During a recession, people still spend money. They just don’t spend it in the same places that they do when the economy is surging ahead. However, most of North America is overweight, and these people are desperate to lose weight. Even in a recession, selling personal training services isn’t very hard if the correct approach is taken.
The following tips will help any personal trainer or personal training department stay profitable during a recession.
- Sell them what they want.
People want to lose weight. Billions are spent each year by overweight people buying everything from diet pills to magic potions to personal training services. And this is a fatal flaw with most personal training businesses. They fail to market the one true benefit people really, really want—weight loss.For the most part, health doesn’t sell. In fact, some trainers might not like it, but most people could care less about their health until they lose it. So by selling people on personal training for weight loss, fitness businesses will have a much easier time enrolling new members. In addition, trainers can “hide their medicine in their apple sauce” so to speak. People who hire a trainer and lose weight will probably also build lean tissue and increase endurance. So they will see health benefits as a matter of course.
- People have money.
If a personal trainer has trouble asking for money, it’s usually because the trainer would never pay for the service if the situation were reversed. There’s also a good chance that the trainer couldn’t even afford the service he or she is offering.During a sales presentation, there can be no lack of confidence whatsoever. Prospects see right through “experts” whose voices crack when the subject of money comes up. Or if their body language changes, the prospect will notice. Many unconscious things are happening when closing a sale. And if the personal trainers’ negative beliefs about money or the service they offer manifest in any way, there’s a very good chance that the sale will be blown.
People have and will spend money on the services that they value. Personal trainers need to be sure they truly understand the value they provide, and they should have no problem asking for money. Just because the business owner may be nervous about a recession doesn’t mean that the prospect is.
- Find the right emotions.
People buy for emotional reasons more often than they do for logical ones. Actually, it isn’t even close. For example, what logical reason on Earth is there for a person to own a car like a Ferrari or Lamborghini? None. There is no logical or practical reason to own a six-figure car. However, there sure are many emotional ones. The same goes for selling personal training.Regardless of whether there’s a recession or not, find the emotional reasons why the prospect wants to hire a trainer. It will take some digging, but once they’re found—and they always exist—the trainer only needs to focus on those throughout the presentation, and the sale will practically close itself.
Jim Labadie has helped thousands of personal trainers become more successful with easy-to-follow business strategies. Readers can instantly download a free copy of his e-book, 63 Must-Have Sales Tips for Personal Trainers by visiting PTSalesTips.com.