For the last few months, I have been thinking about how different periodized programs affect progress. As Winston Churchill once said, “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” With this quote in the forefront of my mind, I re-read some of Poliquin’s amazing work regarding hormonal manipulation via exercise selection and the manipulation of the volume, intensity, and rest continuum. Also, the work of Bill Starr and Dan John provided me with a platform in aiding my decisions of what to include and when to program certain elements.
Here then, was my starting point for this voyage of discovery. As always, I like to have a chart for exercise selection based on what has been the most productive “bang for buck” movements and also where my “preferential bias” may currently lay. As with all of my work in programming, these are living documents, and although there is a degree of fixedness for probably 80% of my work, there is a 20% fluidity that allows me to incorporate new ideas as they come to my attention.
Alternative Weeks in a Month Plan
Movement/Week | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Bilateral Hinge | Deadlift | Trap Bar Deadlift | Rack Pulls | Deficit Deadlift |
Unilateral Hinge | Bosch RDL | Single-Leg Hip Thrust | Split Stance Good Morning | Landmine RDL |
Bilateral Knee | Front Squat to Low Box | Low Bar Box Squat | Sandbag Bearhug Squat | Good Morning Combo |
Unilateral Knee | Skater’s Squat | Skier’s Squat | Anderson Telemark Squat | Bulgarian Sprinter’s Squat |
Bilateral Horizontal Push | Bench Press | Incline Bench Press | 2 Board Bench Press | Swiss Bar Bench Press |
Bilateral Horizontal Pull | Pendlay Row | Yates Row | Swiss Bar Bent-over Row | Seated Row |
Bilateral Vertical Push | Swiss Bar Shoulder Press | Military Press | Viking Press | Savickas Press |
Bilateral Vertical Pull | Pulldown to Chest | Muscle Snatch from Hang | Chin Ups | Snatch Grip High Pulls |
Unilateral Horizontal/Vertical Push | One-Arm KB Shoulder Press | Hammer Chest Press | One-Arm Savickas Press | One-Arm Flat Bench Press |
Unilateral Horizontal/Vertical Pull | Hammer High Row | Hammer Iso Row | Seated One-Arm DB Snatch | One-Arm DB Row |
Week | Ashley Bilateral Strength | Keysie Strength BBs & DBs | Unilateral & Pull Movements |
Week One | 2 x (7,5,3) @ 81%, 86%, 92% Wave Load | 6 x 6 | 4 x 12 |
Week Two | 4 x 2/2 @ 92+% Cluster Load | 6 x 4 | 4 x 8 |
Week Three | 2 x 3/6 @ 92%/83% Contrast Load | 6 x 5 | 4 x 10 |
Week Four | 4 x 2 @ 92+% Ramp Load | 6 x 3 | 4 x 6 |
Full Body (FB) Gym Programming
Week One
Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
1 x Hinge (bilateral) 1 x Knee (unilateral) 1 x Upper Body Push (bilateral/horizontal) 1 x Upper Body Pull (bilateral/horizontal) | 1 x Knee (bilateral) 1 x Hinge (unilateral) 1 x Upper Body Push (bilateral/vertical) 1 x Upper Body Pull (bilateral/vertical) | 1 x Hinge (bilateral) 1 x Knee (unilateral) 1 x Upper Body Push (unilateral/horizontal) 1 x Upper Body Pull (unilateral/horizontal) |
Week Two
Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
1 x Knee (bilateral) 1 x Hinge (unilateral) 1 x Upper Body Push (bilateral/vertical) 1 x Upper Body Pull (bilateral/vertical) | 1 x Hinge (bilateral) 1 x Knee (unilateral) 1 x Upper Body Push (bilateral/horizontal) 1 x Upper Body Pull (bilateral/horizontal) | 1 x Knee (bilateral) 1 x Hinge (unilateral) 1 x Upper Body Push (unilateral/vertical) 1 x Upper Body Pull (unilateral/vertical) |
BIG Bang Exercise & Loading
6-Week Programming
Weeks/Days | Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
1, 3, 5 | Deadlift, Landmine Skier’s Squat, Kadillac Bench Press, Pendlay Row | Goblet Squat to Low Box Landmine RDL, Swiss Bar Shoulder Press, Close Grip Pulldown to Chest | Rack Pulls, 6” Step Ups, Incline Bench Press, Seated Low Cable Row |
2, 4, 6 | Safety Bar Position Squat, Split Stance Good Morning, Military Press, Wide Grip Pulldown to Chest | Trap Bar Deficit Deadlift, Telmark Squat, 2 Board Bench Press, Supported Row | Low Bar Position Box Squat, Single-Leg Hip Thrust, Seated Viking Shoulder Press, Snatch Grip Rack High Pull |
Sets & Reps
Weeks | Sets & Reps & Percentages |
1 & 2 | Bilateral: 4 x 2/2 clusters @ 90+% OR3 x 1/6 Contrast @ 90/70%, 92.5/72.5% & 95/75% Unilateral & Upper Body Pull: 4 x 8 @ 70% |
3 & 4 | Bilateral: 2 x 6/4/2 waves @ 75 - 90% OR3 x 3/5 ratchet @ 70 - 85% Unilateral & Upper Body Pull: 4 x 4 @ 90+% |
5 & 6 | Bilateral: Ramp Doubles @ 60 – 95+% OR2 or 3 x 3/2/1 Wave @ 90, 95, 100% Unilateral & Upper Body Pull: 4 x 6 @ 80+% |
Following this month, I wanted to look at how I would respond to the classic work of Starr and John, so my initial ideas were as follows:
Alternating Full Body Weeks and Split Body Weeks Month Plan
Week One (Full Body Programming)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x UB Horizontal Push 1 x UB Horizontal Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Knee1 x Unilateral Hinge1 x UB Vertical Push1 x UB Vertical Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Hinge1 x Unilateral Knee1 x UB Horizontal Push1 x UB Horizontal Pull | OFF | OFF |
Week Two/Four (Split Programming)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 x Bilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x Hamstring Specific | 1 x UB Bilateral Vertical Push 1 x UB Bilateral Vertical Pull 1 x UB Unilateral Horizontal Push 1 x Unilateral Horizontal Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 X Unilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x Hamstring Specific | 1 x UB Bilateral Horizontal Push 1 x UB Bilateral Horizontal Pull 1 x UB Unilateral Vertical Push 1 x UB Unilateral Vertical Pull | OFF | OFF |
Week Three (Full Body Programming)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 x Bilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x UB Vertical Push 1 x UB Vertical Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x UB Horizontal Push 1 x UB Horizontal Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x UB Vertical Push 1 x UB Vertical Pull | OFF | OFF |
Which led to this program as the alternating weekly variation of methods.
RECENT: Conjugate x Conditioning Tactical Athlete Programming
Week Variation (Starr/John)
Week One/Three: Pull, Push, Squat, Loaded Carry
Week Two/Four: Squat, Hinge, UB Push, UB Pull
Weeks/Days | Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
One/Three | Deadlift, Kadillac Bench Press, Sprinter’s Squats, Farmer’s Walk | Rack Snatch Pulls, Swiss Bar Shoulder Press, Front Squat to Low Box, Sandbag Bear Hug Walk | Trap Bar Deficit, Incline Bench Press, Telemark Squats, KB Waiter’s Walk |
Two/Four | Low Bar High Box Squat, Single-Leg Kang RFESS, Half Kneeling Landmine Press, MAG grip Pulldown | Rack Pulls from Knees, 6” Step Up, Swiss Bar Floor Press, Low Cable Row | Safety Bar Squat, Split Stance Good Morning, Seated One-Arm DB Press, Assisted Chin Ups |
Weeks | Sets & Reps |
1 & 2 | Bilateral: 3 x 1/6 Contrast @ 90/70%, 92.5/72.5% & 95/75% Unilateral & Upper Body Pull: 4 x 8 |
3 & 4 | Bilateral: 2 x 6/4/2 waves @ 75 - 90% Unilateral & Upper Body Pull: 4 x 4 |
The final step in my current programming journey is the incorporation of the work of Starr and John overlayed by the thoughts of Poliquin in the monthly plan.
Hormonal Response Training Plan
Based on the work of Poliquin in relation to the ideal amount of time that a session should take, testosterone appears to decrease at the 45-minute mark, and growth hormone is stimulated by larger volume with minimal rest, and also that cortisol increases after the 60-minute mark. Intensity will dictate rest periods and hence the number of exercises that are able to be performed in the required time zone of 45–60 minutes.
Month Plan
Weeks | Number of Movements | Sessions | Sets/Reps/Intensity | Inter-Set Rest |
1 | 5 | Knee/Hinge/UB Push/UB Pull/Loaded Carry | 2 – 3 x 10 – 12/15 reps@ 60 – 70% | 1 Minute |
2 | 4 | Knee/Hinge/UB Push/UB Pull | 4 x 6 – 8 reps traditional pyramid @ 70 – 75% | 1 – 2 Minutes |
3 | 3 | Pull/Push/Squat | 5 x 5 @ 80 – 85% | 2-3 Minutes |
4 | 2 | Lower Body/Upper Body | 2 - 3 x (3, 2, 1) Wave Loading@ >90% | 3+ Minutes |
Week Plans
Weeks/Days | Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
1 | Sprinter’s Squat, Landmine RDL, DB Bench Press, DB One-Arm Row, KB Waiter’s Walk | Landmine Skier’s Squat, Bosch Hamstring, KB Shoulder Press, Pulldown to Chest, Sandbag Bearhug Carry | Telemark Squats, Split Stance RDL, DB Incline Press, DB Incline Row, Farmer’s Walk |
2 | Low Bar High Box Squat, Kang RFESS, Half-Kneeling Landmine Press, MAG grip Pulldown | Rack Pulls from Knees, 6” Step Up, Swiss Bar Floor Press, Low Cable Row | Safety Bar Squat, Split Stance Good Morning, Seated One-Arm DB Press, Assisted Chin Ups |
3 | Deadlift, Kadillac Bench Press, Sprinter’s Squats | Rack Snatch Pulls, Swiss Bar Shoulder Press, Front Squat to Low Box | Trap Bar Deficit, Incline Bench Press, Telemark Squats |
4 | Low Bar Position High Box Squat, Kadillac Swiss Bar Bench Press | Deadlift, Swiss Bar Shoulder Press | Goblet Squat Position Low Box Squat, 2 Board Bench Press |
Since I primarily program in the sport of rugby and rugby league, I also developed a break-in program to allow returning players to ease into training again after a break from the previous season.
3 Week Loading Plan Variations
Week One: 2 Sessions (Full Body Programming)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x UB Horizontal Push 1 x UB Horizontal Pull | OFF | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x UB Vertical Push 1 x UB Vertical Pull | OFF | OFF | OFF |
Week Two: 3 Sessions (Full Body Programming)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x UB Horizontal Push 1 x UB Horizontal Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x UB Horizontal or Vertical Push 1 x UB Horizontal or Vertical Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x UB Vertical Push 1 x UB Vertical Pull | OFF | OFF |
Week Three: 4 Sessions (Split Programming)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
1 x Bilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x Unilateral Knee 1 x Hamstring Specific | 1 x UB Bilateral Vertical Push 1 x UB Bilateral Vertical Pull 1 x UB Unilateral Horizontal Push 1 x Unilateral Horizontal Pull | OFF | 1 x Bilateral Hinge 1 X Unilateral Knee 1 x Unilateral Hinge 1 x Hamstring Specific | 1 x UB Bilateral Horizontal Push 1 x UB Bilateral Horizontal Pull 1 x UB Unilateral Vertical Push 1 x UB Unilateral Vertical Pull | OFF | OFF |
CARE Program After Each Session
To conclude this month’s column, I want to include a program that I wrote for a player to provide our readers with a template for physical preparation.
Day/Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
AM | Neural Gym Traditional Contrast Method + Finisher & CARE | Extended Running Options | Mechanical Gym + Finisher & CARE | Extended Running Options | Neural Gym Traditional Contrast Method + Finisher & CARE | Fartlek Run | OFF |
PM | Metabolic Circuit + Off Feet Conditioning | Restoration & Recovery Yoga Stretching Pool Mobility Pilates | Metabolic Circuit + Off Feet Conditioning or Boxing | Restoration & Recovery Yoga Stretching Pool Mobility Pilates | Metabolic Circuit + Off Feet Conditioning | Restoration & Recovery Yoga Stretching Pool Mobility Pilates | OFF |
Neural Gym/French Contrast Method
Week 1
Lower Body: Box Squat 3 - 5 reps @ >85%, Knees to Feet Jumps x 5, Jump Squats 40% x 5, Band Assisted repeat jumps x 5 (repeat x 4)
Upper Body: Bench Press 3 – 5 reps @ >85%, Med Ball Explosive Push x 5, Bench Press Throws x 5, Band Assisted clap Push Ups x 5 (repeat x 4)
Week 2
Lower Body: Trap Bar Deadlift 3 – 5 reps @ >85%, Standing Long Jump x 5, DB Hang Clean (fast) x 5, Band Assisted Long Jumps x 4 (repeat x 4)
Upper Body: Military Press 3 – 5 reps @ >85%, Overhead (vertical) Med Ball Push x 5, DB Shoulder Press (fast) x 5, Band Assisted Push Press x 5 (repeat x 4)
Traditional Contrast
Explosive Hip + Med Ball Throw or Plyometric, Explosive Knee + Med Ball Throw or Plyometric, Explosive Upper Body Push + Med Ball Throw or Plyometric
Wk1: 60% 3 x 6
Wk2: 80% 6 x 3
Mechanical Gym
Week 1
Hip Hinge Bilateral, Knee Unilateral, Upper Body Vertical Push Superset Pull
Week 2
Knee Bilateral, Hip Hinge Unilateral, Upper Body Horizontal Push Superset Pull
Week | BilateralStrength | Unilateral &Row(Pull) Movements |
Week One/Two | 6 x 6 | 4 x 12 |
Week Three/Four | 6 x 4 | 4 x 8 |
Week Five/Six | 6 x 5 | 4 x 10 |
Week Seven/Eight | 6 x 3 | 4 x 6 |
Metabolic Circuits (different one each session)
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Ashley Jones has worked in three professional sports across 30 years and four continents. He was awarded the NSCA's Professional Coach of the Year in 2016. Ashley holds his CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) since 1988 and is an honorary lecturer in the School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SA.
I have been implementing your work with my lacrosse team; and soon will have the opportunity to do so with Rugby!
Full bodying and vary patterns is always the way to go! Also the prime 45-60mins leave athletes feeling pretty good and getting out before much fatigue sets in on top of the hormonal benefits.