It’s not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them. That is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving, your email in-box will likely be flooded with businesses like ours sending you “thanks” for being their customer. We all get these blanket messages, take a glance, and move on.
But maybe it’s time to stop thanking customers just for their business.
Instead, let’s think beyond the refrain and consider the roots of our relationship and what you really do for us.
You, our reader, have given us the opportunity to provide strength coaches, athletes and trainers the personalized services and knowledge they need to advance their training programs.
You, our customer, provide us with the motivation and guidance for every aspect of our business; the discipline to review, streamline and improve operations; the accountability of how we interact with suppliers, colleagues and customers; and the expectations for how we process orders and fulfill customer expectations.
You, as our partner, allow us to bring more products to market, while at the same time, devote more resources to product development, staff training and our website, where we soon will be able to provide an even greater user experience.
You, as our friend, empower us to create livelihoods and careers for our team; to raise our children; help take care of our parents; and to give back to our community. You teach us the value of relationships, help define our presence in the marketplace, and allow us to establish an identity as a company, all the while enjoying immensely what we do for a living.
Yes, with you as our reader, customer, partner, and friend, we have very much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.
Dave Tate
CEO Elitefts