Coauthored by Scott H. Mendelson and Dr. Eric Serrano
Build powerful quads and glutes while piling on lean muscle with minimal loading to stress your joints. The squat is the king of all exercises, but it does take a toll on joints especially if the proper form is limited by even the most minor dysfunctions. A Cluster 6 Pause Execution as Dr. Serrano demonstrates with patients in the video combines to create excellent conditions for muscle growth and body fat loss at the same time. This exercise should only be performed by serious trainees with more than ten years of strength training experience. Bring a training partner (they may hate you after they try the movement assuming they are qualified to try the movement) for feedback regarding proper form.
Not For the Faint of Heart
Prepare for the most intense quad and glute engagement of your entire life with Anchored Band Squats. This evil invention came from the twisted mind of Dr. Eric Serrano MD as he sought out a tool to help clients gain proper squat depth and torso position without spinal loading. Many patients are able to achieve depth below parallel without compromising their lower back positioning in order to gain greater muscle growth or range of motion specific to their sport. The use of the band was initially intended to help support an upright posture by allowing the squatter to drive the hips backward while reaching parallel depth. Quickly, Dr. Serrano noticed an intense burning in his quads when creating more distance between his legs and the post anchoring the bands.
“My grandfather always used to say that it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.” - Scott H. Mendelson
Scott came to visit Dr. Serrano for a friendly workout during July and quickly noticed the “good” doctor was up to something. Scott decided to position his feet 12 inches away from the post while performing the Cluster 6 Execution Anchored Band Squat. Smart ass move. At the completion of the set, Scott laid on the ground for at least 15 minutes while Dr. Serrano refused to get a glass of water as he wanted to see if Scott could physically climb the stairs without his legs collapsing. The lower body fatigue is very challenging to get up the stairs!
Massive Muscle Soreness Warning
Naturally, when Dr. Serrano develops an exercise that is highly productive, challenging, and ultimately an unmatched muscle soreness driver, he enjoys sharing it with the world. The force created by the band tension pulling against the upper portion of the calves combined with the natural motion of squatting creates a burning sensation that only a committed member of the iron game would enjoy. The glutes must engage in an intense manner to keep the body upright throughout the movement which reinforces proper torso position for future squatting endeavors.
Most clients notice intense quad and glute recruitment at parallel depth. A training partner should provide depth guidance during the set for quality control.
Build a Bigger Squat
The band anchored squat can help to fix strength deficits leading to bigger traditional squat loads in the future. Sub optimal firing of the glutes can limit squat strength progress, especially for an experienced trainee. The significant band tension will activate the glutes very quickly while building work capacity. Taking the load off the spine for 4 to 6 weeks is a common tactic Dr. Serrano uses to get rid of lower back pain while implementing corrective exercises.
Start with an elitefts average black band and perform practice sets of 8 reps to perfect the proper form without creating significant fatigue. The toes should be 8 to 12 inches from the post during the first few weeks of execution. The farther you move away from the post, the greater the tension will be. Using very high tension bands is not recommended.
Proper Execution
Always keep the arms extended in front for safety reasons which can prevent an accidental fall forward. Check the bands thoroughly for damage as a band tear during the exercise is problematic. Make sure the bands use are appropriate for this specific movement. elitefts bands are professional-grade and appropriate for this movement when properly maintained and inspected before every session. The band should be anchored to a post that absolutely cannot move to support proper execution and safety.
The Anchored Band Squat should not be used more than one time per week due to the shear difficulty when applied correctly.
The Cluster 6 Pause Execution packs 36 high-quality reps into a short period of time which is great for stimulating a wide array of muscle fibers while surging fat-burning hormones. A single set may take 2 to 3 minutes depending on how long each rep takes by controlling the lowering, bottom position pause, time to go upward and short time between reps. Breaking up the set into phases with Cluster 6 Pause execution allows trainees to conquer the 36 high-quality reps one rep at a time while keeping focus on the proper form.
How Many Sets?
Following two warm-up sets of 8 perfect reps, begin the work sets at the beginning of the training session. Only one or two work sets are needed before moving on to the rest of your workout. Take three minutes between sets to rehydrate as you will be sweating bullets during this session. More than two work sets increase the risks of overtraining. Keep in mind the fresh stimuli provided by the new exercise, band tension, and the Cluster 6 Pause execution creates the need for fewer sets to create an excellent response.
Rest 6 seconds in the standing position between each cluster as demonstrated within the videos.
Please send questions and requests for future article topics to Scott@infinityfitness.com.
Scott H. Mendelson, director of www.InfinityFitness.com, is a highly regarded performance nutrition and training specialist. In addition to designing customized programs for his celebrity, weekend warrior and executive clients, Scott works daily with professional athletes from the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, and NCAA. Scott has built an excellent reputation providing effective supplements, cutting-edge information, and unmatched service to thousands of clients worldwide since 1999.
Scott@infinityfitness.com Special assistant to Dr. Eric Serrano MD, Scott helps with the design of training, nutrition and supplementation trials to confirm the effectiveness of protocols and expand his expertise.
Dr. Eric Serrano, MD, is the ace sought out by elite athletes and business professionals around the world for help with the most difficult of problems. Dr. Serrano spends a majority of his time promoting the success of his family practice patients in Pickerington; a suburb of Columbus Ohio. Amongst the thousands of patients are elite athletes from around the globe who will travel to the ends of the earth to consult with Dr. Serrano.
I can also see a host of variations, tried a goblet squat variation with KB, liked that. To be tried is overhaed press with pvc pipe or broom stick.
I would not use any variation that prevents you from using your hands to quickly be placed on the post where the band is anchored as a safety measure.