For May, we bring not one, not two, but three new team members to elitefts! Welcome Dan Dalenberg, Anne Sheehan, and Tony Montgomery to Team elitefts. As we release more and more information on these three, and as their columns and/or logs begin to populate in the coming weeks, here’s a bio guide to get acquainted:
Dan Dalenberg joined elitefts as an athlete. Check out his log here.
Dan Dalenberg is a long-time competitive powerlifter starting his competitive career in 2004. He has lifted both raw and multi-ply, as light as 165 to as heavy as 275. His best lifts include a 2,400 total at 242 multi-ply, 2,305 at 220 multi-ply, and multiple 2,000-pound wrapped raw totals. After taking several months to drop some weight and rebuild a healthier body, Daniel is preparing for a return to the raw powerlifting platform as a 198 in the summer of 2019. Daniel and his wife Chelsea live in southwest Michigan, near Kalamazoo. With a professional background in mechanical engineering and a soon-to-be-completed business degree, Daniel works as a product development project manager for Stryker Instruments in Kalamazoo.
Anne Sheehan joined elitefts as another athlete.
After a 17-year bodybuilding career, Anne Sheehan finally turned Pro, earning two wins at Masters Nationals over 35 and over 40: 1st Heavyweight and Overall for each division. She attributes these victories not just to her die-hard work ethic in the gym but to her recovery from alcohol as well. After Anne was welcomed into the IFBB, she gave her first attempt at powerlifting and earned Florida State and Masters World Records. Anne ended her first season with a 27th Open ranking and 5th Masters ranking in all federations in 2018. As a dual athlete, her goal is to help others on the stage, platform, and with addiction. Her motto is “We can’t keep what we don’t give away,” truly embodying the elitefts code of live, learn, and pass on.
If you haven't already, watch this video where Dave announces her addition at the 2019 Strong(er) Strength Training and Success Seminar (SSTSS)!
Tony Montgomery joined elitefts as a coach and columnist. Check out his log and column here.
Tony Montgomery lives in Portland, Oregon. He studied exercise science at Florida Atlantic University and is currently pursuing his master's degree in the same field. He owns a gym called Strength Union and an online coaching company called Team Phoenix Performance. He competes in powerlifting, where he's hit a 2,001-pound total in the 242-pound class and a 2,006-pound total in the 275-pound class, both in raw and with wraps. He also served four years in the United States Marine Corps with 2nd Recon Bn.
Listen to this Table Talk Podcast where Tony joins Dave as his guest.
Looking at the content schedule for May, we’ll transition from Autism Awareness to Mental Health Month. Contributions from JP Carroll, Joe Sullivan, and Max Barnhart will address falling forward, therapy, and destroying demons. For Mother’s Day, we’ll retell the story of Dave Tate’s mother Marge. Other special pieces of content we’re working on include a featured gym interview with strength and conditioning coach AJ Mott from Fairleigh Dickinson University; “How to Prepare for the Strongman Death Medley” from Matt Mills; “How to Increase Strength by 53 Percent By Doing This” from Stefan Waltersson; product features for the American Cambered Grip Bar and the GHR/Hyper Combo; CV help from Ashley Jones; “Heavy Bag Split Squats” from Scott Mendelson and Dr. Eric Serrano; SSTSS and Table Talk Podcast clips from Hypertrophy Coach Joe Bennett, Alwyn Cosgrove, Ken Kinakin, and Tony Montgomery; and much more.
Check out April’s Top-5 blogs, logs, and articles from your favorite coaches, athletes, and columnists:
- Walking Through The Doors Of WSBB Was Like Walking In To HELL — Here Are Some Reasons Why – DAVE TATE
- List Of Westside Rules I Remember From The 90's – DAVE TATE
- A Difficult Update From Luke Edwards – DAVE TATE
- The ONLY Video I Took From The Women's Pro Am – DAVE TATE
- My Daughters First Meet – JP CARROLL
- 936lbs and The Weight of the World On My Soul –JOE SULLIVAN
- The Ultimate Guide To Pin Presses And Squatting From Pins (Anderson Squats) With Free Bench Press Program – BRANDON SMITLEY
- Transparency Tuesday: Therapy – JOE SULLIVAN
- The Flood – JOE SULLIVAN
- 5 Upper Back Basics to Build Strength and Size – MATT MILLS
- Strength Programs Don't Work – CHAD AICHS
- 3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby – JEREMY FREY
- Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019 – CJ MURPHY
- When Did Everyone Become Allergic to the Eccentric? – ERIC MAROSCHER
And in a celebratory fashion, this month also marks my sixth year helping to outfit and educate the strongest athletes around the world as the managing editor for elitefts.com. Here’s to another year of strength gains for your body, mind, and soul.
—Sheena Leedham