Whew! August’s content schedule is packed with specially made treats that are highly macro-dosed for muscle, strength, and knowledge gains. In other words, here’s the good stuff you’ll want to read this month.
Let’s start off with columnist and coach Jordan Shallow. Thus far with his column, he’s been giving you intricate training details that we all think of while the bar or dumbbell is in hand, but by the time we leave the gym, it’s already out of mind. Take, for example, his first article, where he delves into the Bulgarian Split Squat. On which side do you load? Surely, you’ve switched a dumbbell in hand mid-movement to get a feel of where you felt stronger or where your muscles were better stimulated. He explores the load on each side and explains why you’d use one over the other based on what you are trying to achieve for that specific day. In his August 3rd publication, he zeros in on the squat with the Safety Squat Bar on your back, giving you one cue that could dramatically change what you get out of this bar (aside from the shoulder-pain relief). Read here!
Revisiting the I AM series, this month, we interrogate Vincent Dizenzo. As a snapshot of his accomplishments for those of you who are not so familiar: Vincent held an all-time world record in the bench press and was a top-10 ranked lifter for over a decade. He has benched more than 600 pounds raw in three different weight classes and has a 900 equipped bench to his credit. Now, Vincent is focused on becoming a more fit version of himself. With his undertaking of Operation Be Less Fat, Vincent has lost over 100 pounds. Do you know where he grew up, where he went to school, what he does for a living (to actually feed himself and his wife)? Do you know the legacy he hopes to leave behind? If not, you’ll definitely want to watch on August 9th as he shares all. Also, if you didn’t get the chance to listen to Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Jim Wendler, and Matt Rhodes, click here.
Now, to columnist and coach JM Blakley. Last month, his first article was published on the site: “The Mind-Muscle Link.” If you haven’t checked it out, he gives you a polarized vision of how easily you can connect your mind with the muscle you’re training. Verbatim, “SLOW YOUR MOTHER F*****G REPS DOWN!” Why is this important? Why start with this cue? It’s more important than the weight you have on the bar, but you’ll have to read it to understand why. Like a great teacher, he builds upon one lesson to another to cultivate the student’s understanding, engagement, and curiosity. This series is structured in the same way: it’s progressive. In Part 2, he goes a step forward by giving you another homework assignment to further understand the art and benefits of honing in on your muscle-mind connection. You’ll be able to read Part 2 on August 11th.
As this merely is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of content we have stored for you, here’s more of what you can expect for August: Table Talk Podcast #22 with Justin Harris, including guests Clint Darden and Casey Williams; “Limited Access to Events” with Matt Mills; Monster Garage Gym as an elitefts featured gym; “The Characteristics of Mastery” with Tyrel Detweiler; “The 8 Levels of Delegation” with Chris Cooper; and “What a Powerlifter Can Learn from an IFBB Pro” with Tony Montgomery.
A special thanks to following outside submission authors — we always appreciate your contributions: Jonathan Leitch, Mark Clevenger, Seth Albersworth, and Brian LeRiche.
Check out July’s Top-5 blogs, logs, and articles from your favorite coaches, athletes, and columnists:
- “A New Perspective on Proper Plank Execution” — Brian LeRiche
- “The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?” — Jordan Shallow
- “The Most Important Training Article You Will Read This Year” — Dave Tate
- “Skip the Arch in Your Bench Press to Build More Absolute Strength” — Stefan Waltersson
- “The Best Conjugate Training Plan” — Jason Brown
- Box Squats Suck & I've Been Teaching Them For Over 20 Years – Dave Tate
- ASK ME ANYTHING - JUNE 29, 2019 – Dave Tate
- The Deadlift Heard Around The World – Dave Tate
- Knee Wraps: Vanilla to BDSM – Joe Sullivan
- ASK ME ANYTHING - July 12, 2019 – Dave Tate