Over the last four years that I have been writing for elitefts I have written a number of position-specific programs. I thought it was high time I looked at a complete year in focus to allow you to see progressions across the training year and how you can best apply the information to your team’s environment and playing level. This is the exact weight training program that I applied to the Panasonic Rugby team for the 2014-15 season.
Players returned to training in early April after having the majority of March away from the training center. The team is made up of both full-time professional players and players that are considered amateurs, employed by the company and released to train and play for the team.
Pre-Season Phase 1: April/May
Players are divided into various training groups based on specific areas that they need to improve in over the pre-season time. This is in conjunction with coaches and players as well as strength and conditioning staff.
Metabolic Group (Fit and Strong)
Monday: Beastly Circuit 1 (6) + Close Grip Bench and Squat
- Deadlift
- Power Clean from Hang
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Bent-Over Row
- Romanian Deadlift
- Three Minutes Cardio
Tuesday: Otago Circuit (5) + Push Press and Power Snatch
- Row 300 Meters (<1 minute)
- 10 Full Burpees
- 10 x 36-Kilogram Two-Arm Swing with Kettlebell
- 4 x 15-Meter Shuttle Run
- 10-Kilogram Medicine Ball Slam x 10 Each Side
Wednesday: Beastly Circuit 2 (6) + Chins or Pendlay Row and Box Squat
- Power Snatch from Floor
- Overhead Squat
- Push Press Behind Neck
- Klokov Raise from Hang
- Lunge
- Good Morning
- Three Minutes Cardio
Thursday: Bodyweight/Kettlebell Circuit (3) + Power Clean and Split Jerk from Rack
- 10 Mountain Climbers/Kettlebell Floor Press
- 10 No Momentum Sit-Ups/Kettlebell Renegade Row
- 10 Grasshoppers/Kettlebell See Saw Shoulder Press
- 10 Jumping Squat Lunges/Kettlebell Alternate Upright Row
- 10 Rock and Rolls/Kettlebell Alternating Snatches
Friday: Medley Conditioning (6) + Incline and Front Squat
- 30 Seconds Prowler Push/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Sledgehammer Hits/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Kettle Bell Swings/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Tire Flips/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Battling Ropes/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Push Up + Burpee/15 Seconds Rest
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75/80/90/90+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80/85/90/90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85/90/95/95+%
Saturday: Super Circuit for Metabolic (Fit and Strong) Members
- Super Circuit
- Pull, Push, Squat, Core
- 4–6 Times Through
Group 1
- Upright Row (40)
- Close Grip Bench Press (50)
- Squat Jump (40)
- MB Russian Twist x 10 Each Side
- Springbok Shuttle (30 Seconds)
Group 2
- Hang Cleans (50)
- Shoulder Press (40)
- Step-Ups x 5 Each Leg (50)
- Hanging Knees to Chest
- 1 x Malcolm Drill (30 Seconds)
Group 3
- Bent Row (60)
- Incline Bench (60)
- Overhead Squat(20)
- Sprinter’s Sit-Ups x 10 Each Side
- Half-Gasser (30 Seconds)
Weight (kilograms) to be used in brackets. 10 reps on all exercises.
Power/Strength Group (Fast and Strong)
- Warm Up with Overhead Snatch Grip Squat and Single-Leg Hip Thrusts, 3 x 5 (Step Load)
- Power Snatch superset with Rack Split Jerks
- Bulgarian Sprinter's Squat
- Split Stance Romanian Deadlift
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops, 3 x 5 (Step Load)
- Speed Power Combo
- Close Grip Bench Press superset with Close Grip Pendlay Row
- Warm Up with Superset of Decrement Snatch Grip Deadlift + Shrug and Knees-to-Feet Jumps, 3 x 5 (Step Load)
- Power Clean superset with Push Press
- Front Squat
- Incline Bench Press superset with Weighted Chins
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75/80/85/85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80/85/90/90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85/90/95/95+%
Hypertrophy Group (Big and Strong)
Squat Option
Upper Body Push
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Close Grip, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap, Close Grip)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench, Dumbbell)
Olympic Option
Upper Body Pull
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Close Grip, Dumbbell, Kettlebell)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Yates, Klokov)
Single-Leg Option
Upper Body Push
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Close Grip, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap, Close Grip)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench, Dumbbell)
Hamstring Option
Upper Body Pull
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Close Grip, Dumbbell, Kettlebell)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Yates, Klokov)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75/80/85/85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80/85/90/90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85/90/95/95+%
Performance Core Training
(Choose one after each training session)
- Loose Head Band Iso Hold (Bottom Position in Power Rack) 3 x 30 Seconds
- Tight Head Standing Bar + Band Crunch (Top Position in Power Rack) 3 x 30 Seconds
- Single-Leg Back Extension 3 x 5 Each Leg
- Zercher Lift 3 x 5
- Rollouts Loaded 3 x 5 or Unloaded 3 x 15
- Suitcase Deadlifts 3 x 5
- Windmills 3 x 5
- Loaded Sit-Up with Bar or Plate 3 x 5
- Russian Twists/Full Body Twists 3 x 5
- 3-Way Isometric Bridge 3 x Time
- Sprinter’s Sit-Ups 3 x 10–15 Each Side
- Bicycle Alternate Elbow to Knee 3 x 10–15 Each Side
- Vertical Leg Toe Touch 3 x 15
Pre-Season Phase 2: June/July/August
During this phase, players will have a series of practice matches at various times and the level of rugby skills training sessions will increase as well.
Big, Fast and Strong
Monday (Upper Body Strength)
3 x Push/Pull Superset (choice)
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench)
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Yates)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Seated Snatch, Seated Clean)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75, 80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
Tuesday (Lower Body Power and Strength)
2 x Push
2 x Pull
- Squat (Back Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Zercher Squat, Box Variations)
- Single-Leg (Split Squat, Sprinter’s Squat, Step-Ups, Bosch)
- Olympic (Power Snatch, Power Clean, Pulls)
- Hamstring/Lower Back (Deadlift, RDL, Good Morning, Hip Thrusts)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75,80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
Thursday (Heavy Power)
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5
- Single-Leg Hip Thrusts and Kettlebell Swings
- Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor superset with Knees-to-Feet Jumps or Band Box Squats superset with Box Jumps
- Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press superset with Upper Body Plyometric
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60%
- Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80%
- Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70%
- Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90%
Friday (Upper Body Size) Optional Extra Day
- Triple Drop Dumbbell Press (45/30/15 degrees) 5 x 5/5/5 superset with One-Arm Dumbbell Row 5 x 10
- Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press superset with Bodyweight Chins (30’s Method)
- 3-Way Shoulder Raise (Dumbbell Laterals, Plate Front, Cable Bent-Over Raise) 3 x 12
Fit, Fast, and Strong
Monday (Circuit + 1 x Upper/Lower Push)
Tuesday (Circuit + 1 x Upper/Lower Pull)
Beastly Circuit 1 (6)
- Deadlift
- Power Clean from Hang
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Bent-Over Row
- Romanian Deadlift
- 3 Minutes Cardio
Otago Circuit (5)
- Row 300 Meters (<1 minute)
- 10 Full Burpees
- 10 x 36-Kilogram Two-Arm Swing with Kettlebell
- 4 x 15-Meter Shuttle Run
- 10-Kilogram Medicine Ball Slam x 10 each side
Beastly Circuit 2 (6)
- Power Snatch from Floor
- Overhead Squat
- Push Press Behind Neck
- Klokov Raise from Hang
- Lunge
- Good Morning
- 3 Minutes Cardio
Bodyweight/Kettlebell Circuit (3)
- 10 Mountain Climbers/Kettlebell Floor Press
- 10 No Momentum Sit-Ups/Kettlebell Renegade Row
- 10 Grasshoppers/Kettlebell See Saw Shoulder Press
- 10 Jumping Squat Lunges/Kettlebell Alternate Upright Row
- 10 Rock and Rolls/Kettlebell Alternating Snatches
Medley Conditioning (6)
- 30 Seconds Prowler Push/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Sledgehammer Hits/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Second Kettle Bell Swings/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Tire Flips/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Second Battling Ropes/15 Second Rest
- 30 Seconds Push-Ups + Burpee/15 Seconds Rest
Super Circuit (Pull, Push, Squat, Core) (4)
- Upright Row (40)/Close Grip Bench Press (50)/Squat Jump (40)/MB Russian Twist
- Hang Cleans (50)/Shoulder Press (40)/Step-Ups (50)/Hanging Knees to Chest
- Bent Row (60)/Incline Bench (60)/Overhead Squat (20)/Sprinter’s Sit-Ups
Upper Body Push
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Close Grip, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap, Close Grip)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench, Dumbbell)
Lower Body Push
- Squat (Back Squat, Front Squat, Box Variations)
- Single-Leg (Split Squat, Sprinter’s Squat, Step-Ups, Bosch Variations)
Upper Body Pull
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Close Grip, Dumbbell, Kettlebell)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Yates, Klokov)
Lower Body Pull
Olympic (Power Snatch, Power Clean, Pulls)
Hamstring/Lower Back (Deadlift, RDL, Good Morning, Hip Thrusts)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75,80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
Thursday (Heavy Power)
Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 + Single-Leg Hip Thrusts and Kettlebell Swings
Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor superset with Knees to Feet Jumps or Band Box Squats superset with Box Jumps
Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press superset with Upper Body Plyometric
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60%
- Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80%
- Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70%
- Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90%
In-Season Gym-Based Programming Options: (Late August to Early March)
Game Day +2: Circuit Style, Prehab/Rehab Only, Full Body Strength, Upper Size, Split Program Upper or Lower Strength, Power
Game Day +3: Full Body Strength, Upper Size, Split Program Upper or Lower Strength, Power (if no gym on GD+2)
Game Day -2: Named in 22 — Power (No Plyos), Upper Body Strength and/or Size
Non 22 —Full Body Strength, Upper Size, Split Program Upper or Lower Strength, Power
Game Day -1: Non 22: Full Body Strength, Upper Size, Split Program Upper or Lower Strength, Power
Circuit Options:
Beastly Circuit 1 (6)
- Deadlift
- Power Clean from Hang
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Bent-Over Row
- Romanian Deadlift
- 3 Minutes Cardio
Otago Circuit (5)
- Row 300 Meters (<1 minute)
- 10 Full Burpees
- 10 x 36-Kilogram Two-Arm Swing with Kettlebell
- 4 x 15-Meter Shuttle Run
- 10-Kilogram Medicine Ball x10 Each Side
Beastly Circuit 2 (6)
- Power Snatch from Floor
- Overhead Squat
- Push Press Behind Neck
- Klokov Raise from Hang
- Lunge
- Good Morning
- 3 Minutes Cardio
Bodyweight/Kettlebell Circuit (3)
- 10 Mountain Climbers/Kettlebell Floor Press
- 10 No Momentum Sit-Ups/Kettlebell Renegade Row
- 10 Grasshoppers/Kettlebell See Saw Shoulder Press
- 10 Jumping Squat Lunges/Kettlebell Alternate Upright Row
- 10 Rock and Rolls/Kettlebell Alternating Snatches
Medley Conditioning (6)
- 30 Seconds Prowler Push/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Sledgehammer Hits/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Second Kettle Bell Swings/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Tire Flips/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Second Battling Ropes/15 Seconds Rest
- 30 Seconds Push-Up + Burpee/15 Seconds Rest
Super Circuit (Pull, Push, Squat, Core) (4)
- Upright Row (40)/Close Grip Bench Press (50)/Squat Jump (40)/MB Russian Twist
- Hang Cleans (50)/Shoulder Press (40)/Step-Ups (50)/Hanging Knees to Chest
- Bent Row (60)/Incline Bench (60)/Overhead Squat (20)/Sprinter’s Sit-Ups
Full Body Strength
Choose one from each group.
Upper Body Push
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench)
Upper Body Pull
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Yates)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Seated Snatch, Seated Clean)
Lower Body Pull
- Olympic (Power Snatch, Power Clean, Pulls)
- Hamstring/Lower Back (Deadlift, RDL, Good Morning, Hip Thrusts)
Lower Body Push
- Squat (Back Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Zercher Squat, Box Variations)
- Single-Leg (Split Squat, Sprinter’s Squat, Step-Ups, Bosch)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75,80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
Upper Body Strength and Size
Choose one from each group and superset.
Upper Body Push
Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered)
Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap)
Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench)
Upper Body Pull
Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Yates)
Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Seated Snatch, Seated Clean)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75,80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
Then do:
- Triple Drop Dumbbell Press (45/30/15 degrees) 5 x 5/5/5 superset with One-Arm Dumbbell Row 5 x 10
- Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press superset with Bodyweight Chins (30’s Method)
- 3-Way Shoulder Raise (Dumbbell Laterals, Plate Front, Cable Bent-Over Raise) 3 x 12
Upper Body Strength
Choose three from each group in a superset style.
Upper Body Push
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench)
Upper Body Pull
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Yates)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Seated Snatch, Seated Clean)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75,80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
Lower Body Strength and Power
Choose two from each group.
- Squat (Back Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Zercher Squat, Box variations)
- Single-Leg (Split Squat, Sprinter’s Squat, Step-Ups, Bosch)
- Olympic (Power Snatch, Power Clean, Pulls)
- Hamstring/Lower Back (Deadlift, RDL, Good Morning, Hip Thrusts)
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
- Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75,80,85,85+%
- Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80,85,90,90+%
- Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85,90,95,95+%
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 + Single-Leg Hip Thrusts and Kettlebell Swings
- Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor superset with Knees to Feet Jumps or Band Box Squats superset with Box Jumps
- Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press superset with Upper Body Plyometric
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60%
- Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80%
- Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70%
- Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90%
As an alternative to the in-season plan that was in place for the first part of the season, individualization of players programs were introduced based on the specific goals originally identified in the pre-season plan.
Metabolic Group (Fit and Strong)
Second wave only for none-game members. All others one wave only.
Monday: Beastly Circuit + Bench and Squat
- Deadlift
- Power Clean from Hang
- Front Squat/Push Press
- Bent-Over Row
- Romanian Deadlift
- 3 Minutes Cardio
Tuesday: Otago Circuit + Push Press and Snatch
- Row 300 Meters (<1 minute)
- 10 Full Burpees
- 10 x 36-Kilogram Two-Arm Swing with Kettlebell
- 4 x 15-Meter Shuttle Run
- 10-Kilogram Medicine Ball Slam x 10 Each Side
Thursday: Heavy or Light Power
Light Power (Game Member)
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 (Step Load)
- Snatch or Clean or Pulls from Blocks or Band Box Squats 6 x 3 with 50–70% superset with Push Press or Split Jerk from Rack 6 x 3 with 50–70%
Heavy Power (Non-Game Member)
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 Each Leg (Step Load)
- Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor or Band Box Squats
- Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60% superset with Tuck Jumps/MB Drops 4 x 12
- Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80% superset with Box Jumps/Chest Clap Push-Ups 5 x 6
- Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70% superset with Knees to Feet/MB Chest Pass 6 x 8
- Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90% superset with Depth Jumps/Depth Push-Ups 4 x 4
Power/Strength Group (Fast and Strong)
Second wave only for none-game members. All others one wave only.
Modified Olympic-Strength/Speed Movements
Strength Movements
Program Example – Heavy, Light, Medium Week Plan
Hypertrophy Group (Big and Strong)
Squat or Single-Leg Option
Upper Body Push
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Close Grip, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap, Close Grip)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench, Dumbbell)
- Olympic or Hamstring Option
- Upper Body Pull
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Close Grip, Dumbbell, Kettlebell)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Yates, Klokov)
Thursday: Heavy or Light Power
Light Power (Game Member)
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 (Step Load)
- Snatch or Clean or Pulls from Blocks or Band Box Squats 6 x 3 with 50–70% superset with Push Press or Split Jerk from Rack 6 x 3 with 50–70%
Heavy Power (Non-Game Member)
- Warm Up with Superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 (Step Load)
- Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor or Band Box Squats
- Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press
- Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60% superset with Tuck Jumps/MB Drops 4 x 12
- Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80% superset with Box Jumps/Chest Clap Push-Ups 5 x 6
- Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70% superset with Knees to Feet/MB Chest Pass 6 x 8
- Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90% superset with Depth Jumps/Depth Push-Ups 4 x 4
Performance Core Training
Choose two after each training session.
- Loose Head Band Iso Hold (Bottom Position in Power Rack) 3 x 30 Seconds
- Tight Head Standing Bar + Band Crunch (Top Position in Power Rack) 3 x 30 Seconds
- Single-Leg Back Extension 3 x 5 Each Leg
- Zercher Lift 3 x 5
- Rollouts Loaded 3 x 5 or Unloaded 3 x 15
- Suitcase Deadlifts 3 x 5
- Windmills 3 x 5
- Loaded Sit-Up with Bar or Plate 3 x 5
- Russian Twists/Full Body Twists 3 x 5
- 3-Way Isometric Bridge 3 x Time
- Sprinter’s Sit-Ups 3 x 10–15 each side
- Bicycle Alternate Elbow to Knee 3 x 10–15 each side
- Vertical Leg Toe Touch 3 x 15
I love the exercise variety and selection, however I noticed the Burpees & Behind the Neck Push Press; you don't feel those exercises have much a much smaller return/risk ratio to warrant including them in an athletes training program?
Program 1 (Monday) Lateral Speed Agility Focus
Warm up – Ladder patterns/Lateral Running drills
Hang Split Power Snatch 8 sets x 3 reps
Lateral resisted march/skip/run & release
Hang Power Clean 6 sets x 4 reps
Agility drills, Pro Agility, as per sheet
Lateral Squat/Reverse Lunge into Step up with slosh bag 4 x 6
Lateral plyometrics
Monday: Heavy Olympic - Snatch, Clean or Pull + Single Leg super set Hinge movement/Knee movement
Program 2 (Wednesday) Power Acceleration Focus
Warm up – hurdle patterns with range of hurdle sizes, hops/jumps
3 position power snatch 8 sets
Starts over 10 – 20 metres from a range of different starting positions
Clean Pulls 6 sets x 4 reps
Harness & Release sprints
Jump Squats 4 x 6
Sled Pulls & Prowler Pushes
Wednesday: Heavy Squat - Front, Back or Box + Single Leg Hinge movement
Program 3 (Friday) Maximal Velocity Focus
Warm up – sprinters movement pattern warm ups
Med Ball Throws
Plyos/Flying into Sprints
Snatch Pulls 6 x 4
In & Outs/Crossover Sprints
Power Step Ups + Plyometrics (Box Jumps)
20m, 40m, 60m straight line sprints
Friday: Heavy Deadlift - Trap bar or regular + Single leg quad/knee dominant movement
Thank you for continually producing and uploading great content. I have a couple of questions regarding the numbers in parentheses next to the circuit names. Is that number of sets? Also after the Friday session you have listed below it Week 1: 4x6 with 75%, Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75/80/85/85+%, and so on. What does this correspond to? I'm just looking for some clarification on those two things. Thank you Ashley, and I look forwardto your next article.
Wednesday: Beastly Circuit 2 (6) + Chins or Pendlay Row and Box Squat
Week 1 - 4 x 6 @ 75% will be for Chins and Box Squat, so I can keep the strength levels up whilst prioritising the metabolic effects of the circuit of course you could also do these exercises first in the program and finish with the circuit if you wanted more of a strength focus over the metabolic aspect, hope that assists, thanks again, best wishes, ashley
As everyone as already mentioned, thank you very much for all the amazing content you so kindly provide.
I was wondering with the 4 week progressions you have for the different rep, set and %1RM schemes to achieve different stimulus, if these were to be implemented for a pre season (for a example) of 8 - 12 weeks would you repeat the same progressions starting back at 1, change the rep and set scheme entirely or extend so the rep, set and %1RM used for week one were repeated for weeks 2 and 3 and then start with the rep, set and %1RM listed as week 2. Changing what is a micro cycle of one week to multiple macro cycles of two to three weeks. I hope that makes sense
Any help is appreciated,
The method that you have listed of extending the time on each block is certainly an option for you to put into practice and I am sure you would get great results since it would allow you to really bed down on each phase before moving to the next phase, personally I would more likely either repeat the 4 week block as listed utilising a different exercise for each of the main categories of exercise selection or if the playing group were less experienced I may keep the same exercises for the next 4 week block and change the programming stimuli to another sets & reps scheme, hope that assists you with your programming please let me know how you go, cheers, ashley
1. During the in season training for the Metabolic group (fit and strong) it mentions if playing in match, then do one wave, if not, do 2 waves. What does that mean?
2. On the circuits during in season, should the circuits be done at 6 sets like all other times? It does not denote?
3. And I suppose I can exchange the circuit over the weeks by using some of the other options available?
Thank you for your work!
1. This means just go through the sets once a normal wave load would be say week 1: 2 x (6,5,4) so if you played you would just do straight sets and do 1 x 6,5,4
2. This really depends on how your energy levels are if you can push for all 6 sets then go for it, but no worries if you just do 3 or 4 sets of this demanding circuit.
3. Yes indeed use all the iootions available and see which one you get the best out of, best wishes, ashley