The following program is a modified version of a rest-pause study. This study compared two programs:
- Program 1: 4 sets to failure of 8 exercises at 75% 1RM
- Program 2: 3 sets per exercise of leg press, chest press, and pulldowns at 85% 1RM followed by two rest-pause sets.
The results:
- Program 1: 62 minutes, 17,000 pounds lifted, and produced an elevation in blood lactate of 5.1 mmol/L post-workout. 22 hours post-exercise, this group experienced a 5% increase in calorie burn (98 extra calories)
- Program 2: 32 minutes, 8,500 pounds lifted, and produced an elevation in blood lactate of 10.5 mmol/L post-workout. 22 hours post-exercise, this group experience a 24% increase in calorie burn (452 extra calories).
Program 2 took half the time, half the work, and 450% burned post-workout when compared to Program 1.
After testing this program of a couple of ways, the most effective version of it can be found below, where we modified the rest-pause sets to a rest-pause/drop-set combination.
Day 1
- Core: Grappler Twists 3x8
- Power: ¼ Turn Box Jumps 3x3
- Sumo Deadlift: Work up to a 5RM. Rest 30 seconds and perform 1 set of many reps as possible with the 5RM. Rest 30 seconds and repeat with AMRAP with 90% of the previous set.
Alternate each workout between...
- Circuit 1
1a. Inverted Row Feet — Elevated 3 x AMRAP. Rest 60 seconds.
1b. Glute-Ham Raise 3 x AMRAP. Rest 60 seconds.
2a. Barbell Push Press 3x6. Rest 60 seconds.
2b. Crossover Step-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
- Circuit 2
1a. High-to-Low Cross-Cable Rows 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
1b. 1½ Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
2a. Feet-Suspended Blast Strap Push-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
2b. Crossover Step-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
Day 2
- Core: Forward Sled Drags with Chest Harness/Double Kettlebell Rack Walks 2-3x2 lengths. Rest 90 seconds.
- Power: Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 3-4x3. Rest 30 seconds.
- Bench Press: Work up to 5RM. Rest 30 seconds and perform 1 set of as many reps as possible with 90% of 5RM. Rest 30 seconds and repeat with AMRAP with 90% of the previous set.
Alternate each workout between...
- Circuit 1
1a. High-to-Low Cross-Cable Rows 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
1b. 1½ Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3x10. Rest 60 seconds
2a. Feet-Suspended Blast Strap Push-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
2b. Crossover Step-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
- Circuit 2
1a. Inverted Row Feet — Elevated 3 x AMRAP. Rest 60 seconds.
1b. Glute-Ham Raise 3 x AMRAP. Rest 60 seconds.
2a. Barbell Push Press 3x6. Rest 60 seconds.
2b. TRX RFE Split Squat 3x6. Rest 60 seconds.
Day 3
- Core: Ab Wheel Rollouts 2x10. Rest 50 seconds.
- Power: Medicine Ball Rotational Cross-Behind Side Throws 2-3x6.
- Hex Bar Deadlift with High Handles: Work up to 5RM. Rest for 30 seconds and perform 1 set of as many reps as possible with 90% of 5RM. Rest 30 seconds and repeat with AMRAP with 90% of the previous set.
Alternate each workout between...
- Circuit 1
1a. Inverted Row Feet — Elevated 3x AMRAP. Rest 60 seconds.
1b. Glute Ham Raise 3 x AMRAP. Rest 60 seconds.
2a. Barbell Push Press 3x6. Rest 60 seconds.
2b. TRX RFE Split Squat 3x6. Rest 60 seconds.
- Circuit 2
1a. High-to-Low Cross Cable Rows 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
1b. 1½ Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
2a. Feet-Suspended Blast Strap Push-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
2b. Crossover Step-Ups 3x10. Rest 60 seconds.
Alwyn Cosgrove is an international Tae kwon-do champion who has utilized his personal experiences as an athlete and combined them with advanced theories of European Sports Science and the principles of modern strength and conditioning systems. He has worked with a wide variety of clients, including several Olympic- and national-level athletes, five World Champions, and professionals in a multitude of sports, including boxing, martial arts, soccer, ice skating, football, fencing, triathlon, rugby, bodybuilding, and dance and fitness competitions. He will be a speaker at the 2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit.
No kidding though - this looks like some secret sauce worth dipping into.