By the Coach for the Coach: Triphasic Training
By the Coach for the Coach: Triphasic Training
To find out more about triphasic training, Todd Hammer interviewed the man behind the magic—Cal Dietz.
Football’s Over... Now What?
Football’s Over... Now What?
It’s a time for a little rest and recovery, but that doesn’t mean it’s time for a complete absence of training.
Teaching the Hip Hinge
Teaching the Hip Hinge
It’s a basic movement that ALL athletes need to master, as it will set them up for safety and success down the road.
Power on Ice: Training Routines of the World’s Best Bobsled and Skeleton Athletes
Power on Ice: Training Routines of the World’s Best Bobsled and Skeleton...
These guys and gals are jacked. They are serious about their training and every bit as strong and fast as they look… and then some.
Introduction: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
Introduction: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
An introduction to the objectives of Coach X’s original GPP training program.
Conclusion: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Conclusion: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on Am...
As a society, we want to witness larger than life events, and this could shape the future of PED use in sports.
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on ...
Whether it be for moral reasons or their dangerous side effects, the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports is considered by many to be a problem.
Mastering Pool Tempos and the 300-Meter Run
Mastering Pool Tempos and the 300-Meter Run
The Thinker has answers to your training questions…fellow brainiacs to the front of the room.
Being Human, Part III: Pygmy Speed
Being Human, Part III: Pygmy Speed
Their running technique wasn’t based on maximum oxygen uptake, the African pygmies focused solely on efficiency.
Future Strength Coach Hopefuls
Future Strength Coach Hopefuls
These guys need some guidance. Are you their answer?
From Dust Mode to Something Like Block Periodization
From Dust Mode to Something Like Block Periodization
This program mash-up got Ryan Williams out of his training rut. What can it do for you?
Specialized Training Programs for Children with Disabilities
Specialized Training Programs for Children with Disabilities
It’s an area that is in dire need of attention; however, basic programming knowledge will not suffice. If you want to help children with disabilities, specialized knowledge and insight must first be gained.
Five Tips to Make You (or That Have Made Me) a Better Coach
Five Tips to Make You (or That Have Made Me) a Better Coach
You want your athletes to grow and advance their skills… why shouldn’t you as well?
Develop Speed with the Tear Regime
Develop Speed with the Tear Regime
With this method, speed won’t only be admired and pursued…it will be attained.
Making the Transition
Making the Transition
Personal training and strength and conditioning coaching… the two require a very different mindset and approach to programming.
 Moving Past Socialization
Moving Past Socialization
After my last two discussions on women’s roles and expectations in strength, it’s time to truly identify some strong women in action.
Socialization is the Disability
Socialization is the Disability
Oftentimes, gender differences and our approach to them is based on socialization rather than innate brain, neurological, and hormonal composure.
Being a Woman is Not a Disability
Being a Woman is Not a Disability
If you are a strength coach in an educational setting, your title goes beyond strength coach. You are an educator.
Under The Bar: Strength and Resolve
Under The Bar: Strength and Resolve
How a five-year-old changed my life.
A Case for Bullying
A Case for Bullying
On behalf of the victims of bullying, I’d like to present my story.
By the Coach for the Coach: Follow the Chain
By the Coach for the Coach: Follow the Chain
How do we get an athlete who achieved a certain level of strength to change what he is doing in order to achieve even greater results?
IRON: How Powerlifting Gave Me Life after Child Sex Abuse
IRON: How Powerlifting Gave Me Life after Child Sex Abuse
The abuse didn’t end when the perpetrators were caught and arrested. For most, the abuse will never end.
The Outcome of Your Support
The Outcome of Your Support
It is because of you these kids get an experience of a lifetime.
Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Depression
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that exercise has a positive impact on depression and anxiety.
Confessions of an Addict
Confessions of an Addict
If you clicked on this article because you think you can relate, because you think I’m going to be talking about being ‘addicted to iron,’ addicted to the feel of a heavy barbell on my back, addicted to the way your throat tightens up from breathing in chalk dust or addicted to the whiff of a snapped ammonia cap, just
What Bob Youngs Taught Me
What Bob Youngs Taught Me
I don’t have to squat 1000 lbs—or even 500 lbs—to tell you what I learned about life, death, and strength in just a few email messages from Bob Youngs.
Does Strength Training Cause Depression?
Does Strength Training Cause Depression?
Is there a legitimate link between the heavy training involved in strength sports and depression?
Coaching the Special Olympics
Coaching the Special Olympics
In a short time I have realized that maybe it is us who should be mocked.
Taking the "L.E.A.D" With Weight Room Safety
Taking the "L.E.A.D" With Weight Room Safety
Safety is much more than just spotting and cleaning up. It is what can define your entire program.
Help Make Dreams Come True
Help Make Dreams Come True
Help these children follow their passion for a day and know that you have contributed to something they truly will remember.
Under the Bar: Passion Part 3
Under the Bar: Passion Part 3
Passion, like love, is difficult to define.
Strength, Courage and Cancer
Strength, Courage and Cancer
Dana Shedd is a 13 year-old athlete. She’s just like any other athlete a strength coach may train, except she has cancer.
My Fight: Living With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
My Fight: Living With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
If you’re in the military, or you’re a police officer or fireman, or you work some other job where you’re under considerable amounts of stress on a regular basis, you’re going to want to read this article.
Conjugate Training System and Applied Functional Science for High School Female Basketball Players
Conjugate Training System and Applied Functional Science for High School...
Having used the conjugate system in my own training and with professional male basketball athletes, I’ve found it quite easy to “sell” the idea of max effort, dynamic, and repeated effort methods to experienced athletes and lifters.
The Lift Strong Letter
The Lift Strong Letter
Let me cut right to the chase here—I’m asking for your help. And it has to do with cancer.
The Unmaking Of An Athlete, Part Two- The Beginning
The Unmaking Of An Athlete, Part Two- The Beginning
Unfortunately the unmaking of an athlete begins long before college.
The Significance of Specific Strength Development in MMA
The Significance of Specific Strength Development in MMA
As the sport of MMA progresses so must the specific means and methods of fighter training.
Strength Considerations for Throwers in Track and Field
Strength Considerations for Throwers in Track and Field
Most periodized training programs for athletes follow a Western or linear model.
The Unmaking of an Athlete
The Unmaking of an Athlete
I sometimes wonder if there are any prerequisites at all to getting a job as college strength and conditioning coach.
In the Beginning
In the Beginning
Jim Wendler has written a great series on tips for beginners. I was talking to Dave Tate about it and he gave me the idea for this article. I want to share what my workouts looked like when I first got to Westside Barbell.
My Diary
My Diary
My intent with this article is to give you a sort of inside look at what I was thinking going into and during the meet.
The Socratic Method
The Socratic Method
One of the first pressing, inquisitive minds who stepped on the face of this earth was Socrates.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
The individual control and systematic manipulation of volumetric management is largely dependant upon the proper integration of critical training variables.
Super Compensation
Super Compensation
The reason to couple super compensation work with training work is simple, gain a reciprocative function of the fatigue-frequency relationship more often in a training stage.
Workout Wisdom
Workout Wisdom
When planning a training protocol, one must take into account the value of work administered in terms of function and time.
Barbell Bullshit
Barbell Bullshit
Maybe it’s because I found out the hard way that you must vent information through a screen door in order to attain measurable improvements every training session in the real world. Maybe it’s because I have been doing research lately on American training strategies and I got a swift kick of deja vu.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
The training process must include a critical and determined degree of fatigue, followed by an appropriate duration to which Reserve Strength may be elicited.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
The individual control and systematic manipulation of volumetric management is largely dependant upon the proper integration of critical training variables. Specifically, these elements that must be monitored in training for sport can be generally classified into the broad category of measurement.
Training High School Athletes
Training High School Athletes
One of the most asked questions throughout the day was “What would you have done differently, if you knew what you know now?” And though I answered the question as best I could, I couldn’t help but rethink the question over and over.
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
General Training Journal For High School Field Athletes
When discussing training, there are many things to consider, such as speed work, building absolute strength, improving form, raising work capacity, recuperation, and selecting exercises and rotating them them in proper sequence to avoid adaptation.
Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison
This article is all about you, as a unique individual, training for your goals and based on your needs.
Swinging at Bad Pitches
Swinging at Bad Pitches
What do you call it when someone makes a bonehead mistake in training? I am going to muster up all of my will power and be nice this time as I liken it to the baseball player that has fallen prone to poor pitch selection- swinging at bad pitches
Sample Workout
Sample Workout
Sample Westside Barbell Workout by Bob Youngs when he was training at the gym.
Westside Training and Football
Westside Training and Football
The other day I got off the phone with a friend of mine who coaches college football. I told him that I had recently consulted with Dave Tate about applying the Westside principles for a college football player

Items 827 to 883 of 883 total