
* 3-4 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 20 (effort 6)
* 1 set using the same weight as you last set. With this set do as many reps as you can, then strip off weight from each side (around 20-30% total weight) and so as many reps as you can again. When you think you have done all you can - do 5 more reps. (effort 10)
Close Stance Leg Press
* 2 warm up sets to get used to the movement
* Pick a weight that is moderate to for 20 reps. You will do 8 reps and hold at the top while training partner load one plate on one side of the leg press (only one plate NOT one plate per side), you then do 8 more reps and hold the weight again at the top while partner adds one plate to the other side of the leg press, you do 8 more reps and once again hold the weight at the top for 8 more reps. Keep working up until you can’t do 8 reps anymore.
Prowler Pushes
Backwards (You need to use the prowler posts that has holes in them and then put the push pad on it, you will brace your lower back against the push pad and push backwards)
* 4 sets from gate to weight room door
Seated Hamstring Curl
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* Find a weight you think you will be able to do around 30 reps with (to failure). Preform your set to failure (around 30 reps) then keep the set going by doing partial reps from the top down about 1/4 of the way. Do 70 more reps. It doesn’t matter if you can only move the weight one inch keep doing the reps until you hit 100.
Glute Press Machine
* 2 sets 15-20 (effort 5)
Hip Ad and Abduction
* 2 sets each of 15-20 (effort 5)
5-10 minute bike
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Moderate to Wide Grip Pulldown using Tsunami Lat Bar
Find the one that has the least resistance)
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6) - As you pull try to constantly be bending the bar inward.
Low Rows with Close MAG Grip
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Dumbbell Rows
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 20 reps (effort 6)
Close Grip (neutral grip) Chins
* 2 warm up sets 10
* 4 work sets of 12-15 (effort 6)
Rear Delt Machine
* 2 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 30 reps (effort 6)
Hammer Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 6)
Palms Out Seated Dumbbell Curls
* 2 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 8-10 (effort 4-5)
5-10 stair master
Glute Bridges 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Planks - 1 set 15 count (side, front, side)
Reverse Hyper - 2 sets 15 (effort 1-3)
Hanging Leg Raise - 1 set 15
Slight Incline Dumbbell Press
** Place one end of the bench under a thick bumper plate
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6)
Superset with...
Cable Flys
* 3-4 warm up sets
* 3 work sets of 10-12 (effort 6)
- Set the machine up so you feel it more in your chest - not shoulders
Handle Push-ups
- There are handes by the bar holders on the main wall. These spin. When you press turn your pinkies in when you are at the top.
* 4 work sets (effort 7) - all sets to failure - meaning you fail at the bottom and can’t press up.
Lying Chain Extensions Cross Body Using Handles or Grenades
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-15 (effort 6)
Behind the Head Cable Extensions
* Use the blue ab bench on the back wall to do these
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-15 (effort 6)
Band Pull Aparts
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 20 (effort 6)
Seated Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raise
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets 10-15 (effort 7)
Select either bike, treadmill or stair master for 10 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Band Around Ankles Side Walk - 10 reps each side
Leg Raise 10 reps
Seated Calve Raises
* One warm up set of 10
* One set of 10 reps, hold at the top for a 10 count and then do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and do ten more reps, hold at top for 10 count and then finally ten more reps (effort)
Lying Leg Curl
* 3-4 warm up sets
* Work up to the heaviest set you can do of 8 reps
* With the same weight as last set do 8 reps and then two strip sets of 8 reps and finally 20 partial reps (out of bottom) at the end (effort 9)
Hack Squats
* 2-3 warm up sets of 10 reps
- First set 20 reps
- Second set 25 reps
- Third set 30 reps
- Fourth set 40 reps
Split Squats (back leg up on stand)
* With this you will do 20 reps per leg and then without a rest begin the first leg again for 15 reps followed by the second leg for 15. Continue this pattern for 12/8/6 and 4 reps. This will be a total of 5 sets back to back with no break.
Ab Work
Circuit of 20 reps each
- Bent Knee Crunches
- Knee Ins
- Leg Vertical Crunches
- Keeping legs Vertical do hip trusts using your abs to raise your hips off the floor.
It doesn’t matter what stretches you do. Use the stretching rack and go by the chart for movements. Strength your lower body very good and hold each stretch for a 15-20 count.
UBE Machine - 5 minutes
Glute Bridges 15 reps
Lunges - 10 reps
Prone Back Raise - 10 reps
Crunches - 10 reps
Planks - 15 seconds
Machine Press
* Do 2 warm up sets
* Stat with the pin on the first weight on the stack. Do 5 reps
* Move up the rack one pin at a time doing 5 reps per set
* no rest between jumps other than what it takes to change the pin.
* work up until you can’t do 5 reps
* drop weight in half and finish with as many reps as you can.
Hammer Machine Row
* 2-3 warm up sets of 8 reps
* Work up to a heavy set of 10. Do the 10 reps and rest for a 10 count and then do 4 more reps, rest again for 10 and do 2 more reps.
Seated Side Raise
* 10 sets 10 reps (effort 5)
FREE TIME: 20 minutes
Use this time to do anything you want to do or try. Whatever you do train to failure or 1 rep shy. When this session is done you will have until Tuesday to rest.
If needed (feel sore or drained) then go in and just do any of the warm up sessions and leave. This will aid and help with recovery.