WATCH: Justus Galac SPS Presentation — Strength and Conditioning Drills ...
Moving into the finer details of the training layout, in this video Galac outlines the pre-workout preparation he uses for his team and the techniques and drills he uses to coach such a large group.
WATCH: The Strength Coach Development Center — Bench Progression
This four-step progression is used to help young athletes develop the proper form, stability, and strength required to use a barbell.
Create a Culture that Breeds Results
I don’t care if you have the best athletes and the best equipment in the world — a shitty gym atmosphere can DESTROY their results.
What Qualifies A Mentor?
There are a lot of people that hold positions of power, but that does not mean they are true mentors. What does?
The Power of the Parable: Thomas Edison
I don’t need my stash of parables any longer and will be releasing them one-by-one for anyone to take and use. This one is a story of 6,000 failures or 6,000 successes, depending on how you choose to look at it.
WATCH: Justus Galac SPS Presentation — Off-Season, Training Camp, and In...
In part two, Galac moves to discuss his off-season, training camp, and in-season programming. He speaks about what it means to have a great plan and shares the training considerations vital to the success of the athlete.
What Are Your Biggest Mistakes as a Strength Coach?
For me, five big mistakes come to mind. I want to tell you how I learned from them and the steps I took to never make them again.
WATCH: Justus Galac SPS Presentation — Goals of the S&C Program
Some goals of strength and conditioning are obvious, such as a improving conditioning. Others, such as building a winning culture, aren't so obvious. This is how Galac approaches each of his staff's goals with the New York Jets.
WATCH: The Strength Coach Development Center — Squat Progression
For any exercise, you need to know the proper progressions and regressions. Here is a simple squat progression you can implement with your athletes today.
Shades of Grey
I remember a time in strength and conditioning when hard work and sweat equity were paramount, and the integrity of the workout was the most important thing. Our most important job was player development, period.
The Law of the Paint Can: Delegate and Say No
Our ambition may be endless but our abilities are finite. When we try to take on too much, something is soon to go wrong.
5 Coaching Rants to Reframe and Apply
Layering thousands of coaching hours on the floor with successes and failures, I think I know what works and what doesn't work.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
If I can teach a kid to squat correctly, I can teach him anything.
WATCH: Buddy Morris SPS Presentation — The Mission and Purpose of an S&a...
We all know that your role as a strength and conditioning coach is to produce higher-performing, more injury-resistant athletes. But what does that actually mean for your program? How do you achieve it?
What Are You Trying to Build?
When you say "culture", are you sure you know what you're referring to? Here's what this word means to our program.
WATCH: Buddy Morris SPS Presentation — The Brain Controls Everything
The interworking systems of the human body cannot be separated, and it all begins in the brain. Every moment of stress is trauma to the brain, and a good coach knows how to deal with this.
Start from the Ground Up: Building High School Athletes Instead of Destr...
Do you want bulletproof athletes who stay in the game instead of in the rehab room? Here are six issues to address to build stronger, more durable athletes.
Belly of the Beast: The Hardships of Strength and Conditioning
Things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows in this field, and even when you’re winning, sometimes it doesn’t feel like you’re winning. Can you handle it?
What Drives Performance: Processes Not Outcomes
How we are judged is out of our hands in a lot of ways, but if I adhere to my processes and don't compromise my principles, morals, or values, then I can honestly say that I have been successful in my role as a strength and conditioning coach.
WATCH: Buddy Morris SPS Presentation — Gurus, Gimmicks, and Adjusting Yo...
Expert or guru? Innovative training method or gimmick? In the second part of his presentation, Buddy tells you how to spot the difference.
LISTEN: LEO Training Podcast — Bryan Mann on Stress and Social Support f...
Written training programs can account for physical stress, but it is the strength and conditioning coach's responsibility to adjust for academic stress. This podcast includes the details of Dr. Mann's research on the subject.
WATCH: Buddy Morris SPS Presentation — Genetics, Environments, and Learning
In this first part of Coach X's presentation, he discusses two factors that will influence everything you do in life: genetics and environment.
WATCH: Cambered Bar Band Setup with Tension at the Bottom
Much like setting up your squat, get your bands set up correctly from the bottom up and the rest will fall into place.
The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Training Collegiate Football
Knowing that these 253 people are responsible for football programming, my next question is, how many people are “experts” in what we should be doing?
Three Tips for Coaching the Novice Athlete
Regardless of your coaching style or philosophy, here are three techniques that will help your novice athletes improve quickly.
Is It Time to Rethink What We Do?
We should not ask how much volume and intensity of training a player can tolerate, but should instead ask how much volume and intensity of training a player needs to excel at their sport with minimal risk of injury.
WATCH: Nate Harvey — Training and Coaching with the Conjugate Method
There are a lot of insights to gain from being both a powerlifter and a collegiate head strength coach.
WATCH: Table Talk with Nate Harvey — Why Do Football Players Run Long Sp...
The easy answer is that it builds mental toughness. The strength and conditioning answer, however, involves understanding the differences between lactic acid, glycolytic, and oxidative work.
The Legacy
Because I grew up in Akron, Ohio, I'll never forget the impact LeBron James has had on my life. But it's not the championships or the records that I admire him for most.
6 Lessons to Become a Better Strength Coach
If you're going to be successful in this industry, there are a few things you need to know from the very start.
225 Bench Press Repetitions Test — What Are We Really Testing?
The strength of the athlete determines what kind of preparation will produce the desired training effect: more reps. We need to stop and ask three questions.
The Training Arriving Model
Understanding where your clients are on the T.A.M spectrum, and where they want to be, is crucial for delivering the best coaching-client experience possible.
2017 Hawaii Strength Clinic — Spread the Aloha
We had a blast in Oahu, Hawaii, although I think my son may have had even more fun than my wife and I did! With all that said, I was there for a business trip and I had to get to work.
Finding Your Niche in S&C as a Female Coach
Professionals who succeed in the field career athletics are few and far between. Look to the ranks of women and the numbers drop even further.
Coach Strong Not Scared
It is a noble profession — one that helps prepare young people for life, building not just their bodies but also their minds. Don't lose sight of this when you end up in any of the following situations.
S&C Meeting of The Minds — Training A New Generation, Bandwagon Tren...
Coaches Kitchen, Clapp, Nosak, and Showers are back to answer more questions about succeeding in the strength and conditioning field.
Practical Application for Developing Rotational Power
All sports are rotational to some degree. Here are some effective ways to develop and assess rotational power within a team setting.
Are You A Teammate or Training Partner?
I am always looking into why teams win. No matter the sport, venue, business, you name it, I am constantly asking myself what they are doing to win. This is one thing they all share.
WATCH: The Story Behind the Strength Coach — Donald Day
In this video, Don walks through his growth as a strength and conditioning coach. He discusses lessons from each of the positions he has held and shares the names of several of the most influential people that have helped him in his career.
Win Free Elitefts UGSS with Special Guest Mark Dugdale, Jan 14th 2017
Win Free Elitefts UGSS with Special Guest Mark Dugdale
Mental Illness and Coaching
At the college or high school level, you are likely to deal with many athletes who have a mental illness. Will you know how to help them?
Time to Pass the Mic
I decided to interview a coach who I respect immensely for this month's article. Meet Coach Buckley.
Hunt, Be Relentless, and Have Fun — How I Got Here
I looked at what all great players and people do and how I want to coach and live my life. All common denominators boiled down to my big three. This is how they were chosen.
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Speed
At the end of the day, the player who can move the fastest within the context of their sport will almost always be more successful.
Play for the Song and Coach for the Athlete
Drummer sensation Brandon Khoo gives insight into what makes a great drummer. Strength and conditioning coaches, listen up. His answer is genius.
The Power of the Parable
The parable is one of the oldest tools to teach. If it worked for Aesop and it worked for the ancient Greeks, it will work for your athletes.
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Power
In part one of this series, I discussed a brief overview of maximum strength training for team sport athletes. In this section, I will provide a case in support of training for power development.
S&C Meeting of the Minds — History, Athlete Development, and In-Seas...
This article was conducted in collaboration with David Kitchen (Bloomsburg University), Matt Clapp (University of Indiana), Ryan Nosak (UNC Charlotte), and Parker Showers (University of Cincinnati).
Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Strength
We have come to a fork in the road with sports performance training. Is strength training making your athletes stronger or just slower?
The Four Year College Strength Program: An Alternative Management Perspe...
Using a quadrant management system popularized in the business world, this article examines an alternative method of progressing athletes through four years of collegiate sports.
Bodyweight Training for Athletes
This is a vital component that builds stability, mobility, strength, muscle, body control, and even power. Don't neglect it!
What Do I Have to Work With?
This is the first question you should ask yourself when training a team. To get this point across, I've attached my entire fall football training program.
Win the War — Day-to-Day Battles of Strength and Conditioning
This is not a list of excuses, but the reality of what really goes on, no matter what level or program you are at.
Extending The 30's Method for Strength and Size
This method has shown effectiveness in hypertrophy training, so I've decided to try something new: what will happen if we take this method and alter it to cover two extremes of the training continuum?
The Only Thing You Can Control
There's a very short list of things you can control and a very long list of things you can't control. Choose to focus on the right one.
The Absurd Effectiveness of Simplicity
Young strength coaches, go back to the basics to improve your athletes' performance.