The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation
For autistic college students, these guidelines can be instrumental in minimizing stress at the grocery store.
They are NOT Angry Birds!
They are NOT Angry Birds!
I used to hate the term “special needs,” but now I can’t stand people who say they hate the term. FACT: My son has special needs.
12-Week I Can Jump Rope Program
12-Week I Can Jump Rope Program
In a traditional gym class, how will the concept of jumping rope look for an autistic child? Considering that 79–83 percent of the autistic population does not display the appropriate motor skills for their age group, their needs will likely not be met. Until now…
18 Exercises Your Child Wants To Do
18 Exercises Your Child Wants To Do
Somewhere between a child eloping, having a meltdown, or worse, associating everything miserable toward training, circle back to play with these exercises.
Connect By Entering Their World
Connect By Entering Their World
Where does a child go when their physical world is too loud or quiet, bright or dim, uses jargon that makes no sense? Somewhere worth visiting.
Why "The Power of a Note" is Empowering
Why "The Power of a Note" is Empowering
The Power of a Note is an outreach tool for parents, educators, and personal trainers to help a child with autism reach his highest potential through movement and health.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Home Training
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Home Training
Now at home, this is a great opportunity to get the family involved by creating new healthy habits using indoor and outdoor space.
Dave Tate, A Mother's Perspective
Dave Tate, A Mother's Perspective
Marge Tate could have allowed labels, sickness, and loss to paralyze her legacy. Instead, through passion, tradition, and communication, her commitment to human connection and service is alive — and she passed it on to Dave.
The Poopy Raccoon
The Poopy Raccoon
In preparation for our next training session, I knew I needed the help of my coworkers. The next morning they all received the following email blast…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip —The Missing Link to Social Skills: Movement
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip —The Missing Link to Social Skills: Move...
“This is going to debunk everything we know about autism. ” Sheena Leedham talks about how she intertwined movement and social skills through the OSU Men’s Aspirations program.
Under The Bar: They are NOT Angry Birds! The Monster Within Special Education
Under The Bar: They are NOT Angry Birds! The Monster Within Special Educ...
Special education is an unfunded federal mandate. Contrary to popular belief, it is not funded by the feds at 100%. Not even close to a third. Cutbacks and downsizing are hitting education hard, and it’s directly impacting student delivery in the classroom.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Playing the "Autism Card" in Public
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Playing the "Autism Card" in...
When a stranger asks the guardian of a child with autism to calm down their kid, should they say, “Sorry, my kid has autism”? Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham share their perspectives on what to do in that situation.
What's Right About "Rain Man"
What's Right About "Rain Man"
Begin the motion to expand upon the public’s perception of autism with an educational application. How? Try filling in the blanks by using the movie “Rain Man” as your springboard.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Workout
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Wor...
Training is more than the squat, bench, and deadlift — especially for a child on the autism spectrum. According to Sheena, bring together observation, communication, scheduling, progression, and motivation, and you’ll have a solid start to a program.
A Program Progression for an Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs
A Program Progression for an Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs
It would’ve been easy to create another brand-new workout with different recreational equipment. But a more powerful lesson rather than starting at ground level in terms of skill, was for the students to observe their strengths and weaknesses and then create a plan to reach a new level of skill mastery.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate opens up about being a father to a son with Asperger’s, and elitefts Managing Editor Sheena Leedham talks about training and educating Blaine and other young adults on the spectrum.
Supplemental Material for Table Talk Podcast on Autism
Supplemental Material for Table Talk Podcast on Autism
Do you have questions relating to exercise for a child or young adult with autism? For a father raising a child with autism? Click here to ask questions that Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham will address tomorrow at 11 a.m. EST on the Table Talk Podcast.
Under The Bar: They Are NOT Angry Birds! You Are the Parent
Under The Bar: They Are NOT Angry Birds! You Are the Parent
Navigating the seas of parenting a child with autism means weathering storms, passing shipwrecks, and getting stranded on an island. But there are always people willing to help get both parent and child back on board with resources aplenty.
An Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs for Exercise
An Alternative Use of Basketballs and Volleyballs for Exercise
The cool thing about this setup is we had a high possibility of creating new benchmarks and brand-new levels of mastery, which were more valuable than throwing a ball in a hoop or hitting a ball over a net (two activities by which these students have experienced failure through participation).
Change the World, Host a Joy Prom
Change the World, Host a Joy Prom
I challenge you to use your gym to uplift and strengthen the community in another special way.
The 2018 Special Olympic Nationals with CJ Piantieri
The 2018 Special Olympic Nationals with CJ Piantieri
I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of CJ. He may not fully understand what he’s overcome, but I do.
Milestones National Autism Conference — Presenting Men’s Aspirations
Milestones National Autism Conference — Presenting Men’s Aspirations
Rather than attending another highly acclaimed conference centered on helping individuals with autism, it was time to present at one.
2018 Zoo Run Run: Team Not Team Old Man vs. Team Old Man
2018 Zoo Run Run: Team Not Team Old Man vs. Team Old Man
This was more than a 10-week prep geared to beat our previously recorded race time of 52 minutes and 32 seconds while flying past a self-proclaimed mashed-up meathead.
Year One with Men’s Aspirations — Developing Social Skills with Substance
Year One with Men’s Aspirations — Developing Social Skills with Substance
This program provides a monthly social outlet for teens and young adults with high functioning autism. As we approach year one, I want to share how I’ve made this program my own.
Skip the Gym — The Scioto Challenge
Skip the Gym — The Scioto Challenge
Bridging the gap between immobility and action, this lesson served as another opportunity to reshape the students’ negative associations with exercise and revamp their workout creativity in OSU’s backyard.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength — Gym Training
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength — Gym Training
The goal is to get an inactive child on the spectrum socially and physically strong through movement. This initial type of training, the first in a progression of eight, takes place in the gym.
WATCH: Defining Autism — Beyond the Label [Documentary]
WATCH: Defining Autism — Beyond the Label [Documentary]
This documentary is the culmination of years of intimate interaction with a child with autism. Interaction as a father, a mother, an educator, a trainer, and a friend.
Ocalicon 2017 — Nation’s Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference
Ocalicon 2017 — Nation’s Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference
With more than 50 presentations to attend within a 10-hour time frame, here are the presentations from which I found great applicability to my work in both the private and college settings.
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation — Lucky's Market
The Student Guide to Grocery Store Navigation — Lucky's Market
Moving from theory to practice, this lesson took us from the classroom to Lucky’s Market on High Street in Columbus, Ohio.
Skip the Gym — Create Training Space Indoors and Outdoors
Skip the Gym — Create Training Space Indoors and Outdoors
Listening to a group of college students with high-functioning autism, I learned there was a consensus among many of how they felt in a typical college gym setting — something they didn’t want to feel again.
2017 Zoo Run Run: Blaine Tate Runs a Faster 5K
2017 Zoo Run Run: Blaine Tate Runs a Faster 5K
At 3.1 miles, we cross the finish line in 52 minutes and 32 seconds — four minutes quicker than our 2016-competition time. A success! Beating our previous time was exactly what we came to do.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Program the Cadence
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Program the Cadence
You’ll meet Sean, Wesley, and Blaine (three boys on the spectrum) and consider their needs, find a starting place, and create a program schedule using a singular, linear, or overlapping approach.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Play Date with a Friend
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Play Date with a...
Make this your chance to verify how training (all our hard work) gives us lots of opportunities to enjoy life.
Meal Prep Basics for the College Student
Meal Prep Basics for the College Student
Why plan? What can food do for me? When should I eat for a workout? — A group of students with Asperger’s asks questions to fulfill big aspirations to look and feel good.
Just an Ordinary Guy. Kind of…
Just an Ordinary Guy. Kind of…
Out came the foil and a “tooter.” That was the first time I smoked Heroin.
Ocalicon 2016 — Nation’s Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference
Ocalicon 2016 — Nation’s Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference
With the option to pick and choose over 40 presentations to attend within a 10-hour day, here’s how I plan on implementing what I learned within the private and college setting.
A New Kid Under the Bar
A New Kid Under the Bar
Erasing the zoo schedule from the dry-erase board that served us for a 14-week prep was unsettling. Where our training has gone, is miraculous.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Off-Site Team Training
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Off-Site Team Tr...
As we relocate a group of connected individuals outside of the gym, the mindset attached to training evolves.
Mitigating ADHD in Athletics
Mitigating ADHD in Athletics
To improve the lives of those with ADHD and those interacting with these individuals, we must better educate the teachers, coaches, and mentors.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Team Training at the Gym
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: Team Training at...
In this type of training, we’re taking things one step further — we share the entire training experience with at least one partner at the gym.
Special Olympics Ohio: The Definition of Strong(er)
Special Olympics Ohio: The Definition of Strong(er)
The powerlifting community could learn a lot from the Special Olympics.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: ½ One-to-one, ½ Training Partner
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength: ½ One-to-one, ½ ...
In this type of training, we’re taking things one step further — we share the training experience with a partner.
Zoo RunRun — Blaine Crosses the Finish Line in His First 5K
Zoo RunRun — Blaine Crosses the Finish Line in His First 5K
Two faces in a crowded zoo, here’s our story: a 14-week play-by-play that prepared us for the rigors of race day.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength — Off-Site Training
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength — Off-Site Training
½ Gym, ½ Off-Site Training leads us here: a full session away from gym grounds. Fit your programming needs within these structures to differentiate skill, meet new people, and have fun.
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength — ½ Gym, ½ Off-Site Training
Social Skill Integration Through Movement and Strength — ½ Gym, ½ Off-Si...
The goal is to get an inactive child on the spectrum socially and physically strong through movement. You’re ready to leave the comforts of the gym and move off-site to extend the learning curve.
Coaching CJ Piantieri at the Special Olympics Southeast Meet
Coaching CJ Piantieri at the Special Olympics Southeast Meet
For over six years I have watched CJ overcome many obstacles. I am always impressed by his competitive tenacity and love for powerlifting.
Take Your Training Day to the Trampoline Park
Take Your Training Day to the Trampoline Park
If you’re looking to explore a gym-training, flying-through-space alternative, make sure you’re aware of these less-advertised details we learned on our trips to Sky Zone and Get Air.
8 Training Types to Progressively Integrate Social Networks
8 Training Types to Progressively Integrate Social Networks
These training types are rooted in movement that naturally progress the child from private training to play dates with a friend.
Take Your Training Day to the Zoo
Take Your Training Day to the Zoo
A trip to the zoo provides the trainer and child a great opportunity to accomplish new challenges and exercise gym lessons. Consider these tips for the planning process.
Remembering Brain Explorer Oliver Sacks
Remembering Brain Explorer Oliver Sacks
A doctor, best-selling author, weightlifter, skilled pianist, and professor...
Adjustable Programming: Using Flexible Goals in an Inflexible World
Adjustable Programming: Using Flexible Goals in an Inflexible World
By rewriting negative associations at the track and field, Blaine and I were able to overcome previous limitations and create new opportunities for growth.
6 Exercises to Engage Your Child's Senses
6 Exercises to Engage Your Child's Senses
Make each training session sensory-rich, personal, and dynamic for the child with special needs. Tweak your approach by considering these six exercises.
12-Week Program to Conquer the Monkey Bars
12-Week Program to Conquer the Monkey Bars
This 12-week training progression is tailor-made to strengthen the mind and body of a child who fears this playground implement.
Throw Out Your Expectations
Throw Out Your Expectations
Avoiding hostility and disinterest by following these communication tips will result in greater engagement and child development.
Off-Site Training: Considerations for Training Children with Special Needs
Off-Site Training: Considerations for Training Children with Special Needs
If done incorrectly, leaving the comfort of the traditional training environment can become chaotic. These basic guidelines will make it a positive experience.
The Courage of the Female Football Player
The Courage of the Female Football Player
It takes a special kind of person to strive for their goals while ignoring traditional limitations.
Fitness Fun at Walk for Wishes
Fitness Fun at Walk for Wishes
Make-A-Wish earns funds for local chapter.
Relative Aggression
Relative Aggression
Keeping sibling rivalry from escalating and using it as a motivational factor.

Items 1 to 59 of 95 total
