Brett Bartholomew: Performance Specialist at Exos (Formerly Athletes Performance)
I had the chance to meet Brett at the NSCA National conference this past summer. I really liked a series he did on emotional intelligence. Brett also submitted a program for boxers in the Programs that Work Manual this year.
Brett is in charge of the NFL off-season preparation program for Exos and was featured on espn.com.
Brett has become a good friend and in my opinion, is one of the bright young minds in sports performance. This is an outstanding interview and I think you'll gain a lot of insight from Brett.
The Brett Bartholomew File
Brett Bartholomew is a performance specialist at EXOS (formerly Athletes Performance) Phoenix, AZ. He currently directs the NFL program for all EXOS facilities and works with athletes ranging from major/ minor league baseball, United States Special Forces & Boxing/MMA.
Prior to working with Athletes Performance, Brett served as an strength & conditioning coach with Southern Illinois University-Carbondale as well as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He obtained his B.Sc degree in Kinesiology at Kansas State University, and his M.S. Ed from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale where he studied and wrote research on the topic of Motor Learning. He is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S) and is a current member of the NSCA
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