Don't be afraid to give out your prices up front. This is the 21st Century. I think that hiding your prices is an old sales idea that’s no longer as effective in today's economy.
Q: What books do you recommend for closing a sale with a potential client?
There isn’t any book that springs to mind as "the one.” It's basic sales training – Books by Gitomer, Hopkins and Plummer are all good starts. You'll need to read more than one, though.
First off, have the prices up on your website and give them out whenever anyone asks. Be up front with the investment.
Tiffany’s gives out their prices online. Mercedes Benz, the Waldorf Astoria, Beverly Hills plastic surgeons, Lasik eye surgeons and first class transatlantic flights all do the same.
Now, note that I'm not saying to simply answer the question about price with a number. I usually ask a few questions to get more information and then segue into a presentation of our options that may fit a potential client’s needs. But, if a potential client just wants to know the price, I’ll tell them. I’ll also add that "it won't make much sense until you see everything that’s included and how we do things here, but our all-inclusive memberships are as low as $239 per month."
I’ve been in business for nearly 17 years and we’ve been open in our current location for ten of those years. I’ve tried both ways, and I can tell you that most people are insulted if you don’t give out your prices, and they won't make an appointment to find out what prices you have to offer. If a potential client asks a simple question on the phone and you won't answer it, it almost seems rude.
The thing to remember about price inquiries is that those people usually don't know what else to ask. For them, whether they join is all about price. People who appreciate a good gym/trainer aren't going to ask about that. They're going to come and take a look around, because for them, price isn't the only factor. In fact, it might not be a factor at all.
Q: What have you found is the best way to close a sale?
A prospect comes in or calls because they want something. If you can deliver what they want, then the only obstacle is the price, which is never truly the price. That's what people will say, of course - but it's typically that they don't perceive the VALUE of what you’re offering to be worth the investment.
Of course there will be a few people who simply can't afford the services. That's why I’m upfront about the fees. The prices are on the website, sent in an email and, when someone calls, we tell them over the phone. If they get a direct mail piece, they already qualify based on their income level. So by the time they are sitting in front of me, they’ve seen the prices several times. They can definitely afford it.
The question is - do they think it's WORTH the money? That's the sales process in a nutshell: conveying value.
After sitting down with them, I'll offer two options with my recommendations (this is called the A-B close). I'm not asking whether they want to sign up – I’ve assumed that – I’m asking which package they are planning to choose.
Sales isn’t hard. Be great at what you do and give fantastic value.
Q: Can you please detail your experience of when you haven’t given a price quote right off the bat?
That's not really the issue. Hiding the prices is the problem.
If someone asks, "How much is it?" I’m happy to tell them, but I always explain that it's not going to mean much until I tell them what it includes. Then, I explain our services. It's all about showing the value of what you have to offer.
If you ask me, "How much does it cost?" and I say, "$249,” this doesn't really help either of us. I don't know what you want, so I can't explain how we'd be able to help - or not. Also, you have no idea what is included in the number. However, the reverse is true as well. If you ask me a question, avoiding the answer won't help you either. So I always answer it, but I qualify the answer - for example:
"It won't make much sense until you see everything that is included and how we do things here, but our all-inclusive memberships are as low as $249 per month..."
That will open up and lead to more dialogue.
Q: How do you suggest people get comfortable giving out prices if they think it may be higher than the customer is willing to pay?
If I asked you to make a $50 minimum donation for cancer research you would have no problems. Similarly, if I told you to tell anyone who calls that I charge $X, you'd have no problem.
So, giving out the price isn’t the issue. No one ever is uncomfortable with that. It's giving out THEIR prices that they have problems with. In other words, it’s a self worth issue. You don't think you're worth the dollar figure. So rather than getting more confident in your abilities - most trainers have tried the "we don't give prices out over the phone" routine. In today’s economy it's insulting to the consumer.
Don't be afraid to give out the prices - but explain the value attached to the investment.
For more information, make sure to check out our business coaching seminars - designed for fitness professionals, trainers and small gym owners at resultsfitnessbiz.com
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