In Greek mythology, there were 12 immortal deities that ruled over all. These gods were known as the Titans and, according to legend, descended from the earth and the sky. But the Titans failed in one department. When a race of younger, advanced, au courant gods known as the Olympians came around, the Titans were overthrown. They could not innovate to survive; the all-powerful divinities fell.
Joey Smith is determined not to allow the McDowell High School Titans to suffer the same fate.
For years, student-athletes at McDowell High School in Marion, North Carolina, have used outdated equipment, while their rivals at nearby schools updated to newer weight rooms. Smith, who himself graduated from MHS 22 years ago, and whose daughter will soon try out for the Lady Titans Basketball team, started the Build-A-Titan Fund to rally the entire community behind a much needed weight room overhaul.
With the help of volunteers from Smith’s Nebo Barbell gym, the county’s Board of Education, The McDowell Chamber of Commerce, and the donations and grunt work from the community, the MHS weight room was outfitted with the highest quality elitefts™ equipment.
In the video below, elitefts™ Director of Sales Matt Goodwin interviews Joey Smith on the development of the improvements. They discuss Joey's leadership of the fundraiser, Nebo Barbell’s involvement in the update, and the aid they received from local support.
- Joey Introduction (0:09)
- Why the fundraiser? (0:27)
- Joey’s connection to MHS (0:48)
- Nebo Barbell's fundraising strategy and Titan Bench Press Competition (1:10)
- Board of Education Involvement (1:44)
- Nebo Barbell’s ties to MHS (2:22)
- Special Thanks (2:52)
- Congratulations (3:42)
elitefts™ Equipment:
- (5) elitefts™ E-Series Double Half Rack: With Monkey Chin Bars, custom logos, and attached 6x8 rubber platforms
- (5) E-Series 0-90 Incline Bench: With custom logos
- (2) Pro Style Dumbbell Rack
- (10) Texas Power Bar
- (10) Olympic Style EZ Curl Bar
- Troy VTX Black Solid Bumper Plates