What is a Quick Flip?
- Taken directly from elitefts™ Training Logs or Q&As
- Opinionated
- Unedited
The Ten Deadliest Words for Coaches
I heard this from a podcast with Brian Cain and it makes sense for just about everyone. I am very green when it comes to business and to say that I haven't learned a ton about the good and the ugly of the business world would be a lie.
This business is cut-throat and it is disappointing to see the lack of integrity from so many companies. I think that's why elitefts™ stands out: commitment to our core values. Some companies talk about it, others live it. I definitely found the company that lives by its core values.
So here are those words that when they creep in your head, will damage your mental state worse than anything.
What will other people think? What will other people say?
The most successful people of our time probably have never uttered those words. If your internal compass constantly guides you to what is right and you don't jeopardize your character, you are on the right track. People are going to try to bring you down. Especially with social media, trolling has defined our society.
Anonymity + Audience = An asshole
This is a difficult task. It is human nature to want approval, even from people we've never met. The douchebags that give their unwarranted opinions on topics they are unequipped to converse upon, fester in the shadows of the internet. The internet expert who types like a seasoned guru of human performance is actually trolling in his mom's basement between fapping sessions in the company of his cats. Why do I want to punch shit-stains of human beings in the throat just because they said some negative shit about elitefts™? Because I am human. The difference is after this post I will forget about it because I am getting too old to let those 10 words bring me down.