Most of us do not have the time, money or access to a deep tissue therapist as many pro athletes have. Yet, we all may train harder then most of them. This is just who we are and how we train. You can't change the nature of the beast but we can nurture it to ensure optimal performance and a healthy state.
In other words we understand you are going to beat yourself up in the gym. You are going to push as close to the edge as you can. This will lead to a build up of scar tissue that needs to be controlled. This is what the Thera Cane is designed to do. So the way we see it, you can now train even harder!
Clint shares his need for a Thera Cane as he describes how good it feels as he massages his hard-to-reach muscles between his shoulder blades.
Disregard his idea of securing small children from one of the ends with velcro.