If you’re struggling to close sales as a personal trainer, it may be because you’re missing a crucial step—“prospecting.” In other words, you may not be closing sales because the person you are meeting is not really a viable prospective candidate for personal training. Or it may be that the prospect was unaware of what was going to happen during your meeting.
Follow these simple tips to give yourself the best possible chance of converting every prospect that you meet with personally into a paying client:
1) Schedule a sales appointment/consultation with your prospect to discuss the possibility of them hiring you. It gives you the best possible chance of making the sale.
2) Explain exactly how long the sales appointment will take and be sure your prospect is ok with it. However long it takes you to close a sale is the amount of time you need to arrange.
3) Qualifying prospects who would make good clients is your responsibility. Your reputation will flourish if you only take on clients who are dedicated to success.
4) Create a list of qualifying questions that work for you. If someone doe not fit the description of your ideal client—someone you typically work with—feel free to pass on meeting with them.
5) Redirect questions about how much your service costs when you begin talking to a prospect. If they ask, let your prospect know you have no idea how much it will cost until you fully understand what it is they want to achieve and why. And to do that you will need to meet with them in person.
6) Ask your prospect if you’ve reached them at a bad time when calling them. It’s never a good time and you want to give yourself the time you will need to set a sales appointment IF they are a qualified prospect.
7) Call your prospects whenever possible instead of emailing them. It’s almost impossible to find the emotional reason they would hire you via email.
8) Find some of the emotional reasons why your prospect contacted you to help determine whether they are worth meeting with or not. Prospects who won’t divulge any information whatsoever should typically be disqualified.
9) Question whether you should meet with people who have others initiate contact for them. If a spouse, friend, or personal assistant reaches you for more information, politely tell them that you will need to speak directly with the person they are representing.
10) Discuss with your prospect exactly what will happen during your sales appointment. It’s your responsibility to explain what the process will be.
11) Ask your prospect if it is ok if the two of you come to a definite decision about whether or not you will work together by the end of your sales appointment. This will avoid them telling you they need to “think it over” and will increase the bond between you because you asked their permission.
12) Explain to your prospect that it is more than ok to tell you either yes or no during your appointment when the time comes to decide whether or not they will hire you. It eliminates any potential confusion and makes them feel more comfortable going into the meeting.
13) Confirm with your prospect when setting the sales appointment that they are 100 percent certain the day and time you have agreed upon works for them. Remember, your time is your most valuable commodity and it’s your prospects, too. They’ll be thrilled to know you respect their time so much.
Jim Labadie is a fitness entrepreneur, sales expert, and speaker. You can download a FREE copy of his new e-book “63 Must Have Sales Tips for Personal Trainers” at: http://www.ptsalestips.com.